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SuperTuxKart Open Source Racer Is Going Graphical With A New Engine
By , 5 May 2014 at 6:22 pm UTC

They should really sell this on steam to help fund the project and game engine (which would then help other devs by giving them a good open source game engine to work with). There's nothing to say that open source means no profit, and those who still want it for free could still get it.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Hamish, 5 May 2014 at 5:21 pm UTC

I am wondering if this conversation might just be drifting a bit too far off topic? :S:

Everyone is of course welcome to start a separate forum thread it they want to further discuss this.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By berarma, 5 May 2014 at 5:15 pm UTC

I think a line should be drawn to differentiate Id Software's history from that of Zenimax. Id Software ported games to GNU/Linux, Zenimax didn't but it's now making decisions on Id Software's games.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By , 5 May 2014 at 4:26 pm UTC

I agree that Quake series is not the best example to predict sales of the games for Linux in 2014. However, I strongly believe that they are still afraid to make a risky decision about selling games for Linux. They tried to do it in the past several times, and they do not want to waste money. I can understand that id software is a bit controversial topic because many people had been describing them as a Linux-friendly company for many years. Always one person id software had a weird motivation to port games to Linux, even if in most cases they did not earn any money. Mac users spent more money on games ported by id software (or other company), and I think they have a good reason to blame id software when they dropped support for Quake Live. Linux users always believed that id software is a Linux friendly company, and they should buy games for Windows to run them on Linux - Seriously?. We have a final result of this behavior of the users, and I think that will be hard to change their opinion about Linux users.
Perhaps, Steams OS will change this situation, but I have to admit that many people was a little a bit Naive about the process of porting games to Linux by id software.
However, I should mention that Activision probably has a similar opinion about porting games to Linux, because they cooperated with Loki that was not a successful company. Id software is not single example in this case, but really popular among Linux users.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Liam Dawe, 5 May 2014 at 3:28 pm UTC

Quoting: gbudny
Quoting: liamdaweThe latest id engine is probably capable of supporting Linux, but they chose not to port Rage as Carmack claimed Linux doesn't sell.

Trouble is they never actually sold Linux versions just offered them as a download, so he was talking out of his ass.
I hope that is a joke because I know that you are a founder of this website.

I remember that three games created by id software were published as box versions:

Quake: The Offering
Quake II: Colossus
Quake III Arena

It's called an oversight, me being the founder of GOL doesn't mean anything.

Besides the Quake 3 games where released for Linux and sold in 1999, you really trust a company who uses sales from 1999 to justify stuff?

Quake Live is also an old title revamped into the browser, so again not a good way to judge Linux interest.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By , 5 May 2014 at 3:27 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweThe latest id engine is probably capable of supporting Linux, but they chose not to port Rage as Carmack claimed Linux doesn't sell.

Trouble is they never actually sold Linux versions just offered them as a download, so he was talking out of his ass.

I hope that is a joke because I know that you are a founder of this website.

I remember that three games created by id software were published as box versions:

Quake: The Offering
Quake II: Colossus
Quake III Arena

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By berarma, 5 May 2014 at 2:57 pm UTC

Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: liamdaweTrouble is they never actually sold Linux versions just offered them as a download, so he was talking out of his ass.
Well, there was the whole retail Quake 3 debacle, and the fact that they evidently were not happy with the amount of Linux players on Quake Live. Neither of those are terribly good metrics, but it was not completely made up.

Granted, the whole stance of id on Linux now is simply a reflection of Zenimax's policy of not allowing unsupported binaries of their games, which is what actually sank the Linux port as that is how the id Tech 4 ports were handled. Carmark claimed that he could only lobby for either Source Code releases or Unsupported binaries, and in the end he decided (rightly) that Source Code releases were more important.

...of course with Carmack no longer at id they will probably just quietly drop that as well.

Good summary. The Quake3 metric is specially bad since most people would just buy the Windows version and download the GNU/Linux binaries. And Quake Live alone isn't very representative.

I don't recall Carmack ever putting economic profit as a reason to do the ports, until Zenimax came in. Instead, I remember him saying the ports were a good way to improve the engine and that it helped them catch and fix hidden errors. As easy as it was for them to do the ports, and beneficial for testing, I highly doubt the reason for stopping doing them was the money.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By migizi, 5 May 2014 at 1:10 pm UTC

Quoting: SkullySpace pirates and zombies
Is a 2d Game made with torque. Been on Linux for about a year.
So is this really just like "official support" or something?

I talked with the devs when they released it for Linux. They did the same thing a lot of people did and had help and contracted someone to port it to Linux. So I don't think Linux was native at the time and required additional work to get working. They also said they pushed the engine as far as they could with SPAZ and had to get in and change code in the engine. They way they explained it is it worked and if you're willing to play with the engine code it's fine, but for SPAZ 2 they went 3D and that is why they chose Unity.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted FPS Stealth Game Hits The Big Release For Linux
By fabertawe, 5 May 2014 at 12:47 pm UTC Likes: 1

I've been playing on Linux since the first alpha and still loving it. The Linux support has been there from the off. Superb devs who've been active in the forums and taken feedback from the players to tailor the gameplay.

I've not had the "mouse problem" with this game or any other Unity game, which seems odd! I play fullscreen, maxed settings with a GTX660.

This game has tons of re-playability for me, although not for some others. But then I don't actually play it as intended, which is to collect all the fragments and "end game"... I just like surviving in the beautiful randomly procedurally generated world. One of my favourites, without a doubt.

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By , 5 May 2014 at 11:29 am UTC

Quoting: Skully[snip] Probably my most missed games since I stopped dual booting. [snip]
Brave decision, something I won't be doing for a while yet.

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By scaine, 5 May 2014 at 10:24 am UTC

I haven't played a worthwhile racing game on any platform since Forza 2. The follow ups were ruined by 3 minute load screens - made ironic by the fact that the race was frequently two laps of around a minute each.

So, yep, this is great news. They'll be tapping into a starved market too, at least for the racing genre.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Lordpkappa, 5 May 2014 at 9:48 am UTC

To "So what's left?"

All Bethesda games, i'll hope that sometime in the future they will change mind.

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By , 5 May 2014 at 8:07 am UTC

Yes! Should this hit Linux, it would be awesome!
I'm still a huge fan of the GRID1, though haven't seen anyone online for the past year or so... so I guess I need another one. :D

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By Lordpkappa, 5 May 2014 at 7:44 am UTC

Incredible news, Codemaster racing games are strong franchise.

New Unreal Tournament In The Works, Could See A Native Linux Version
By Beamboom, 5 May 2014 at 7:23 am UTC

My favourite FPS multiplayer game *ever*. Hands down, even.

So needless to say, for me personally this is one giant milestone in the timeline of Linux gaming (assuming the client comes to Linux too, of course).

Hammerwatch Dungeon Crawler Updated With New Class
By Skully, 5 May 2014 at 3:53 am UTC

Also Ravenwatch is coming in a couple weeks
Can't wait.

Flash Is Dying, Long Live OpenFL
By , 5 May 2014 at 3:40 am UTC

HTML5 = HTML 5 + JSS + JAVA SCRIPT + JQUERY and other crap I wish you all luck in the gamedev industry *smirk*

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By , 5 May 2014 at 3:13 am UTC

cool !!!! thanks !!!! BUT next time why not start develop to windows/linux from the beginning?? its less work!!!!

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Skully, 5 May 2014 at 2:02 am UTC

Space pirates and zombies
Is a 2d Game made with torque. Been on Linux for about a year.
So is this really just like "official support" or something?

Natural Selection 2: Kodiak Update & DLC Released
By , 5 May 2014 at 1:40 am UTC

This is still a game that is very shotty on many linux distro's. The community has begged for help on the steam forums but no reply.

TowerFall Ascension Now Officially Coming To Linux
By n30p1r4t3, 5 May 2014 at 12:06 am UTC

This game is a lot of fun on the ouya.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Speedster, 4 May 2014 at 8:02 pm UTC

Quoting: Kevin
Quoting: EikeAre there well-known games based on this Torque 2D engine?

Out of that list, And Yet it Moves and Frozen Synapse were the most recognizable to me

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By , 4 May 2014 at 7:42 pm UTC

Quoting: EikeAre there well-known games based on this Torque 2D engine?

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Eike, 4 May 2014 at 7:13 pm UTC

Are there well-known games based on this Torque 2D engine?

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Hamish, 4 May 2014 at 7:10 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweTrouble is they never actually sold Linux versions just offered them as a download, so he was talking out of his ass.

Well, there was the whole retail Quake 3 debacle, and the fact that they evidently were not happy with the amount of Linux players on Quake Live. Neither of those are terribly good metrics, but it was not completely made up.

Granted, the whole stance of id on Linux now is simply a reflection of Zenimax's policy of not allowing unsupported binaries of their games, which is what actually sank the Linux port as that is how the id Tech 4 ports were handled. Carmark claimed that he could only lobby for either Source Code releases or Unsupported binaries, and in the end he decided (rightly) that Source Code releases were more important.

...of course with Carmack no longer at id they will probably just quietly drop that as well.

Torque 2D Game Engine Offers Full Linux Support In New Update
By Liam Dawe, 4 May 2014 at 7:02 pm UTC

The latest id engine is probably capable of supporting Linux, but they chose not to port Rage as Carmack claimed Linux doesn't sell.

Trouble is they never actually sold Linux versions just offered them as a download, so he was talking out of his ass.