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The Station
About this game:

The Station is a first-person exploration game set on a space station sent to study a sentient alien civilization. Assuming the role of a recon specialist, players must unravel a mystery which will decide the fate of two civilizations. How would you react if we discovered a sentient alien civilization, challenging everything we know about biology, chemistry, physics, religion and answering the questions man has asked throughout history? But what if this sentient alien civilization was discovered in a state of civil war? Determining that the rewards outweigh the risks, an undetectable space station with a small three-person crew deploys to research the alien culture in search of a means towards a peaceful relationship. Unable to contact the crew, a recon specialist to sent to uncover what happened. What players discover will challenge their view of surveillance, imperialism and moral law. Welcome aboard The Station.

→ This game was crowdfunded! See more crowdfunded titles here.
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