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Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 2:26 pm UTC

Quoting: SamsaiWhy do I care about a thing that makes the game to now work properly? Because I own it and I expect a non-beta release to work. People have pointed out that eON is most likely the cause for these problems and that means that they need to improve eON to run this game better.

Well sure. But do you know it's eON? The only people that can tell us for definite is CDPR and then we're back to my argument. I don't care if it's eON. I'd just want them to fix it.

Liam, in his last answer, suggests that previous eON ports for Mac have been bad too. Again, that has a lot of supposition, but if even he's right what can you do about it?

Obviously you can stop ever buying games that have eON in them, but there's two problems with that attitude.

1. How do you know?
2. Some eON ports work fine, so you could be avoiding a perfectly good game.

So I'd rather focus on the game itself rather than banging on uselessly and ineffectually about a component that works well in other situations.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 2:23 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweIf a company cannot act on feedback why the hell should anyone care about them?


let's see.

one dev jumped right into the problems in matter of minutes just to be shredded by people for no reason since all accusations were more than probably over his pay grade or not in his power

not even 2 days pass and liam whines all over the net how no one cares. guess it would be time to have your regular reality checkup

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Samsai, 25 May 2014 at 2:17 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Samsai
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaineBut what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.
I'm curious, do you know of any other game ported to Linux with eON? Or is it the first one? From what I understand there might have been a few games released for Mac using it, right?
No, I don't know. Because I don't care. The result is what matters. Does it work well? Great. Don't care how it was done.

To be clear, I'm talking about ports of older games. I'd prefer future games to be made "properly", but you have to be realistic about this.
Well, I agree it does not matter provided it works well. That's not exactly the case in this instance. What if eON is the issue? Then it matters.
Well, this is digressing into the first argument all over again and I don't feel like talking about pizzas, geeks and the fashion industry all over again. I've stated my case. eON is irrelevant. The game "The Witcher 2" is what we should be talking about.
Okay, let's assume that eON is irrelevant. What is it that makes The Witcher 2 Linux "port" crawl on apparently most hardware combinations?
I don't care. As a customer, I simply want CD Projekt RED to fix it. I'm curious. Why do you care?
Why do I care about a thing that makes the game to now work properly? Because I own it and I expect a non-beta release to work. People have pointed out that eON is most likely the cause for these problems and that means that they need to improve eON to run this game better.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By betazed, 25 May 2014 at 2:15 pm UTC

I bought Witcher 2 before it had circulated that the port was bad. I haven't been able to run it yet! It just segfaults. I'm thinking of getting a refund but I only spent $4 on it.

Reading here though, I am now certain that I will attempt to get my money back. Not because it was $4, but because if enough people clamor for their refunds the company will hopefully listen.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By fedso, 25 May 2014 at 2:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

That editor comment doesn't sound that bad reading the other half of the paragraph:

QuoteMy perspective is that given the intelligence of Linux gamers, CD Projekt should have been upfront about how the game was to be “ported” from Windows. Instead, it now has a few pages of vitriol on the Steam forums over the debacle.

Anyway now that the trolls are getting tired (I'm kind of suspicious of all those level 0 gamers) the real spirit of Linux community is coming out: LETS FIX IT on LINUX instead of complaining!, I just hope eOS or whoever on the devs side will take advantage of this.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Disharmonic, 25 May 2014 at 2:14 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'd rather developers not port their games at all, than make ports that work for a fraction of their customers on Linux. It just makes Linux look bad to potential users.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 2:12 pm UTC

That is how I feel Scaine and it won't change, again it's my opinion and as an editor I will always state it and clearly mark it as an editorial when I do so.

I have listened to your arguments at length and I simply do not agree. eON is part of The Witcher 2 we cannot just ignore the cause of the issues, that's like putting your fingers in your ears going "lalalala not listening".

I am also not attacking anyone, calling a developer a <colourful words here> is attacking. Stating the wrapper used is causing issues and that is not acceptable, that is feedback. If a company cannot act on feedback why the hell should anyone care about them?

Again, I hope they fix it all up, but judging by the Mac ports using eON I am doubly glad I wrote this editorial as they haven't fixed jack for their Mac ports performance and trust me I know, my partner recently got rid of her Mac and the ports using it where just as bad as TW2 is for me on Linux.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 2:10 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Anonymous- bad ports are not linux specific. i dare you to try bethesda ports on ps3. skyrim or fallout and you'll see situation where horrific doesn't start to describe it. it all works well... until your save game passes 8-10MB and no way to shrink it. at that point, game starts lagging at 2-3fps. and larger your save game, shorter your play time, where you come at the point of having 1min play until restart. same bug in f3, f3:nw, skyrim. fix? never existed. you can finish game if you're not exploratory person. also, mac port is in exact same predicament as linux
I really hate this kind of argument: the fact that bad ports exist for other platforms is not an excuse. If users, no consumers, are OK with that on console/mac, good for them. I'm not okay with it, and I'll vote with my wallet.

you actually can't hate it, since you agree with me, lol

as you said... whine in generics, not in specifics. problem with this article is that is targeted in every aspect. be it platform, be it almost single developer...

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 2:10 pm UTC

Quoting: Samsai
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaineBut what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.
I'm curious, do you know of any other game ported to Linux with eON? Or is it the first one? From what I understand there might have been a few games released for Mac using it, right?
No, I don't know. Because I don't care. The result is what matters. Does it work well? Great. Don't care how it was done.

To be clear, I'm talking about ports of older games. I'd prefer future games to be made "properly", but you have to be realistic about this.
Well, I agree it does not matter provided it works well. That's not exactly the case in this instance. What if eON is the issue? Then it matters.
Well, this is digressing into the first argument all over again and I don't feel like talking about pizzas, geeks and the fashion industry all over again. I've stated my case. eON is irrelevant. The game "The Witcher 2" is what we should be talking about.
Okay, let's assume that eON is irrelevant. What is it that makes The Witcher 2 Linux "port" crawl on apparently most hardware combinations?

I don't care. As a customer, I simply want CD Projekt RED to fix it. I'm curious. Why do you care?

Shipwreck 2D Adventure Game Is Now Super Cheap For Linux & On Desura
By JIghtuse, 25 May 2014 at 2:09 pm UTC

Love this game! Many folks told it looks similar to Zelda. I haven't play Zelda, but this one is cute and funny. Finished it in two days.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 2:08 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: scaineAnd one more thing - this editorial is based on us "accepting" the port. When did we do that? I had this game in my library from some bundle I bought years ago - and I suspect most did too.

What constitutes our "acceptance". Buying the game? Too late. Playing it? Well, it's working great on my system. Are you suggesting I don't play it because a minority are having problems?

And is it a minority? How many people are actually affected by this terrible port that works really well for me?

I get it. You're angry because it doesn't work for you. Doubly so, if you bought the game. But using your editorial power to trash a company's efforts to enter the Linux market? Based on supposition?

No. I'm not supporting that.
I purchased the game believing it was a properly tested native port, I did not have it "from some bundle I bought years ago", since I am a Linux gamer not a Windows gamer. This is the situation for many people.

If it works for you that's good news, but to put me and others down because we are unhappy our money went on a game we can't play? That's actually quite low of you.

How many people are having issues? Have you not seen their steam forum absolutely full of complaints? Have you not seen the GOL comments full of complaints?

I will ALWAYS use my editorials to voice my opinion, that is EXACTLY what they are for and clearly marked as an editorial.

If you don't like my opinion, don't read it.

I didn't say to stop stating your opinion. I was simply being clear that I didn't like you calling me niave and using your editorial to do so.

I was expressing my disappointment with your lack of ability to listen to arguments and what I saw as a childish attitude, attacking a company that's trying their best to test the Linux waters.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 2:07 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweYou have an opinion and so do I, stop acting like yours is the only one that matters. I state very clearly in this editorial why I feel the way I do.

pot calling kettle black ;)

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Samsai, 25 May 2014 at 2:05 pm UTC

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaineBut what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.
I'm curious, do you know of any other game ported to Linux with eON? Or is it the first one? From what I understand there might have been a few games released for Mac using it, right?
No, I don't know. Because I don't care. The result is what matters. Does it work well? Great. Don't care how it was done.

To be clear, I'm talking about ports of older games. I'd prefer future games to be made "properly", but you have to be realistic about this.
Well, I agree it does not matter provided it works well. That's not exactly the case in this instance. What if eON is the issue? Then it matters.
Well, this is digressing into the first argument all over again and I don't feel like talking about pizzas, geeks and the fashion industry all over again. I've stated my case. eON is irrelevant. The game "The Witcher 2" is what we should be talking about.
Okay, let's assume that eON is irrelevant. What is it that makes The Witcher 2 Linux "port" crawl on apparently most hardware combinations?

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By BabaoWhisky, 25 May 2014 at 2:05 pm UTC

TW2 is a bad port because it's an old game no ?
Maybe CDP has no the money, the people to develop the old version of RedEngine on Linux and it's it was a good way to use a wrapper ...

If CDP used a wrapper to TW2, it's possible that TW3/Cyberpunk will not use this and the Red Engine 3 will be port natively on Linux/SteamOS...

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Caldazar, 25 May 2014 at 1:59 pm UTC Likes: 2

I think we need the right combination of being open and forgiving towards devs that are new to Linux without allowing them to take us for fools.

That's why I am still royally pi55ed (really, word filter?) at GoG for just outright denying us existing Linux-Versions but (to my own surprise) I'm not mad at CDProject Red and the eON guys for making pretty much every beginner-mistake there is.
In my judgement,the former is taking us for PR-Speak-swallowing idiots the other is just getting everything wrong about how the Linux community ticks.

My main gripe with The Witcher 2 isn't about the wrapper. With new games it's a no-go but with existing AAA titles it's tolerable.
It just would have been nice to know beforehand that it isn't even beta.
I bought it although I knew that it probably wouldn't even start with my Radeon card (and although I already own it on GoG).
Had they been straightforward and just said "This port sucks, we know it but we had to start somewhere and now we need your help" the reaction would have been a lot more welcoming.

All that said, I think the guy who voluntarily jumped right into the lion's den to discuss issues was torn apart way too harshly.
I wouldn't be too surprised if any plans for Witcher 3 on Linux are reevaluated right now.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 1:58 pm UTC

Quoting: scaineAnd one more thing - this editorial is based on us "accepting" the port. When did we do that? I had this game in my library from some bundle I bought years ago - and I suspect most did too.

What constitutes our "acceptance". Buying the game? Too late. Playing it? Well, it's working great on my system. Are you suggesting I don't play it because a minority are having problems?

And is it a minority? How many people are actually affected by this terrible port that works really well for me?

I get it. You're angry because it doesn't work for you. Doubly so, if you bought the game. But using your editorial power to trash a company's efforts to enter the Linux market? Based on supposition?

No. I'm not supporting that.

I purchased the game believing it was a properly tested native port, I did not have it "from some bundle I bought years ago", since I am a Linux gamer not a Windows gamer. This is the situation for many people.

If it works for you that's good news, but to put me and others down because we are unhappy our money went on a game we can't play? That's actually quite low of you.

How many people are having issues? Have you not seen their steam forum absolutely full of complaints? Have you not seen the GOL comments full of complaints?

I will ALWAYS use my editorials to voice my opinion, that is EXACTLY what they are for and clearly marked as an editorial.

If you don't like my opinion, don't read it.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 1:58 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaine
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaineBut what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.
I'm curious, do you know of any other game ported to Linux with eON? Or is it the first one? From what I understand there might have been a few games released for Mac using it, right?
No, I don't know. Because I don't care. The result is what matters. Does it work well? Great. Don't care how it was done.

To be clear, I'm talking about ports of older games. I'd prefer future games to be made "properly", but you have to be realistic about this.
Well, I agree it does not matter provided it works well. That's not exactly the case in this instance. What if eON is the issue? Then it matters.

Well, this is digressing into the first argument all over again and I don't feel like talking about pizzas, geeks and the fashion industry all over again. I've stated my case. eON is irrelevant. The game "The Witcher 2" is what we should be talking about.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 1:57 pm UTC Likes: 1

while i do agree with what was said, you're clearly missing few points.

- until platform is accepted, don't expect developers to spend zillions in late game ports. there is simply not enough customer base. if game was new and in prime sale margins, yes. right now, witcher only sells few. even most linux users already bought it probably, while some don't like it, so don't try 1%=x people. late port is not on equal grounds as port

- bad ports are not linux specific. i dare you to try bethesda ports on ps3. skyrim or fallout and you'll see situation where horrific doesn't start to describe it. it all works well... until your save game passes 8-10MB and no way to shrink it. at that point, game starts lagging at 2-3fps. and larger your save game, shorter your play time, where you come at the point of having 1min play until restart. same bug in f3, f3:nw, skyrim. fix? never existed. you can finish game if you're not exploratory person. also, mac port is in exact same predicament as linux

- ports will always be inferior to native. unless you fix it up in the grounds on engine level. but, this poses 2 questions... will it pay back? is my current engine compatible with changes needed? Project Red clearly stated they made new engine for w3, so one has to take wild guess that fixing w2 engine would amount to fruitless work

- it was 2 days from release, why not at least give benefit of the doubt they'll fix it and wait a little by trying to address the issues where you should instead of making whiny political statement. sometimes even bad ports count as numbers

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By pd12, 25 May 2014 at 1:54 pm UTC

I thought the sale was a good deal, and getting it on GoG is a great bonus =D
The perf is killing my experience though.
Quoting: ImantsI don't think we can ask developers to make quality ports to such a old games
whether a game is old or not isn't really the issue imho - unless the engine you're working on in your newer game supports Linux (in which case all 'major' engines do).
I mean, icculus' ports (native) are a lot more on-par with their Windows counterparts than this Witcher 2, and I doubt the devs of those games had Linux as a target platform in mind when they made the game.

I don't mind that they use a wrapper AS LONG AS IT WORKS. I had to go through so many fixes before I could even play this, like symlinking steam runtime libraries (shouldn't steam/the game automatically do this?) and using alsa instead of pulse to get the video to work =S. Then, because of the bad perf, I get low framerates and laptop overheating (I gotta disassemble and clean it out again sometime =P) I can't play. Have yet to try Windows or GoG-Wine versions though.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: scaineBut what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.
I'm curious, do you know of any other game ported to Linux with eON? Or is it the first one? From what I understand there might have been a few games released for Mac using it, right?

No, I don't know. Because I don't care. The result is what matters. Does it work well? Great. Don't care how it was done.

To be clear, I'm talking about ports of older games. I'd prefer future games to be made "properly", but you have to be realistic about this.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC

Now now Scaine. You need to take a chill pill it wasn't aimed at you directly, but you are included in that since you are one of many, there have been masses of comments from both sides on the toolkit. Why do you seem to think it's about you directly? That comes off as a bit big-headed.

I am giving my opinion in this piece, as that is what it is an editorial.

You have an opinion and so do I, stop acting like yours is the only one that matters. I state very clearly in this editorial why I feel the way I do.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Xpander, 25 May 2014 at 1:50 pm UTC Likes: 2

i dont really care what they are using under the hood if the performance is on par with with windows version ... at least with good linux drivers.

i myself dont have performance problems with witcher 2... runs perfectly around 40-60fps most of the time.. all maxed except ubersample and vsync.. at 1920x1080 ... in some places it drops to below 30 a little though...but those are rare..

but a lot of people have issues..and i surely hope those will be fixed.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By texaco, 25 May 2014 at 1:49 pm UTC

Hi Liam.

First of all, I'd like to say that I really like your work.

I think that your opinion is quite a bit tough from time to time. And I really do, because I also think we are living an awesome time to be Linux gamers. The day that Witcher 2 was released to Linux, Metro 2033 Redux was also announced to support Linux.

I didn't expect any of them, and I thought didn't neither!

Those could be bad ports, but it is just what we can expect at this time of the story. To be honest, I also think that it is also quite unnatural.

What I want to mean is, there are a lot of staff that know how to do great games, but they are trying to figure out how to do as good as they can on Linux. I am also quite sure that the maturity of the tools witch they are working aren't nearly as good as they want.

It is just matter of time that good ports come to Linux if those ports sell well.

Just forgive my english. It is not my own language. And keep playing on Linux!

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 1:49 pm UTC Likes: 2

And one more thing - this editorial is based on us "accepting" the port. When did we do that? I had this game in my library from some bundle I bought years ago - and I suspect most did too.

What constitutes our "acceptance". Buying the game? Too late. Playing it? Well, it's working great on my system. Are you suggesting I don't play it because a minority are having problems?

And is it a minority? How many people are actually affected by this terrible port that works really well for me?

I get it. You're angry because it doesn't work for you. Doubly so, if you bought the game. But using your editorial power to trash a company's efforts to enter the Linux market? Based on supposition?

No. I'm not supporting that.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By scaine, 25 May 2014 at 1:45 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ImantsI don't think we can ask developers to make quality ports to such a old games, but I agree that all new games should be made with Linux (at least all those which want to target Steam OS) in mind so that developers should not use such a shady ways to port games.

Yeah, this is pretty much it in a nutshell.

And a wee note to Liam directly. I support this site. Both with money and you'll also remember that despite that support, I also asked you NOT to remove your ads. I also contribute to the Funding Crowd article with Speedster and Munts - they're usually good for about 1000 page views each and we spend hours putting them together.

So to hear you still banging on about eON like it's actually relevant and quoting me in an editorial to yet again dismiss my arguments... well, what can I think? You certainly have no respect for my opinion - you've made that clear here. But I'm a big boy - call me naive in your editorial then, life will go on, the world will keep spinning.

But what rankles the most is that you're not listening. I've told you why eON is irrelevant and you just don't care.


Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By wolfyrion, 25 May 2014 at 1:42 pm UTC Likes: 2

For me is the same like accepting a newly created horrible bad game because it supports Linux/SteamOS.

I see many people vote "yes" many greenlight games because they support Linux/SteamOS no matter what game it is.
Many indie developers take advantage of the Linux Gaming Community , they know how bad we want games for Linux , so they just throw a game no matter how good it is.

The same goes with old games that are not selling any more , lets throw a bad Linux port to get some money.

I know everyone is excited when a new game is released, including me but actually the BEST Games for 2014 havent released yet for Linux and I dont thing will be released soon.

- Watch Dogs
- Dark Souls 2
- Wolfenstein the New Order
- The Forest - No Linux Support
- Stomping Land - No Linux Support
- Battlefield 4

I can keep going on....

We just need one Good Game Title to be released on Linux to show the difference between Windows and Linux.
For example if you have Left For Dead 3 on Linux and Windows and the performance on Linux is like 2x Times better , no crashes etc then you would see many people switching OS.

Lets hope in 2015 with the release of SteamOS Machines we will have better games on Linux.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 1:33 pm UTC

I don't think we can ask developers to make quality ports to such a old games, but I agree that all new games should be made with Linux (at least all those which want to target Steam OS) in mind so that developers should not use such a shady ways to port games.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 1:27 pm UTC

Quoting: xeranasWe have many indie games, but only few AAA titles (outside of Valve owned games). So do we have such luxury choice between good/bad ports?

Yes, of course you have a choice. No one is forcing you to buy a bad port. You don't have to buy just because it's a port either that's the entire point of my article.

Quoting: xeranasQuality of this port will affect my future game purchases of this company for sure
As it will for many people, me included.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By xeranas, 25 May 2014 at 1:24 pm UTC

We have many indie games, but only few AAA titles (outside of Valve owned games). So do we have such luxury choice between good/bad ports?

I buy Wicher2 knowing that port have issues, because I decided vote with wallet for showing interest for Linux at all.

I hope that Wicher2 port will be improved. Quality of this port will affect my future game purchases of this company for sure.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 1:23 pm UTC

I really do hope they fix issues, issues like game-pads not working are easy to fix as users have already pointed out simple ways to fix them. Considering the fixes are already known if they don't fix it officially it's more fuel on the fire.

Again though, I hope it is well supported as I want to play it, but with 9-10FPS even on lowest for me Witcher 2 right now is terrible.