Never thought that being a reader of GamingOnLinux and Debian mailing lists would intersect so directly. But look at what just arrived at my mailbox. That is right, Valve is giving away all their past and future games to Debian Developers.
Read the original post at debian-devel-announce. Disclaimer: I am not a Debian Developer.
QuoteHi all,
At $dayjob for Collabora, we've been working with Valve on SteamOS, which is based on Debian. Valve are keen to contribute back to the community, and I'm discussing a couple of ways that they may be able to do that [0].
Immediately though, they've offered a free subscription to any Debian Developer which provides access to all past and future Valve produced games [1]!
If you're interested, and a DD, simply mail [email protected] with a mail signed by a key in the Debian keyring, and he'll send you back a redemption code to add in Steam. If you haven't heared from him in a couple of days, you can also prod me at [email protected] as he may happen to be on holiday that week.
Happy gaming,
[0] If anyone has any specific ideas, drop me a mail :)
[1] List at, but excluding Steam Greenlight.
Read the original post at debian-devel-announce. Disclaimer: I am not a Debian Developer.
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You install them via Steam, then you can copy them out of that SteamApps/common directory and play them without it.
Deja vu Shmerl ;)
What Kristian said. How is logging into Steam to download a game any different to firing up the browser and logging into my Humble account. Steam's easier for me and more convenient. Unless you want to psychically download the game with your mind or by magic (which also involves firing up your wand) then you're going to have to download it with something by logging in somewhere! And if it's a free download then you won't have to use Steam anyway.
As for the games - that's up to the game dev. Complain to them. I have backups of all releases of "Sir You Are Being Hunted" which all run from wherever they're backed up to without Steam running. It's that simple.
I'm sorry, but that's stupid. On Desura, I can freely download even Windows-only games to play them with wine (as much as I hate the necessity). With Steam, I have to reinstall the whole Steam client in Wine because Linux-Steam won't let me download Windows-only games.
This is especially stupid when we're talking about AGS games: I can run them natively with an AGS build from the sources, but I would still have to install Steam in Wine to download them.
Some people need to take off their tinfoil hats. I am getting bored with this argument here.
Steam by itself is a download client/browser that offers game developers a choice on DRM.
if you dont like it then dont use it imo... simple as that.
i like to have a centralized software that keeps my games in sync and "prevents" multiplayer games from hackers, adds matchmaking, achievments, tracks game hours and what not..
i dont download games from humblebunde page usualy, because i hate to keep them up to date and following everything to see if there are new updates.
yes desura offers similar thing for game updates and has drm freee games, but its far from perfect.
yes its sometimes frustrating when servers are down and you cannot play, but i take that every time before some random sites to download games and keep them up to date.. those random sites might shut down and you loose your game if you have lost your backups also.
to the topic:
nice to see that they are giving their games to the ones who deserve them :)
thats how you build a community!
I love DRM-free as much as anyone, but I'd be pressing the game developers to provide DRM-free version rather than hounding the Steam service, because they're just providing the games to you, keeping them up to date and a bunch of other community features etc (if the dev chose to implement them) and Valve will likely never change that.
If Valve forced every game added to their library to be DRM-free, they would likely have a far smaller library and therefore less customers.
The change has to start with the devs themselves IMO. Steam is just another vehicle of distribution, albeit a very influential one, but there's only so much compromising they would do to their service.
As simple as if you think Steam is DRM-free please stop trying to shove that view down other's throats, at least be kind to us when we say we're waiting for a truly DRM-free Steam. It would even benefit you and others.
From arguments read here I get that some think using key codes and disk keys isn't DRM, just a minor inconvenience. Well, we certainly come from different places, that was called DRM in the 80s and 90s, maybe not so popular methods today but they were back then.
If Steam's DRM isn't a big inconvenient to you or you have found some easy ways around it, that doesn't mean it isn't DRM anymore. When Steam allows some way to buy and play games like HS or Desura do some of us will follow, that's all we want to say without being turned down.
They don't need to force developers to go DRM-free, but at least they could label their games so you know what you're buying. I think they don't do that because they don't hold to any DRM-free promise.
You know full well that the requirement to download a game via a download-service isn't DRM.
The question is whether you can run and save the game without the parent-service running and yes you can do so with a lot of steam games. There's even a growing list of DRM-free steam games out there.
They are even distrupting the whole business by opening up the consoles.
Now they honor debian devs, basically saying they consider them family and all you have to acknowledge is how you're butthurt that your perceived white knight in the game turns out to be a wimpy chicken, not risking a cent of their revenue for your rescue?
I agree, this is the main reason why I am not a Steam user. I tried some of the DRM-free games lists out there, but they are incomplete and inaccurate.
If anyone wants to they can feel free to create a DRM free games on Steam list.
I perfectly know what that word means.
I agree that this whole DRM debate was not what this news was about, and it is actually off-topic, but your comment quickly devolved into a very cheap shot.
Although, my comment about starting fires can apply to many posters in this thread, of various stripes.
And no, I am not British. Care to clarify that one?
No, but Desura does, thanks to the fact that you can download games straight from the webstore. I for one really do appreciate this feature, and do find Steam lacking for not having it, although I do agree that that in of itself is not DRM; that being said, I hate having to install unnecessary software just to get where I need, and I am very glad Desura offers this.
Well, on this front we are still waiting on Desura to get their act together; Humble Store already qualifies, although I wish they would make it so that you could apply a DRM-Free filter like you can for platforms when scrolling through their catalogue.
While also providing them with their own DRM service to hook into. Not quite the same as having it all be the developers choice.
And really people, this article is nothing to do with DRM, it's about free games, take a chill pill guys?
This is an article about debian developers getting free games, shadap already!