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Postal 3, not yet, but maybe in the future

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Well i am sure some of you have seen the Phoronix article about Postal 3. Hint: For gaming news don't trust Phoronix.

Thanks to our forum regular Hamish who emailed Running With Scissors they have confirmed that Valves Source Engine does not support Linux but Running With Scissors hopes to find a way in the future to bring Postal 3 to Linux.

For more info join the discussion here:
http://gamingonlinux.com/index.php?threads/postal3.339/ Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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anonymous Oct 18, 2011
i think they need help LGP and icculus:
Bumadar Oct 19, 2011
it won't happen, sorry, if the engine your using does not run on linux then that's it. You really think they gone port the source engine to linux for their game, if anybody then it should be valve doing that.
Liam Dawe Oct 19, 2011
Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 2479"it won't happen, sorry, if the engine your using does not run on linux then that's it. You really think they gone port the source engine to linux for their game, if anybody then it should be valve doing that.

Agreed i dont think it will come.

It would need to be valve porting it as its their code.
Hamish Oct 19, 2011
I think Postal 3 will still come, Vince is a good man and does not try to disappoint. I also do not see why Source is any different than Unreal was back in the day (remember, Unreal Warfare only had Direct3D on Windows, though it did have an OpenGL renderer available for developers). So if Ryan was able to port that, he or someone like him can port Source. It is not like it needs Steamwoks or anything.

Also remember, that the November 3rd release date only seems to refer to the original Russian release date, which I am guessing Akella will be doing themselves anyway. That is how they got involved in Postal III's development, they published the original Postal games in Russian, and RWS was impressed that they were one of the few publishers with the balls and the diginity not to screw them over (anyone play Apocalpyse Weekend? :p).

So at the this point, a North American release is still up in the air, let alone a release for Linux and Mac and the like. And remember what the man himself told me in February, which gives a whole new light to this situation:
Quote Like you and yours we are anxious and frustrated. I hate saying Shit [I'm] not sure about but I will share with you what I know. It looks like May if all goes well. We are hopeful to reach a distribution deal at GDC and worse case we go [direct download] and will find another team [for] Linux.

Well, we all know that a May release did not happen, mostly because Akella was still not comfortable that the game was ready quite yet, but now they are and it does not seem like RWS was able to find someone willing to work with them. So, that may very well leave them with Plan B, go digital download to just get the damn thing out there, and then get "another team for Linux". So yes, it is coming, but when you are one of the most hated developers in the world, it is not going to be easy. But Vince is a good man. And he will make it happen.
Hamish Oct 28, 2011
Looks like they are going for Plan B, just got a message from RWS (I'm on their mailing list now?) that they got a deal to publish the game on Steam in December alongside the Russian release in November.


Once those two are out of the way, they will probably get someone in for the Linux and Mac ports (noticing that Mac is not currently listed on the Steam page). Based on Vince's comments, they will probably try and hand that job over to Ryan Gordon again (he did do the Mac and Linux ports for Postal 2 after all, so it would be fitting for him to do the Postal III ones as well).

I notice how the console ports are still up in the air as to how they will be handled as well, with the message stating that the game will be "Initially available in PC format, deals are already in motion to bring the game to console format." So we are not the only ones without firm details available yet.
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