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With heading over to Linux later this year they are in need of someone technically minded with Linux who doesn't mind moving to Poland.

That's the important note, you will have to move over to them to work with them in their offices. The job is all about bringing Windows titles to Linux, so you need to know both systems rather well.

QuoteThe Linux Tech Specialist will assist with porting games from the Windows PC environment over to Linux by creating installer scripts, debugging problems, generating masters and builds, and other elements related to making a game run on the Linux platform. Our keyword is “le’Tech”.

Create/fix installer scripts.
Create tools/scripts for specific tasks and platform.
Find workarounds for game problems.
Make sure deadlines are met.
Collect all information required to create a build.

Power user - both Linux and Windows.
Gamer at heart.
Knowledge of what Dosbox and Wine is.
Really good attention to detail (put our keyword in the subject line of your response email).
Solid English.
Good command of an office-type software.
Ability to set priorities in order to meet deadlines.
Ability to keep focused.

What we offer:
A unique opportunity to enter a booming industry and to influence the future of digital distribution.
A competitive salary and a great, laid-back work atmosphere in our office based in Warsaw, Poland.
The chance to work in an international environment.
Access to a health care and sport activities package

Considering it states "Knowledge of what Dosbox and Wine is." we could be looking at Wine ports from GOG. It will be interesting to see the reaction if they do, if it's done like System Shock 2 then great.

Porting old games using Wine is perfectly acceptable as they aren't likely to be updated at all, which means they shouldn't ever break compatibility if they already work. When you consider a vast amount of GOG's library is old games it makes sense.

It was actually posted in our forum here from what looks like a rep and I feel it's important to highlight it here.

See the full post on it and how to apply over here. Article taken from
Tags: GOG, Jobs
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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km3k May 28, 2014
Seems like a cool job, but I have no interest in moving to Poland.

Also, I really hope that "Knowledge of what Dosbox and Wine is." is a bare minimum requirement. "Knowledge of what [it] is" sets a really low bar. I'd hope they'd go for something more like "Extensive experience configuring software to run in Dosbox and Wine".

If anyone from GOG is reading, feel free to use my work on getting Return to Zork, Zork Nemesis and Zork Grand Inquisitor running on Linux with ScummVM, Dosbox and ZEngine.
Tuxi May 28, 2014
It seems there are comming a lot of wine ports on gog ;-)
predator8bit May 28, 2014
Knowledge of wine? I have a bad feeling about this...
Belarrius May 28, 2014
Quoting: predator8bitKnowledge of wine? I have a bad feeling about this...

Yep... Also here.
killx_den May 28, 2014
Quoting: predator8bitKnowledge of wine? I have a bad feeling about this...

Why? If it is good implemented, you wont notice the difference. Also 99% of their games are old, so there wont be any performance issues. This is a good thing imo. It will make the Linux games list grow with really good games.
Anonymous May 28, 2014
Fuck Wine. If they want any of my money, they had better have clear labeling on what is a real port, and what uses Wine or DOSbox or any other kind of not-an-actual-port "technology".
Belarrius May 28, 2014
Quoting: killxden
Quoting: predator8bitKnowledge of wine? I have a bad feeling about this...
Why? If it is good implemented, you wont notice the difference. Also 99% of their games are old, so there wont be any performance issues. This is a good thing imo. It will make the Linux games list grow with really good games.

Hmmm, you are true, yes.
km3k May 28, 2014
Quoting: AnonymousFuck Wine. If they want any of my money, they had better have clear labeling on what is a real port, and what uses Wine or DOSbox or any other kind of not-an-actual-port "technology".
I doubt they'll label it. Many of their Windows and Mac games use dosbox and aren't labelled.
Liam Dawe May 28, 2014
System Shock 2 uses Wine and works flawlessly for me. I'm perfectly fine with older games coming to Linux using Wine since they otherwise wouldn't be ported.
km3k May 28, 2014
Quoting: liamdaweSystem Shock 2 uses Wine and works flawlessly for me. I'm perfectly fine with older games coming to Linux using Wine since they otherwise wouldn't be ported.

SS2 works great! I agree completely.
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