The Bards Tale - You are the Bard, a selfish rogue weary of pointless sub-quests and rat-infested cellars. Through magical song you summon characters to join your quest for coin and cleavage!
50 enemy types (not counting bosses!)
A vast world to explore with towns, wild forests, rivers, castles, towers, secret dungeons, snowy mountains, caverns, haunted tombs and more
A full cast of bizarre NPC’s
Over a dozen special boss enemies to defeat
16 magical characters to discover and then summon at will to aid you
Over 150 unique items of weaponry, armor, instruments, tokens, artifacts and loot!
More Song & Dance numbers than any other game, including a zombie dance-off!
Over 14 hours of outstanding voice-acting from top Hollywood talent, including Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) as the Bard, and the inimitable Tony Jay as the Narrator
Classics Games—includes original classic games The Bard’s Tale 1, 2 & 3.

Direct Link
Couldn't find their official trailer so had to use one from Machinima, what's with companies not having trailers for their own games on their accounts?
This comes from inXile Entertainment the team bringing us Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera, so it's really great to see them give us even more support bringing some older titles our way to make our game libraries even bigger.
I recognise the name of this one but I have never played it myself, what are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments!
Classics Games—includes original classic games The Bard’s Tale 1, 2 & 3.There are three older games:
- [The Bard's Tale]('s_Tale_(1985))
- [The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight]('s_Tale_II:_The_Destiny_Knight)
- [The Bard's Tale III: Thief of Fate]('s_Tale_III:_Thief_of_Fate)
and this one in the trailer.
So I suppose the pack contains all four games?
Pretty interesting.
I hope more developers do what inXile and Valve are doing, and port their older titles too. It would truly boost the Linux game library in Steam, and help reduce the wide gap we have against Windows-only games.
So I suppose the pack contains all four games?
Pretty interesting.
Yep, all included.
The game was also gifted to all backers of Wasteland 2 (or was it Torment?) so don't buy it if you already have a Steam code.
I recognise the name of this one but I have never played it myself, what are your thoughts on it? Let us know in the comments!
To be honest, bards tale 1, 2 and 3 where fun back in the days and spend many many hours with them, the totally crazy battles at times... "you encounter 99 skeletons", drawing maps on paper, balancing your party etc. etc.. You can get them for free at and they run just fine in dosbox.
The bards tale shown in the video can't really be seen in the same light, it's not a bad game, has some good humour in it but its not the bards tale, not in gameplay or depth, your not even controlling a true party, its a nice adventure game but that is it.
Pretty fun game (especially the drunk singers in the beginning), bossfights with tactics etc.
Really like it, will continue this evening. Everyone who likes RPGs with a bit of a hack&slash character but funny story telling - go for it.
Well, what do you know? Right after I sent a question to inXile whether they sell Bard's Tale outside Steam, it appeared in the current Humble Bundle, DRM free! Hopefully they'll make it available going forward through the Humble Store as well.
In general I care about DRM free. In valves case, I tend to take the exception since they go in a direction i like. Now that they'll very likely bring family share, it's a no-brainer for me anyway (I buy the games for the kids, and can give it to their account), DRM in my family, I contol what they play ;-) .. until they grow older and are smarter than me, which probably won't take as long as i wished.
The comedy style was somewhat amusing and the focus on bard music was also a nice idea but the gameplay became *VERY* repetetive after an hour or two. An endless parade of hack & slash with very little story and almost no "typical" rpg-mechanics like charater building, random exploration, inventory management etc. etc.
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