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As Stellaris prepares to turn 4, Paradox have a big free update ready for this month

By Liam Dawe,
Engage hype number one! Stellaris, the awesome grand strategy space game from Paradox Development Studio and Paradox Interactive turns four years old soon and it's getting a big free update.

RetroArch 1.8.6 is out with Savestate Compression, 3DS improvements and plenty of fixes

By Liam Dawe,
The RetroArch team have put up another fresh release of their front-end for emulators, game engines and more. RetroArch 1.8.6 comes with some big new tricks.

Unreal Engine 4.25 is up with tons of Linux improvements and Vulkan API fixes

By Liam Dawe,
While the Epic Games Store may not support Linux, at least Unreal Engine does and it appears to have been given quite a lot of attention in the Unreal Engine 4.25 release that went out officially today.

EVERSPACE 2 looks incredible in the latest footage, lots of player ship variation will be possible

By Liam Dawe,
As ROCKFISH Games continue developing the crowdfunded space combat sim EVERSPACE 2, they've gradually showed off more footage and revealed more info.

Endless Sky, a free and open source space trading & combat game expands with a new update

By Liam Dawe,
Endless Sky, a free and open source classic 2D space game continues expanding with the first stable release in quite some time.

Godot Engine has more impressive progress towards Vulkan API support

By Liam Dawe,
Godot Engine is free, open source, cross-platform in both editor and exports and the next major update will bring in Vulkan API support and progress sounds great.

Nimbatus - Drone Creator allows you to test building drones free and use in the full game

By Liam Dawe,
Nimbatus is a really fun game that mixes in building drones (autonomous or otherwise) and now you can try it free, using the Nimbatus - Drone Creator that just released.

Orangepixel has announced Residual, a survival platformer exploration adventure with no combat

By Liam Dawe,
No combat? In a survival styled game? Well that's a bit unusual. Orangepixel who created games like Space Grunts, Heroes of Loot, Gunslugs and more has announced Residual.

Underwater chaos simulator 'Barotrauma' adds wrecked submarines to explore

By Liam Dawe,
Another huge update for Barotrauma, a co-op game about alien ocean exploration in a submarine. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, obviously, and now there's wreckage to find and explore too.

The classic Escape Velocity: Override is getting remastered with Cosmic Frontier: Override

By Liam Dawe,
Escape Velocity: Override, something of a classic from the 90s is getting remastered with Cosmic Frontier: Override and it's seeking funding on Kickstarter.

Get ready to putt as 'Golf With Your Friends' releases on May 19

By Liam Dawe,
Blacklight Interactive and Team17 have announced that their super fun casual sports game, Golf With Your Friends, is leaving Early Access on May 19.

Exploration, mining and crafting RPG 'Aground' has left Early Access to reach for the stars

By Liam Dawe,
Aground from Fancy Fish Games / SnöBox Studio and publisher Whitethorn Digital, a crafting RPG that steadily grows more complex has left Early Access.

Epic space drone constructor 'Nimbatus' to leave Early Access on May 14 - new update out too

By Liam Dawe,
Nimbatus, a game about space exploration, science and creativity with a whole lot of spacecraft/drone creation is set to leave Early Access on May 14.

Area 86 is a challenging and amusing physics-based escape room puzzler out now

By Liam Dawe,
Area 86 takes the idea of an escape room game, adds a bunch of physics interactions with an unwieldy little robot as the protagonist and gives you a pretty good time for your monies.

Steam Play Proton 5.0-6 is out to help DOOM Eternal, Rockstar Launcher and more on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
After a short Beta period to help find issues, today Valve / CodeWeavers have release the latest version of Steam Play Proton.

Promising spaceship colony sim 'Space Haven' Alpha 7 out with a Sandbox Mode, Early Access this year

By Liam Dawe,
Bugbyte continue expanding their in-development spaceship colony sim, Space Haven, with a huge new Alpha release available.

Challenging roguelike spaceship simulator 'Shortest Trip to Earth' released for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Shortest Trip to Earth takes elements of FTL, and then sprinkles in a huge amount more to make it have a lot more depth and quite a lot of challenge to it.

Valve detail more changes planned for Artifact 2.0

By Liam Dawe,
Artifact is coming back, and this time Valve are being more chatty about their plans for it after it died a quick death originally. So far, their plan sounds quite good.

How-to: upscale old games on Linux

By dpanter,
Any tool that makes it easier to play older Windows games on Linux deserves some praise, and none more so than Lutris in my book. But...have you tried running a really old game and found that it is hilariously minuscule on your fancy modern HiDPI monitor?

Wine 5.6 is out today with Media Foundation additions, more modules converted to PE format

By Liam Dawe,
It's Friday, and usually every two weeks it means a new Wine development release is bottled up and ready to go. Today we have Wine 5.6 which brings in more of the recent Media Foundation work.
Showing 900 to 920 of 2497 entries found.
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