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There is an "ask me anything" going on in reddit-land right now with the folks from the current Humble Bundle, I decided to ask the question a lot of people have been wondering.

liamdaweParsap/Humble Team - Is there a reason HIB's are pushed out with Linux ports either missing or in beta, why can they not be pushed back to a later bundle which will inevitably come? It's not like HIB's will stop anytime soon.

Jeff Rosen. Humble Bundle CEOIt is important to remember that we are actually the reason that many games are ported to Linux. It is painful for us and our reputation among developers to convince someone to drop everything and port their game to Linux, or hire a Linux porter, or have us port it in house for them... and then despite good faith efforts on all parties, it just doesn't happen the exact right amount of time.
It really sucks to see a developer doing everything right, following all of our advice, and then be like "sorry... could you uh, go ahead and move to this other surprise bundle? Thaaaaanks."
We do indeed do this sometimes, and it really, really sucks. This might have already happened to one of the games in question already.

A bit of a cocky answer, but it finally gives us some insight as to why we have delays in Linux titles or Linux titles coming out in a beta form.

Humble feel it would harm their reputation to ask a developer to sit out and wait for the next bundle for the sake of a Linux version.

I think it harms their reputation with Linux fans to have a game completely missing for the sake of what sounds like their ego's.
It certainly doesn't make me jump for joy at them even with multiple other titles, considering the "Humble Indie Bundle" is their last area for cross-platform, it seems completely against their own tagline to not push a game back if it doesn't have a Linux version ready.

Take their latest HIB11, their tagline is and I quote:
HIB11Get six incredible cross-platform games.

I can count five. Having one with only a Windows version doesn't count as a cross-platform game, or has the meaning of cross-platform changed recently?

I do very much appreciate Jeff taking the time to answer my question, and hope they do continue to be a force for Linux gaming. This is just to point out some things I find annoying, and from our comments section, so do you.

What do you think guys? Has this fixed the issue of games not appearing for you? Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Editorial
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Liam Dawe 22 Feb 2014
  • Admin
The problem is, if the developer didn't port it themselves as is the case with a lot of HIB games on Linux they need to rely on whoever ported it for updates, which usually means paying that developer out of their pocket to keep updating it and most don't do that.

Dungeon Defenders probably stopped paying Icculus hence no more updates.
neffo 22 Feb 2014
Liam, I think you have been way too harsh on HIB here. Also, I think you should have disclosed you were a beta tester for them in the past.

I don't think that Jeff's answer was cocky at all. (And with all due respect, if you think that was cocky I think you should re-read your news post.)

The game in question is likely only being ported due to inclusion in the humble bundle, and it's supposed to be launched in March. As someone who follows game development you should appreciate that it takes time to get games finished, the same goes for ports. It's hard, there are unforeseen problems that will arise. It's almost certainly the first time they've ported to Mac and Linux.

Humble feel it would harm their reputation to ask a developer to sit out and wait for the next bundle for the sake of a Linux version.

They would have signed contracts with the developers in question. For some developers the money they make from the bundles makes a big difference to their incomes. You may not be aware of the clauses in those contracts, but I suspect that there are protections built into them for both parties. Upsetting a subset of your customers may well hurt HIB, but HIB being in breach of a contract would hurt them a lot as well. (HIB needs gamers to support them, but they also need developers to trust them or else they wouldn't exist.)

There doesn't seem to be lot of the humble spirit left in these Humble Bundles. How the cross-platform requirement can be painful for Humble Bundle and their reputation when it once was one of the main points of the whole thing.

I'm thankful for their work and impact on the business. I just feel that these recent bundles haven't been as fun as they should be for everyone involved.

I think the two most recent bundles have had some of the most fun games, actually. Hoard, Reus and To The Moon were great. In the current bundle Guacamelee is truely brilliant, and the rest of HIB11 is really good too. (And Papers Please might well be the Tuesday BTA release...)
Liam Dawe 22 Feb 2014
  • Admin
I don't think I wash harsh enough personally.

If you are going to use a tagline of "cross-platform" then be cross-platform or:
a) Use a new tagline
b) Wait for the next bundle

I don't think it is crazy for me to expect "cross-platform" to actually mean it.

That is my main point.
neffo 22 Feb 2014
I don't think I wash harsh enough personally.

If you are going to use a tagline of "cross-platform" then be cross-platform or:
a) Use a new tagline
b) Wait for the next bundle

I don't think it is crazy for me to expect "cross-platform" to actually mean it.

That is my main point.

I think you are dismissing my point about contracts. And this is a *single* game in the bundle having it's port delayed a *month*. On the other hand if you were a two person indie team and you were told you'd be in the next HIB, despite your best attempts at getting the port done. (the devs spend money, time or both to get the ports done, to get into the HIB.) you bump them 6 months and that is going to hurt them. a lot.

"March is planned, but you know, developers and planning.... But shouldn't be too long"

It's made entirely apparent on the HIB page that the game isn't ready yet, and it's one game of probably 10 games of which 9 will be probably be available. Hell we have to wait a week until the BTA games are released, as it is.
Liam Dawe 22 Feb 2014
  • Admin
Oh I'm not dismissing that at all, I just think it should be part of the contract to have all ports ready that's all.
neffo 22 Feb 2014
Oh I'm not dismissing that at all, I just think it should be part of the contract to have all ports ready that's all.

I am sure they would have clauses in the contract that say just that. I would think there would be penalties (or rather disincentives) to not having the port ready.

Maybe they lose 5% of their gross, who knows? I haven't seen the contract, neither have you. However you called him cocky for talking about something that you don't know anything about. I think that is really unfair.
Liam Dawe 22 Feb 2014
  • Admin
Personally I think his reply does sound a little cocky, cocky also isn't a bad term FYI it means:
Conceited or confident in a bold or cheeky way.
So I am essentially saying he sounded a bit cheeky. Don't think I am being so negative when I am not ;)
AoC 22 Feb 2014
My main problem here is that all of Humble Bundles' previous forays into murky waters have always been met by the same people saying that "at least the Humble Indie Bundles will stay the same!"

A lot of people have either accepted or justified other questionable moves done by Humble Bundle by extolling the virtues of the magical "HIB" label. Well, now it appears that the "HIB" label is not the wondrous protective charm some might have hoped. It also has room for uncomfortable compromise.

I am actually not that bothered by the specific details involved in this particular instance; as long as the games do get ported it is not all that harmful. It is the trends involved that I find concerning.

This about sums up my feelings. I am unhappy with poor non working ports being pushed and delays but the fact they seem to dip into questionable (origin bundle) type things it starts to make them just another store. Yes it's for charity but I always thought it was for Linux too. guess i could be wrong.
manny 22 Feb 2014
dungeon defenders, I personally didn't have that many issues and I also got it in the same bundle for Android.

Anyway I don't think is worth complaining at this moment (EPIC unreal engine is also to blame) and instead you guys should watch over DD2 and make sure the dev does it right from the start this time:

Hamish 22 Feb 2014
I think what HIB is trying to accomplish isn't easy yet, they're still going against the current after all this time.

The thing is, and maybe this was all just some big illusion from the start, it did not really seem all that difficult nor that penalizing for them go against the grain before. The bundles were a huge success from the start providing exactly what we were desiring, and surely it has actually gotten easier to get a bundle done now that they have so much more presence and pull.

It just seems that the more successful they have gotten the less effort they have put in, which for a business built on consumer goodwill is not a great image to have.

It also makes it seem all the more unfair for the developers that actually do put the effort in to make the ports and then get them in on time that such exceptions are made when other developers can instead sell a guarantee, or just bypass it altogether by releasing their wares in a non cross-platform bundle.

Steam is getting a lot of praise here, and the others get a lot of criticism like this. I'd say a lot of games on Steam are there thanks to HIB, Unity, and individuals pushing for it, like the porters, Ryan and others. Valve's interest in GNU/Linux is totally selfish compared to those others that are really pushing, IMHO.

To be fair, Steam does get plenty of criticism on GoL. Largely from me. ;)

While I think HIB could do better and I will push for that, I wouldn't be too hard but rather have a lot of respect for what they do.

We all have a lot of respect for what they do. That is why we are all here talking about them in the first place. That does not mean that we will not criticize when we see fault; we respect them enough to take them seriously, and that is actually the greatest praise any institution can get.
ainumortis 22 Feb 2014
This its my first Bundle, and i love it,its a great bundle, and i like steam too, but now i only Buy a Game if work on Linux. (if the game have windows and linux version for the same prices its a Must Have).

i must say Thanks for Humble indi game for bring us Linux Game Port whit lowcost price, when torchligh 2? I hope soon,

Its hard bring all the games with Linux Port, but i think HIB its doing a great Job.

Be a linux gamer its a reality now, and i want more bundles with great linux geames. keep going guys.
Glog78 22 Feb 2014
Ok i need to leave some words.
1.) I'm realy realy thankfull what Humble Bundle did for the linux platform. There is no question that they where one of the early adaptors.

2.) I totally feel unhappy how Humble Bundle has developed.
  • ]First they droped DRM Free and told it isn't called Humble Indie Bundle so calm down. << I accepted that

  • Second they allowed big publisher to use their brand to reach new customers (EA....). Again they told it isn't called Humble Indie Bundle so calm down. << I accepted that

  • Third they opened the store which now combines the first 2 points. None DRM Free Games / big Publisher using their brand to sell. ..... << I accpeted that

  • A week or two weeks ago they changed from one price for all areas to this screw up european cause they are rich model .... << honestly i'm not willing to accpet that

  • And now they basically screwed up all the former "oh it's not called Humble Indie Bundle" cause they released a bundle with a game which is told (Linux Version within !!! next year !!!) << sorry i'm not willing to accept this either

  • [/ul

    thanx liam you wrote about that. They should have waited or droped Giana Sisters for this HIB. And Giana Sisters is a good example that the dev's / publisher don't care. Read that http://steamcommunity.com/app/223220/discussions/0/864959336783102180/ carefully. I don't think we will ever have a good support from the dev's themself. Even if HIB might do a port. I wouldn't even wonder if this "port" is again a wine bottle.

    Sorry Humble Bundle ... i would fight for you ... but basically you screwed up all your advantages over steam and other sides for me as a linux user. So let me know why i should keep fighting for you and always paying more than windows and mac users if i get treated worse than them ?
manny 22 Feb 2014
Sorry Humble Bundle ... i would fight for you ... but basically you screwed up all your advantages over steam and other sides for me as a linux user. So let me know why i should keep fighting for you and always paying more than windows and mac users if i get treated worse than them ?

Still you can opt to donate / support more the other games in the bundle (which made the effort and deserve the support). You dont even need to leave a tip or reduce it if you don't want to or feel they are not doing as good a job.

I donated more to the other games for now.

If I see more good news then I will increase my allocation / tips later on.

Still many good games appearing so they need the support.

Anyway I believe Linux will equal or surpass Mac in importance / marketshare in the next few years so things are bound to improve and we need to keep putting our grain of salt to make this happen.
neffo 23 Feb 2014
Sorry Humble Bundle ... i would fight for you ... but basically you screwed up all your advantages over steam and other sides for me as a linux user. So let me know why i should keep fighting for you and always paying more than windows and mac users if i get treated worse than them ?

You can buy 10 great indie games for less than the price of a single full priced one. They are DRM free, and they run on the operating system you use (or, in the case of a single game, will in a month or so). And a whole lot of that money you gave goes to charity (default is 20%).

Have some perspective, you are getting a really great deal. All this talk of HB having sold out is nonsense. How many of the linux games you own were HB ports, would they have ever happened without HB?
Glog78 23 Feb 2014
Probably i should make clear.

"So let me know why i should keep fighting for you and always paying more than windows and mac users if i get treated worse than them ?"

This doesn't mean only buying the games in case i have the bundle and i payed again more money as every avarage group.
But for example will i buy it a second time and give away ? << Probably not
Will i advertise to friends that there is a new bundle ? << Probably not anymore that often

Or let me express it more softly ... do i care as much as before for the brand humble bundle ? ... definitly not. And isn't that the real shame we are talking about. How much trust humble bundle lost ?
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