Homeworld one of the greatest Sci-Fi Real Time Strategy games could come to Linux with your help!
13 years ago, one of the most legendary sci-fi games was released, and the space RTS genre took a giant leap forward in innovation and fun. Yet, somehow, nearly 10 years later, fans are still waiting for the next installment of the Homeworld franchise. We here at teamPixel, LLC are tired of waiting for the next Homeworld game and would like to rally fans together to bring the franchise back. The THQ bankruptcy has provided the unique opportunity for a new developer to license and helm the franchise and put Homeworld back in the hands of gamers.
Basically if you back these guys they will make Homeworld 3 and it will be multiplatform and if they hit $100,000 they will re-master the first game and bring it out multiplatform too.
If this fails I will lose faith in humanity. I LOVED the original so I have high hopes for this!
They had an indiegogo campaign and raised over $13,000!
Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/teampix/homeworld-touch-ios-android-and-homeworld-3-pc-mac?ref=category
They don't currently have the Homeworld license, this is money to make sure they get it.
ATTENTION: THEY DO NOT CURRENTLY HAVE THE LICENSE TO HOMEWORLD!I have noted that at the bottom of the article. Still it's a worthy cause to me to not let a good IP die and have it cross platform.

Hi just letting you know that Half Life: Deathmatch Beta is available in Steam for Linux, for those that own it. It runs very smoothly but there is no surprise there lol
Isn't the first Homeworld already ported for Linux as the source is available? I guess that's what they've gotten running on the touch devices...
It's still not fully ported -- http://homeworldsdl.org/ -- still has missing features.
Quote from foobIsn't the first Homeworld already ported for Linux as the source is available? I guess that's what they've gotten running on the touch devices...Think the problem is that they haven't released a new binary in ages. The (private) svn code seems to have all the features of the original.
It's still not fully ported -- http://homeworldsdl.org/ -- still has missing features.
In any case, I don't find this campaign very convincing. Who are teampixel and what have they ever done? Homeworld is a true masterpiece, and that franchise shouldn't be handed over to amateurs. Let them start a new franchise...
Think the problem is that they haven't released a new binary in ages. The (private) svn code seems to have all the features of the original.
Ah fair enough, I haven't even looked at that project for ages so I didn't know what state the source was in.
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