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Torchlight came out for Linux in September of 2012 via Humble Indie Bundle 6. It has since been available for Linux users only in the Ubuntu Software Centre which hardly encompasses all Linux users.

After searching far and wide and only finding pondering forum posts with unanswered questions, I sent an email to [email protected] 20 days ago and another email 10 days ago, both of which have been ignored. I did stumble upon this, however:

BrianWPlease direct all Linux support inquiries to [email protected] if you purchased through the Humble Bundle or the Ubuntu Software Center.


Although not relevant to what the future of Torchlight on Linux may hold as it only deals with already made purchases, it does sound like Runic has and still is keeping its distance from Linux. Quite strange considering all the furore surrounding Linux and that the Linux client for Torchlight already exists and just needs to be made widely available. I am thinking the Humble Store, Steam, and hopefully GOG once it launches Linux support, but with Humble having done the port, I don't think sharing will be an option. Still, it wouldn't hurt to vote for GOG to add the Linux version of Torchlight to its repertoire.

In addition, Edward Rudd, the man who ported Torchlight to Linux, is available on Twitter.

I encourage all of you to send politely formulated messages to all of the above pieces of contact information to see if anything can be done on the matter. It sounds utterly ridiculous to ask someone to allow you to give them your money when all the work has seemingly already been done and it appears to be in their best interest, but that is what needs to be done apparently.

In a day and age where developers are bringing games to Linux natively years after they became available on Windows, new native Linux clients are being released when the games already had native Linux clients for years, or new native Linux clients hit the virtual shelves years after the games already launched on Linux as wrapjobs, it does beg the question why Runic wants to miss out here. Let us find out!

UPDATE: Edward Rudd has responded! Many thanks, Mr. Rudd!

outofordercc*LURK*.. Did someone mention me?

Dustforce will be available on Linux steam "soon"..

Torchlight has not been forgotten about either. It is on my todo list once another game mentioned here is goes into beta in the next week or so on Mac + Linux..
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Projectile Vomit Jun 26, 2014
I've often wondered why Torchlight isn't on Steam for Linux. I just figured it had something to do with the bugs (invisible faces) and it wasn't worth bothering with. The Windows version of Torchlight works flawlessly in Play On Linux, btw.

I've been hoping they would fix the bug and give us some o' that Torchlight 2 goodness. I'm happy to see they haven't abandoned us.
sobkas Jun 26, 2014
Quoting: Projectile VomitI've often wondered why Torchlight isn't on Steam for Linux. I just figured it had something to do with the bugs (invisible faces) and it wasn't worth bothering with. The Windows version of Torchlight works flawlessly in Play On Linux, btw.

I've been hoping they would fix the bug and give us some o' that Torchlight 2 goodness. I'm happy to see they haven't abandoned us.
Like the didn't abandoned Mac users?
FutureSuture Jun 26, 2014
Quoting: Projectile VomitI've often wondered why Torchlight isn't on Steam for Linux. I just figured it had something to do with the bugs (invisible faces) and it wasn't worth bothering with. The Windows version of Torchlight works flawlessly in Play On Linux, btw.

I've been hoping they would fix the bug and give us some o' that Torchlight 2 goodness. I'm happy to see they haven't abandoned us.
Last I checked, the bug you speak of had been fixed for at least a year. Torchlight 2 remains a mystery, however.
Baggypants Jun 26, 2014
Sooo, I use Fedora and bought Torchlight direct from Runic to support the dev's but it didn't play with wine and I then got a copy from GOG, and your now telling me the linux version from Ubuntu is going to be available on Steam.... I appear to be totally incapable of backing the right horse.

(Please don't take this as a negative comment for doing linux ports it isn't meant to be, and I applaud any effort to port games to Linux.)
Kanoniermeister Jun 29, 2014
I once wrote an e mail to Frozenbyte about the status of the linux versions of Trine and the shadowgrounds games and this was their answer:

Hi Jurek,

Thank you for your support. I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed the games!

We are hoping to eventually bring the games to Steam Linux. Trine first and the Shadowgrounds games possibly later. Unfortunately though, I can't give any estimates - this might take quite a long time, as it is not as simple as it might look like. The original ports of the games were done by a partner company, and we do not own the source codes; we are actually planning our own ports. However, we are also very busy with other projects at the moment.

Let me know if you have any other questions about our games. Cheers!

Frozenbyte team

06/06/2014 23:53, Jurek kirjoitti:
> Dear Frozenbyte guys,
> I bought Shadowgrounds, Trine and Shadowgrounds Survivour some time ago
> and I really enjoy your games.
> Since Valve has brought out Steam on Linux, I was wondering if you are
> planning to publish
> the steam versions of the 3 games for Linux since you already ported the
> games to linux.
> Thanks in advance: Jurek W.
abelthorne Jul 16, 2014
Oh, have you seen that Torchlight Linux has appeared in the Steam base (see And more: Torchlight 2 Linux has appeared too! That's unexpected.
madjester Nov 13, 2014
Quoting: GuestTonight I wanted to play Torchlight, so I launched it and I see the characters have no faces… No problem, I’ve got the latest update! I uninstall the old one, install the new one… And now the mouse pointer has a black square below it (no transparency) and my mouse clicks are ignored. :(

I hope they’ll *really* fix the game for the Steam release!

I have been having the same problem as you. If I find a fix I'll post it here. I've tried replacing some of the libraries with newer versions, as well as even modifying the XML files describing the UI with no luck.
themacmeister Jan 1, 2015
Runic Games will never bring out a working client for Torchlight on Linux...EVER.

I have been enjoying the game immensely on Windows, but I get a black square around the cursor on Linux, and no clicks register.

I am playing it under WINE, which is painfully sad seeing there is a Linux client available.

Edited by liamdawe - The last comment was not needed.
FutureSuture Apr 9, 2015
Quoting: audirs4
Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: KelsTo be honest, I'd rather see Torchlight 2 than the original on Linux. But you go with what you've got I guess.
That is the thing, though; Torchlight is already on Linux. It just needs to be made more widely available. Torchlight 2 would be a whole lot more effort. I, too, want to see the latter on Linux, but saying you want one rather than the other when the other is so much closer to a reality (or already a reality) seems illogical.

Still no Linux support for Torchlight on Steam, but looks like Torchlight 2 is available for Linux on Steam. Go figure!
Most insolent indeed. I still hope Torchlight for Linux makes it to GOG and Steam. It seems like such a waste to create an entire port and then not fix it up to sell it in more online stores.
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