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The Cheapskate's Corner 18 (Sep 20th-26th)

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As all of you cheapskates surely noticed we missed last week's issue of The Cheapskate's Corner, and we're deeply sorry about it. We'll try to make up for that with a bundle-loaded and sales-filled new column. But prior to that, let us remind you what you may have missed in the previous days -- and this time it could've been our fault... :S:


· By skipping an issue of the column we missed last week's Humble Weekly Sale devoted to retro shooters. Among other games, you could get Shadow Warrior Classic Redux and Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, both only available on Steam.

·'s Rugged Rogues Bundle expired some time ago, and with it ended your chances to get Tales of Maj'Eyal, Voyage to Farland, and Dungeon Prospector.

·'s Digital Games Late Summer Deals is over, so you missed the opportunity to grab up to 12 Linux Steam games with discounts up to 75% off.

· Groupees' Capsule Computers Indie Bundle also finished a couple of days ago, so you no longer can obtain Three Dead Zed for $1, or SpaceChem for $5. Besides, three of the other games in the bundle will be coming to Linux in the foreseeable future: Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman, Cognition Episode 2: The Wise Monkey, and Lost Marbles.

· Another Groupees bundle has recently finished. It's the KISS 2 Bundle, where you could get Grimind, as well as Ampu-Tea and Radical Roack, two games that according to their respective developers will be available for Linux soon. Plus, the developers of the Shadows of the Vatican series don't rule out porting the games to Linux once all the episodes are released.

· Indie Royale's latest bundles, The Debut 4 Bundle and The Back To School 2 Bundle, are also gone for good. Each of them only included one Linux game, Aeon Command and DIVO respectively, but two other titles included in The Debut 4 could be made available for Linux sometime in the future: Block Story and Bollywood Wannabe.

· And finally, in our customary IndieGameStand recap, we must say it recently isn't being as generous as it used to be... No native Linux games in their last 4 deals, and only one of these will allegedly come to Linux: Lost Marbles, which will be ported as soon as its developers upgrade their Unity3D license. Luckily, today's new deal is available for Linux -- read further for details.



There's quite a lot of activity going on at one bundle is already over, two are still remaining, and there are two new ones. We've already covered the expired bundle and we'll talk about the new one later, so just let's focus on the two ongoing ones:

· The SciFi Bundle is ending this Sunday so hurry up if you're interested in getting the soon-to-come-to-Linux Constant C for $5 or in paying two more bucks and additionally get Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire alpha, both games coming in the form of Desura keys. In any case you'll also obtain Beyond Beyaan, a game that was confirmed to be heading to Linux. UPDATE: This bundle is no longer available.

· The Phoenix Horror Bundle offers you The Cat Lady for $5; remember that this game can be played natively on Linux using the AGS Linux port. Additionally, the bundle also includes the first 2 episodes of Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller, the first one in the $5 tier and the second one in the $7 Bundle+ level. Both games are allegedly coming to Linux whenever the developers finish the 4 games for this series and upgrade their Unity license to v4.


The Indie Gala Flashpoint has been prolonged for two more days. This bundle contained exactly 0 games currently available on Linux, but that changed dramatically when the bonus games were announced. Now you can get Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 and Killing Floor (a complete bundle with 13 DLCs):

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Both games can be obtained paying more than $7.85 and they can only be redeemed on Steam. Additionally, some of the other games included in this bundle have a chance to be released for Linux:

· Knytt Underground: the game is in beta stage for Linux, and hopefully it will be available either on Desura or on Steam when it's finished. The only question is when will that happen?

· Musaic Box: according to the developers it would be easy to port it to Linux in the near future since they already ported it to OSX. They didn't provide a ballpark date, though.

· Ignite: the developers told us they are still working on the iOS port, but that the Linux port will come some time after that. They couldn't give us an estimated date either.

This bundle will only be around until next Sunday, so be quick to grab it if you fancy it!

UPDATE: This bundle has been prolonged once more, and it's now ending on Wednesday.


Bundle Stars' Atomic Indie Bundle is still around after being prolonged, so you can still get SpaceChem for $5 or your local equivalent. However, like we said in our previous issue of The Cheapskate's Corner, we'd like to encourage you to get this game on ShinyLoot instead: it includes a DRM-free version apart from the Steam key, the developers will receive a way higher chunk of your money, and above all it's cheaper during the weekend! :P


From our advice regarding the previous deal you can tell that ShinyLoot's Launch Sale is still going on -- it actually will until October 6th. After many weeks we're sure everybody knows how it works but we're gonna explain it once again: most of their games catalogue is on sale at a minimum of 15%-25% off; then there are Weekly Deals where a bunch of selected games are offered at 50% off; from Friday to Sunday it's Weekend Deal time (this week including SpaceChem among others); and finally from Tuesday to Thursday there are insane 80-85% off Daily Deals, a pretty good reason for checking this site every day indeed.



As you surely are aware, there's a new HIB going on, the Humble Indie Bundle 9! Its bonus games were revealed last Wednesday and there's less than 4 days left to grab it. You know how it works, pay whatever you want ($1 or more for Steam keys) and get Trine 2: Complete Story, Mark of the Ninja, Eets Munchies Beta, and Brütal Legend:

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If you pay more than the current $4.75 average, you'll also obtain FTL: Faster Than Light, FEZ, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, A Virus Named TOM, Bastion, and Limbo:

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As usual, most of the games (all of them except Mark of the Ninja and Eets Munchies) come with their respective soundtracks, and Trine 2: Complete History also includes a digital artbook. As we said this bundle will end next Wednesday so go get it now if you still haven't!


Coinciding with HIB9's second week, the current Humble Weekly Sale, devoted to Egosoft games includes 3 titles available on Linux (although only on Steam). Pay a minimum of $1 to get X3: Reunion with its Bonus Package DLC:


Paying $6 or more will give you access to X3: Terran Conflict and X3: Albion Prelude:

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The $6 content also includes the X: Superbox Bonus Material, with lots of artwork, music, and videos. Plus, everybody will get the X3: Albion Prelude as well as the upcoming X Rebirth OSTs.


As we said earlier, there are two brand new bundles. The first one is the Anime Bundle, a deal that's been around for some time, that contains Planet Stronghold at the $5 level, and QuestRun at the $7 Bundle+ level:

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Both of them are delivered as Desura keys. Moreover the developers of Fatal Theory, another game included in the $7 tier, confirmed to us they will definitely port the game to Linux, even before Mac.

The other new bundle is the SciFi 2 Bundle, which it's soon going to take its predecessor place. Right now it only offers one Linux game, Snorms:


It also comes in the form of a Desura key and, in spite of being the only Linux game in the deal, it's still worth it: the $5 price roughly equates to a 40% off discount. In addition, the two games in the Bundle+ level could be available for Linux someday: Exoplanet: First Contact could be ported to Linux if there's enough demand, while BrokenEarth was allegedly coming soon.


FireFlower Games is holding a Puzzle Sale, offering all their puzzle games at various discounts. Among them, the games available on Linux are Gravi, Inverto, Kairo, and Non Flying Soldiers:

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In their newsletter they said that they'd be having another sale next week, so be quick in case this one ended on Sunday!

UPDATE: The Puzzle Sale expired on Sunday indeed, and there's no sign of another sale. However, they're having this promotion to get a 20% discount. Valid until 30 September.


Bundle In A Box is back with The Indie RPG Bundle. Yep, you got ir right, it's a bundle featuring different indie RPGs. Pay what you want, starting at $1.99, and get Hack, Slash, Loot and Dungeon Fray:

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Both games are available as Desura keys and DRM-free downloads. If you beat the average -currently at $5.50- you'll also get The Wizard's Lair and Telepath RPG: Servants of God:

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Both can be downloaded DRM-free, and the former also comes with a Desura key. Plus, there are many extras including art, OSTs and strategy guides, to be progressively unlocked as more and more bundles are purchased.


The people at LA Game Space, the nonprofit center for video game art, design, and research that was successfully Kickstarted last December, have just released their 30-title Experimental Game Pack 01 and they are offering it at $15 for everyone that missed the KS campaign.

14 out of the 23 already released titles are available for Linux, including games from many well-known creators such as Keita Takahashi (Katamari Damacy), or Santa Ragione (FOTONICA). The deal will be available for little over a week, so we'll likely be reminding you about it in our next column.


As we told you, the new IndieGameStand deal is totally Linux-friendly: the PixelJam Trilogy/Octology Deal. Pay what you want to obtain the PixelJam Trilogy, that is Potatoman Seeks the Troof, beta access to Bitku and Planeteri:

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Beating the average will get you the full PixelJam Octology:


The Octology being all the items from the Trilogy plus Dino Run SE, Dino Run: Marathon of Doom, Snowball, the PixelJams Vol. 1 music compilation, and the Potatoman OST. Plus, you'll also get access to the PixelJam Treat List, a special website were members can download free PixelJam related bonuses every month or so.


· We don't know when it's starting, but there's a new Groupees bundle in the works: the SteamPunk games & music bundle, supporting the Syrian conflict refugees. Among the initial games there are two Linux titles, Vessel and Jamestown: Legend of the Last Colony, and let's hope some of the bonus games are Linux-compatible too.

UPDATE: Well, this bundle has finally gone live only to reveal no Linux content whatsoever: neither Jamestown nor Vessel include their DRM-free Linux versions. Highly disappointing.

· As we said earlier there's a new sale cooking at FireFlower Games, so be prepared for more discounted DRM-free games.

· And finally, our customary IndieGameStand watchlist has been expanded since the website staff announced more candidate games. Now the possible incoming deals are SickBrick, Inverto, Rktcr, and Great Permutator. If we also take into consideration the titles that can eventually be available on Linux, the candidates are Party of Sin (allegedly coming to Linux), Little Racers STREET (it will be ported to Linux whenever gets greenlit), and 99 Levels To Hell (according to its developers, it's coming soon to Linux). We'll have to wait till next Wednesday to find out if one of this games gets featured.

And that's all for today! We expect to be meeting again next Thursday or Friday, but we expect to update this article with new deals before that as well. If not, remember to check our sales page to keep track of the best deals regarding Linux games, and contribute with any sale or bundle we may miss. Bye! ;)

. Article taken from
About the author -
A Linux user for more than 15 years, I've just recently rediscovered the passion for gaming. Couldn't have chosen a better time than now: the [second]( Golden Age of Linux gaming.
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s_d 22 Sep 2013
Top notch work, as usual, Muntdefems!

Also, for those coming late to the party, LIMBO in HIB9 (and indeed, every Linux release of LIMBO) is a Codeweavers-supported Wine wrap.  I mostly works for me, but others have reported quirks, so caveat emptor.
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