It seems the president of Gearbox is looking into how much interest there is for a Linux version of their extremely popular Borderlands series of FPS/RPG games.

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This is interesting considering just how popular the games are, I've played them myself before and they are popular for a good reason. The blend of FPS with RPG levelling and randomized weapons works really well. The graphics are also damn good as well.
The news comes from many people emailing this in, it just got buried in my inbox below actual releases.
It seems reddit wants a Linux port of Borderlands 2. I'll probably chat with some folks on twitter about that this weekend.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) April 19, 2014
This isn't anywhere near happening yet though folks as Randy mentioned to a user:
@RoadRunnerdn who said there will be a Linux port - I just want to learn more about customer interests there.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) April 19, 2014
So, he is just looking at how big the market is for a Linux port, can we show him how big it is?
- SteamOS Compatibility
- Unreal 3 is easy to port (call Icculus if you need to)
- Userbase is in fine shape, 1.2% of steam, the target market is large.
- Ports get you a LOT of goodwill from both the users and Valve.
- You will have GabeNs <3
Should we make a petition?
No. Petitions are pretty much useless.
Unreal 3 is easy to port (call Icculus if you need to)
unreal 3 never had linux port and unlike 4 it doesn't include source access like 4 does. so, yes... this might be a problem. would probably be more feasible to port it to UE4 (depends how backward compatible is, i have no clue)
while UE4 on linux you can track status here
editor is not yet working
one thing is sure, i'd buy linux version of b2 on day one
[There was already a petition for this](, but it hasn't encountered the expected success (not enough promoted, I think)
It would be great to be able to play borderlands2 on my Linux rig. I am a bit afraid of performance issues, though : B1&2 were very smooth on windows, but I don't expect anything stellar from the R600 driver (yet).
unreal 3 never had linux port and unlike 4 it doesn't include source access like 4 does. so, yes... this might be a problem. would probably be more feasible to port it to UE4 (depends how backward compatible is, i have no clue)Unreal 3 is easy to port (call Icculus if you need to)
while UE4 on linux you can track status here
editor is not yet working
one thing is sure, i'd buy linux version of b2 on day one
I made the judgement is that we now have (at least) 2 games ported on the engine and from what I've heard its getting a lot easier to do it. But yes, I would probably attempt to port it to UE4 if possible as well. However I think the engines are built like Valves engines so that despite them being called the same thing, the jump is too great.
However all this doesn't rule out any future Gearbox titles now that UE4 is there.
(Emphasis mine)unreal 3 never had linux port and unlike 4 it doesn't include source access like 4 does. so, yes... this might be a problem. would probably be more feasible to port it to UE4 (depends how backward compatible is, i have no clue)Unreal 3 is easy to port (call Icculus if you need to)
while UE4 on linux you can track status here
editor is not yet working
one thing is sure, i'd buy linux version of b2 on day one
This is only the case with the Unreal Development Kit they released to the public, a company like Gearbox has a full engine license including source code access. Porting to UE4 would be utterly insane and would take a lot of time, effort and resources, they would have to re-write all the gameplay code for one thing. It would also be completely useless and unnecessary since they could just port the game as is like Icculus did with the UE3 games he already ported.
Since I have jumped towards Linux I rarely boot into windows anymore.
This is only the case with the Unreal Development Kit they released to the public, a company like Gearbox has a full engine license including source code access. Porting to UE4 would be utterly insane and would take a lot of time, effort and resources, they would have to re-write all the gameplay code for one thing. It would also be completely useless and unnecessary since they could just port the game as is like Icculus did with the UE3 games he already ported.
checked a bit more and you're right. i never noticed painkiller and few other games use ue3
Unreal 3 engine has been ported to Linux on several occasions by third parties. Icculus would have very little issue getting this made.unreal 3 never had linux port and unlike 4 it doesn't include source access like 4 does. so, yes... this might be a problem. would probably be more feasible to port it to UE4 (depends how backward compatible is, i have no clue)Unreal 3 is easy to port (call Icculus if you need to)
while UE4 on linux you can track status here
editor is not yet working
one thing is sure, i'd buy linux version of b2 on day one
Even though Borderlands 2 is working quite decent with wine, the performance on Windows is still better. For example, I've got an issue, where the game has a 500ms lag every 5 seconds. In this time the movement jumps somewhere, but is not continuous. In fact I'm rebooting when playing Borderlands 2.
But not only Borderlands 2 would be a candidate, also Aliens: Colonial Marines. As it works also quite good with wine, but I would prefer a supported native client.
So maybe the Valve statistics of wine users playing Borderlands 2 may not be the truth. I think most gamers prefer good performance, they may have tested it with wine, but still reboot into Windows for gaming.
Porting Borderlands 2 to Linux would be a great thing, another big title on our favorite platform.
I guess that would include some unannounced/unreleased ports then?
Wikipedia has a big list (I counted like 347 games) of UE3 games. They list platforms and only the games I mentioned + Dungeon Defenders: First Wave and upcoming game Migthy No. 9 list Linux as a platform.
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