Ungine have just released their sales so far statistics and it makes happy reading for the Linux user.
At the time of writing there has been 808 sales of which 727 have been on the Linux platform, thats 90% of all sales.
The Stats also show sales by region and how much they have made so far, granted it is still small numbers but I'm sure they will sell a lot more as this is a quality title. Hopefully linux users will continue to show their support and keep our percentage high, as it will bode well for future releases on our favourite platform.
Please show your support and buy this game in BETA currently at the low price of $19.95.
Vive le Linux.
Oilrush Website:-
Ungines Statistics Link:-
But to quote what I said in that thread, "They still would like more pre-order sales, but frankly this seems to be as much their fault as anyone else's. They simply have not done enough marketing, and you do not even need to spend money on it to get the word out. Linux users have been very generous, but Windows users basically have not shown up, and that is because it has not been marketed to them. That is why I posted this thread of course, but still, Unigine needs to learn how to market its games."
I hope you right, but from what I keep hearing (and asking Unigine and getting the same answer) No MacOS port of Unigine is planned ... why ? I really don't know.
So if the engine won't support MacOS then sadly the game won't be native ...
On the other hand I *might* have some EXCELLENT non unigine related news soon... (when I will confirm this and find the time to post).
Confirmation of Mac port from twitter