First of all welcome to the new Gaming On Linux website! This has been a work in progress for...too long through stops and starts. The whole point of this was to make the website easier and nicer to use with less clutter, not only that but I no longer have to pay any fee for support to xenforo (the previous software) saving me a bit of money! Not only that but constantly people ridiculed GOL for being a forum based website, no more!
It also makes it easier to chop and change the content as i see fit as well since i know the code as it was done by me.
Important Note: YOU NEED TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD TO LOGIN, a good time to refresh them ;)
Important Note 2: Anywhere you know our articles are linked, kindly get them to update to the new url for articles (although a redirection is in place so old articles will auto link to the new address for them).
Important Note 3: The main RSS feed link has changed to this here.
A note for all editors
Before you do your next article, please take a moment just do a small bio about yourself from the User Control Panel (found in your user block on the left).
There is no image uploader for articles, you can use whatever image hoster you want - saves us bandwidth costs for the future, I may put one in sometime. It has an easy to use youtube tool for videos and videos are much better than stills anyway ;)
A note for users
You can now use Gravatars! wooo!
Bugs, Squash them with me!
Please please report any and all bugs to the Forum, it's impossible to make anything bug free so please be nice when reporting them anything can easily be overlooked when you have stared at code for too long. If you miss anything from the old website that could be easily implemented, again send it to the forum or just comment on this article :).
If you wish to submit an article you can now do it directly by clicking here (available in the articles box to your left).
You can now easily view articles by category by selecting the category from the dropdown box as well.
Our twitter feed will also now get the category the article is from thanks to the new RSS feed for articles located here (also the rss icon on the left).
Games on Sale
We also now have a whole section for game sales here (also linked in the main nav bar), it has it's own RSS feed and it will publish to our twitter @gamingonlinux automagically seperate from main articles, it will have the prefix "Game Sale" on our twitter.
The Games Database we have will also be eventually worked on to match this new website and to be a bit more up-to-date as well so stay tuned on that one.
Well I think I have covered everything!
Lastly a big thank you to all testers, nitpickers, code helpers etc, you are all amazing <3
Edit > Links should be fixed now woops.
Edit 2 > hmmm looks like there is a bug in the editor, it keeps removing the url, thats annoying.
And login via Twitter gives me:
And btw, RSS still not working :X
The CAPTCHA looks like an advertisement and I ignored it the first time.
The pagination links will be made more visible as well :).
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