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Are About To Support Linux?

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So I recently did an article titled "Will Ever Support Linux On Its Store?", well looks like that may be coming true soon enough folks.

Thanks to an email from FutureSuture that I got today which details a new opening in staff at titled "Senior Software Engineer - Desktop", first notice it's for "Desktop" not for servers, now look at what is inside;

    Shape and develop next generation of multi-platform desktop software, experienced by millions of users every month.
    Take charge of an existing team, plan and schedule tasks.
    Take part in hiring new talent.
    Stay up to date with all emerging new technologies.


    Proficiency in C++ with proven experience.
    Experience in developing rich desktop applications heavily oriented on excellent UX.
    Technical knowledge of popular operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.
    Network experience, especially HTTP.
    Experience in multi-platform development.
    Fluency in spoken / written English.
So pure speculation here (but backed up by the bold bits) It to me looks like they are going to make a push onto Linux in the near future doesn't it? Notice how technical knowledge of Linux is a Requirement.

There could be some really great news on the horizon for Linux and DRM Free!

You can find the post this all came from here, which shows they will be recruiting.
Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Aug 15, 2013
so it says desktop, but then they want "Network experience, especially HTTP", so personally I would take the "desktop" with a grane of salt and maybe they running internal linux servers for their builds/forums/website etc. etc.
to much wishful thinking I fear, BUT I hope your right none the less :)
Liam Dawe Aug 15, 2013
It seems that even when I state "pure speculation" people still compare my articles to Phoronix :(, maybe I need to make a massive banner stating "this could be completely untrue".
FutureSuture Aug 15, 2013
One user in the GOG forum already speculated on this, saying that Linux games, streaming of games to the desktop, or Linux servers could be meant. Another was quick to shoot him down regarding two of the options.

Quoting: Maighstir
Quoting: The-BusinessThe Linux requirement could mean everything: [...] streaming of Games to the desktop, Linux servers...
Both are unlikely, streaming goes quite heavily against their no-DRM stance, and developing server applications makes little use for "Experience in developing rich desktop applications heavily oriented on excellent UX."

Source. I remain hopeful. Thanks for posting this piece, Liam!

Bumadar Aug 15, 2013
Quoting: liamdaweIt seems that even when I state "pure speculation" people still compare my articles to Phoronix :(, maybe I need to make a massive banner stating "this could be completely untrue".

where did I compare your article with a phoronix article ? all I said was that the desktop might be taken with a grain of salt as it also ask for a network/http which are not desktop related (for good old games).  For the rest I hope your right but I feel its just wishful thinking.  

If that upsets you and you feel I compare you with phoronix well then not sure what to say
Liam Dawe Aug 15, 2013
Quoting: Bumadar
Quoting: Quote from liamdaweIt seems that even when I state "pure speculation" people still compare my articles to Phoronix :(, maybe I need to make a massive banner stating "this could be completely untrue".

where did I compare your article with a phoronix article ? all I said was that the desktop might be taken with a grain of salt as it also ask for a network/http which are not desktop related (for good old games).  For the rest I hope your right but I feel its just wishful thinking.  

If that upsets you and you feel I compare you with phoronix well then not sure what to say
That wasn't aimed at you so don't worry, was generalising at people who do it.
Kristian Aug 15, 2013
They want a great UX for server software their staff has to use because they care about their staff. Seems pretty obvious to me, like I said on their forums they will support Linux when pigs fly in a frozen hell with a church in it.
Liam Dawe Aug 15, 2013
Quoting: KristianThey want a great UX for server software their staff has to use because they care about their staff. Seems pretty obvious to me, like I said on their forums they will support Linux when pigs fly in a frozen hell with a church in it.
I honestly hope you are wrong.

I think would be great for Linux.
Speedster Aug 15, 2013
Some people speculate GoG must hate Linux or else they would have already taken some of the easy steps for dosbox/scumvm support, so at least this is evidence against this theory. I don't think very many Microsoft job reqs asked for Linux experience before they sort of came to grips with the fact they would have to co-exist with Open Source. Probably there is a different reason for zero linux support at GoG so far; not understanding exactly what the hang-up is makes it hard to guess whether it will be overcome any time soon. Like Liam I hope so, since anti-DRM goes very well with Linux, and GoG has been consistent about being a DRM-free alternative unlike certain other wavering companies; they would be a good ally if only they could get over this mysterious hang-up.
Kristian Aug 15, 2013
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: Quote from KristianThey want a great UX for server software their staff has to use because they care about their staff. Seems pretty obvious to me, like I said on their forums they will support Linux when pigs fly in a frozen hell with a church in it.
I honestly hope you are wrong.

I think would be great for Linux.
Couldn't get a better match than GOG. But they have a blindspot as far as rational decision making about Linux goes. Linux isn't getting a fair chance from GOG. They have different standards for arguments pro-Linux support than they have for arguments against. Any and all arguments against no matter how absurd will be considered a huge obstacle, while no argument for support will be considered good enough, no matter how good they may be.
Shmerl Aug 15, 2013
This position was noted a while ago on GOG forums. It's a good indicator, but it's hard to speculate what it means time wise. It can take them a while to start supporting Linux. And GOG said in the past that they are interested and "looking at it". So this open position isn't surprising.
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