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You may not remember this, but Eador. Masters of the Broken World was supposed to come to Linux, and promise after promise it still hasn't arrived, but why? I got in touch with the developers to find out why.

Their greenlight campaign prominently listed Linux as a platform, they also stated it became a real high priority for them thanks to Valve, obviously not high enough for them to keep people updated.

This is why I tell people again and again to never buy a game until it has a Linux version confirmed to already exist, stop getting burned by false promises. I've seen multiple people now say they are asking for refunds from Valve because of this, sadly they probably won't get a refund.

I spoke to the devs of Eador. Masters of the Broken World in August of last year here on GOL. Where we got some answers from them and an estimated time of release, which was again completely missed with no word from the developer.

It is now ~8 months since their first apology for the delay and the Linux version is still M.I.A.

So, I finally got in touch to find out why:
Daniil SpivakovHello,

Can't specify release date at this point - we'll have to squish some more bugs, complete the multiplayer and then we'll deal with Linux port.


I asked about if it has been started:
QuoteIt's been started, but stopped for now.

And then I asked if they had any words for the Linux gamers who purchased their game on their original and repeated promise of a Linux port and they had no words of encouragement:
QuoteWe've stumbled upon a problem that needed a lot of time and resources to resolve, so we had to stall the Linux port for the time being.

As cryptic as ever.

I always try to stay positive and put developers in a positive light, in this case I just simply cannot. Promise, after promise and they are still feeding out cryptic non-informative answers.

Stop supporting developers until a Linux version is confirmed to exist, or you will end up repeatedly getting burnt.

That goes for Kickstarter too, is Linux a stretch goal and the stretch goal has been hit? Then find out when the Linux version is likely to arrive before pledging and getting upset later.

About Eador
Eador is a universe made of countless shards of land drifting in the Great Nothing. Each of the shards is a little world unto itself, with geography and denizens of its own. The power over the shards is bitterly contested by Masters, the immortal beings mortals believe to be gods. Take the role of the mighty Master and shape the destiny of Eador! It is in your power to deliver the world from ultimate destruction – or to choke it with an iron fist of tyranny.

Eador: Masters of the Broken World is a turn-based fantasy strategy game, where the decisions you make affect the world even deeper than the battles you win. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Anonymous Mar 26, 2014
Maybe if enough people expressed their frustration with the 7d2d issue there would be more of a response. It just doesn't seem like there are enough people complaining and causing a firestorm.
s_d Mar 26, 2014
Quoting: DrMcCoyLikewise, I for one am peeved about Divinity: Original Sin. The alpha does not work on Linux, and no peep from then when or how, only "later".

At this point, I'm not even sure anymore that the final game will have Linux support at launch.

I'll poke them, too McCoy. I have been lax in pushing my Kickstarters because of being busy with so many other things, but enough of us raising noise will certainly see a response. Thanks for this reminder that we're all in it together :)
Mastnosis Apr 1, 2014
I'm getting more upset about the games that do have a Linux version available but it is so buggy that the game is virtually unplayable. Don't tell me you have a Linux version if it's not at least at the level of polish of the Windows version. I've bought several games on Steam in large part because they claim Linux but then am completely frustrated because major bugs destroy the playability. (I'm looking at you Crusader Kings 2 and Battle World Kronos)
As an aside I must say that releasing games prematurely seems to becoming more popular than ever. I'm not against this but I wish they would use the "Early Access" labeling so that I know what I am getting into.
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