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Reminder - We have a Minecraft server

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Just a little reminder to you all - we have a Minecraft server with some regular players and some really great stuff being made. One issue with the current world is new users spawned into open water...this has now been fixed thanks to bukkit (the modable server, so I put the spawn point on land!).

The only rule is - don't mess with other peoples creations or chests.

So come join us and play!

IP to join: ip removed due to abusrle on the server it seems there are some really childish and pathetic people on the web

Also you can view this page to see if people are on; Article taken from
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Qantourisc Apr 23, 2012
Well given the speed of mine-craft support ... I have roughly 14 days of paperwork I could fill in :)
I'll register after some more Arx Fatalis :)
Qantourisc Apr 24, 2012
Ok I registered, I'm slightly older now though :) (according to my profile)
Qantourisc May 4, 2012
Anyone alive on the server ?

Looks quite empty a lot ... and that's boring :p
Somewhere next week the visa bill should arrive and then I can see if they already deducted my money / can try to buy it again.
Qantourisc May 5, 2012
Visa came earlier !
I retried and now it worked ... just waiting on whitelist now :)
Qantourisc May 5, 2012
[URL=''][/URL] <= cool
(But to hard to install and not always bugfree.)
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