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The Dungeoning is a very colourful game that was pointed out before right here on GOL. The developer sent us over a copy to video.

Linux game-play video

The game is built in java, so it runs about as well as you can expect. It has a handy launcher script making it painless to get running.

Sadly the multi-monitor support is terrible, so on Linux if you have more than one screen like me you are forced to have it in a small window which can't be resized and it's tiny for me, so sadly those issues really spoiled the experience of what is actually a beautiful game.

The game is interesting for the use of vibrant particles and it really does look fantastic. I imagine it looks even better in full-screen.
It has all the usual mechanics you would expect with potions and new weapons to be found to keep it interesting and the enemies all look fantastic too.
Beware of those damned exploding barrels too, they are a pain in the ass when you forget about them and boom, down goes your health.

The control system sadly does bug me a bit as well, it only uses the keyboard, so no mouse. I much prefer games that allow me to attack with mouse clicks so I can focused on movement only on the keyboard, any readers prefer it my way too? Or am I crazy, let me know!

I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but if you have one monitor go buy it right now, if you have more it's probably not a good idea.

It's on Desura for Linux right now, also on Steam, but the Linux version isn't yet on Steam.
The Dungeoning Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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fabertawe May 13, 2014
It would make more sense to me also have the option to use the mouse, left - attack, right - shield and move with WASD etc. I like the look of this game too.

BTW, shouldn't that be "pain in the arse"? :P
Liam Dawe May 13, 2014
You're right, how un-british of me :P
torham May 13, 2014
I ended up using a gamepad, made the game much easier. Overall it is pretty fun though I beat it on my first playthrough. There is a new game+ mode but I didn't try it. I'm not sure it works right with multiple monitors but in KDE sometimes I just maximize and then use the window manager to set the window as "fullscreen".
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