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The Humble Bundle for Android!

By - | Views: 8,348
Looks like the folks at Humble may be expanding a bit as this latest bundle debuts Android support for the games (although i doubt this will happen all the time!).

The next Humble Bundle is here, The Humble Bundle for Android.

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It hasn't been out for long and has already gross over $140k!

I actually own World of Goo and Osmos from their earlier bundles but to have them for Android as well is quite tempting as I have the SGS2! What do you think to this bundle? Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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anonymous Jan 31, 2012
Great news:

"Due to the current events surrounding Linux Game Publishing I have decided to temporarily offer their games massively cheaper (while at camp). For 14 days every LGP games, which I have in stock are 66% cheaper .

First, I want to celebrate it with LGP are finally signs of life. Secondly, I expect and hope that prices will fall and lose my goods anyway so its value is.

Get information in advance as Holarse users to contact me gets a little like getting a better deal. It is a losing proposition anyway. ;)"
Xpander Feb 1, 2012
Some Gameplay from all 4 games also ;)

View video on
KIAaze 14 years Feb 1, 2012
Wow... The anomaly trailer is the most AAA-like game trailer the bundle has ever had... O.O
Gameplay videos actually look pretty good as well. Impressive. I just hope it runs as well as it looks.

And World of Goo again. I must have bought it 5-10 times already and still haven't finished it. ^^ (ok, maybe not 10 times, but several times outside and inside bundles, I should check)

System requirements are also listed:
I don't know if previous bundles had it. First time I have seen it.
Anon Feb 1, 2012
One bad thing is there will definitely be no Desura keys this time. I asked on the live chat, and I was told that there is no plan to support Desura from the other devs.
Beherit Feb 1, 2012
Well we all have world of goo like a million times by now, but it just feels so natural on touch devices I couldn't help myself from buying the bundle.

All the rest are sort of a bonus...
Xpander Feb 1, 2012
Anomaly is quite nice yes. graphics are really nice and gameplay is pretty interesting also. it feels a bit like AAA title indeed.
just the voice acting and script are pretty bad imo. but its an indie, so its not bad if u put it that way. runs smooth without problems(at least using with proprietary nvidia drivers. 290.10). probably doesnt run that good with open source drivers. Well Gamers wont use open source drivers anyway i think, cuz u get 3-4x less performance and missing some features with those drivers.
Hamish Feb 1, 2012
Quoting: "Xpander, post: 3256, member: 92"Well Gamers wont use open source drivers anyway i think, cuz u get 3-4x less performance and missing some features with those drivers.

You rang? Radeon HD 4670, R600g, and quite happily gaming. :p

I don't know, but from the screenshots it does not look THAT impressive. Am I missing something?

EDIT: Okay, after having seen a video, you are referring to all the post effects on top. Not bad, but I doubt it would be that much of a problem to run.
Xpander Feb 1, 2012
well i have tryed open source drivers serveral times with my ati 5770 and with gtx560 Ti.... performance is just terrible.
yes the desktop stuff works fine..but games run really really bad and gaming through wine is even more impossible.
i got like 20 fps max with minecraft with opensource drivers 10-15 fps in HoN/Savage2 15 fps in Doom3 and so on (all games at lowest graphical settings).
while with proprietary drivers i get 200+ in minecraft, 75+ in HoN/Savage2 annd 50+ in Doom3 and all games at max graphical settings

its just not worth to use them if u dont get the power of ur hardware..not to mention th broken power management of open source drivers no Anti Aliasing support and so on.

proof is all around the internets also
just one example of it:

about screenshots... dunno from where u checked..but it looks pretty damn good for an indie game.
specially the lightning and shadows.
Hamish Feb 1, 2012
Quoting: "Xpander, post: 3259, member: 92"its not worth to use them if u dont get the power of ur hardware..not to mention th broken power management of open source drivers no Anti Aliasing support and so on.

Okay, let me stop you there. There are plenty of reasons for someone to use FOSS drivers:
    First and foremost, the fact that they are Free Software. Maybe I am just old fashioned, but the main reason I jumped ship to Linux was because it was a free (as in freedom) system and drivers are an inherit part of that system. As such, it is not really a truly free system if you have a blob on it.
    Just like the new Network card I installed last night, I should just be able to slap my video card into my machine and Fedora should just see it and work. Why does the network card work like that? Because it has free software drivers that are upstream and available to any Linux system out there right now. Graphics cards should be no different, and thanks to efforts from various different groups, they don't have to be.
    I like to stay relatively current with my system, which is why I use Fedora, and blobs no matter how much protective packing you place around them will always get in the way of that. Granted, I will admit that this is somewhat motivated by wanting to see the latest advancements in the free graphics drivers themselves, but it is something I had been doing before I was even concerned about such things anyway.
    It is kind of fun watching things develop and just by using them you feel like your a part of a massive project, especially if you engage with the developer community.
    The free software drivers are genuine Linux drivers that interact genuinely with your Linux system. The AMD and Nvidia blobs are Windows drivers with some Linux compatibly and some features sprinkled on top. This is why the free drivers have features like KMS that the blobs still don't.
    Once you are on the free drivers, you do not have to worry about using older hardware. Even my old R200 cards are still getting some love from the radeon developers.
I will also like to point out that I am not on R600g as a Catalyst refugee. I have used the blob and as far as these things go, it is fine but still not a real Linux driver. Same goes for the Nvidia blob, which I have also used. Both drivers are about the same, and have had the same similar problems.

Here is the state of the free drivers for me today:
    I get about 40-60 FPS in Doom 3 on Ultra at 1024x768. The same applies to Quake 4, Prey, and the like.
    Trine, Shadowgrounds, and Survivor all run fine and are fairly smooth on my system.
    The same goes for Penumbra and Amnesia. And Steel Storm. And Postal 2. And Darwinia. And Alien Arena and Xonotic.
    In fact, I have yet encountered a game that I own that I could not get to run on my current system.
As for some of the features you mentioned, well MLAA is available for my card upstream now. Power management is slowly developing, but it is not a real handicap for me as on Catalyst with this card I get about 45-50 degrees Celsius, while on R600g I get about 50-60 Celsius. So yes, a bit warmer, but not a real problem for me. Plus there is all the other stuff that is still waiting to be finished, so there is no shortage of nice surprises for me.

Also keep in mind this is only on a $40 single-core Sempron. Considering at this point the drivers are still fairly CPU reliant, just imagine what I could do with a Quad Core clocking over 3.00 GHz!

Now, you are happy with the blobs and that is fine. That is good. But do not assume that everyone would be as well.

Quoting: "Xpander, post: 3259, member: 92"about screenshots... dunno from where u checked..but it looks pretty damn good for an indie game.
specially the lightning and shadows.

I don't know, it is nice and it is polished, but I am not going to say it is that impressive. For a phone game I guess it is kind of extraordinary but on a computer it still looks like a Shockwave game on steroids. To me at least.
Xpander Feb 1, 2012
i didnt want to start long debat here about the drivers here but it happened anyway :D
priorities are different i guess then. for me the MLAA is not the real AA, it just makes stuff blurry and its more of a afterefect than real an AA.
Its good to see that you are getting so good framerate. that means the drivers have been matured (last time i tryed was 2 months ago).
but the games i own or like to play wont run good... i use wine a lot(im not limiting myself only for all the free or native linux stuff). few examples what i play are Minecraft, Oilrush, Dead Island, Warhammer Online, Wrath Of Heroes, Deus Ex Human Revolution, GTA IV, Fallen Earth, Fallout 3 and NV and so on.. with all 128x1024 resolution and maxed graphical settings or nearly maxed without any framerate issues with nvidia proprietary drivers. while with opensource drivers most of them doesnt even run at all.

u probably want to ask why the hell im using Linux if i want to play those games?.
Answer is simple.. Linux is freedom of choice... its higly configurable and stable. Yet i dont limit myself only for opensource/free stuff.
Im still a Gamer and im Dualboot hater.. so i want to play all my games on my prefered destkop.

hope that explains.
people are just different. i want to get max out of my hardware..rather than wait for years to get something to work and by that time my hardware is old allready.
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