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Helena The 3rd update

By - | Views: 6,910
Helena The 3rd has had another nice little update:

Posted via twitter:
QuoteA new update v1.12!!. It adds only few more areas. But it does add an auto updater to the game and it should keep itself up to date :)

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Helena the 3rd is an action platforming game, combining first person shooting gameplay. The game is a tribute to the NES game Blaster Master, released in 1988.

      Combination of 2D, 3D, and FPS game modes
      Upgradeable tank sporting new game play mechanics
      Split screen co-op
      Built in level editor Article taken from
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith May 8, 2011
Err.., I'm honored you posted the game again! We don't want to spam about it though right?
It's your call of course though, your site :)
Liam Dawe May 8, 2011
I thought the auto updater was newsworthy :)
Brandon Smith May 8, 2011
Ah well, in that case thank you!
Liam Dawe May 8, 2011
Hah no problem :), besides the more people that know about your game the better.
Brandon Smith May 8, 2011
Well let me see if I can at least create a new youtube video for you, so there's something new to show. Stand by....
Brandon Smith May 9, 2011
Well it took a bit longer than expected. But here liam, you can use this video if you'd like showing a few new things. I just tried to put a few of Rusty's new cave levels in.
Liam Dawe May 9, 2011
Thanks added it in :D
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