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The day has landed folks. Borderlands 2 is now officially available for Linux and it brings us some excellent FPS action.

Courtesy of our friends at Aspyr Media the new port may have a few rough edges (what new port doesn't?), but it's a really great game to have on our platform. The game is also on sale, so there's never been a better time to pickup a copy, or if you already owned it be sure to grab some DLC to show your support.

Getting games like this shows the strength of our platform, and shows that Gearbox and Aspyr Media both see some sort of gaming future for Linux. We did interview Aspyr Media back in July, so check that out if you haven't already.

I still find it amusing that the head of Gearbox told us not to get our hopes up, and this was going on behind the scenes. When I asked Aspyr about it, they had this to say:
Michael Blair, Aspyr MediaYou know its funny because we just happened to approach 2K/Gearbox about the project right after Randy made those comments and have been working on the port since. We hope we made Gearbox proud with our effort. They are amazing to work with, and we are HUGE fans of their work.

We also spoke to Aspyr Media about how the port went and what they expect from the Borderlands 2 on Linux:
Michael Blair, Aspyr MediaWe are SUPER excited to bring this much beloved franchise to Linux and hope that we continue to meet expectations from the unbelievably supportive Linux gaming community.

This port was challenging, for sure. Performance was at the core of our efforts and while ATI and Intel didn’t make the cut for release, we continue to work on performance for those chipsets and hope to come to a level of performance we can stand behind as gamers in the near future.

Important Note
It is currently only supporting Nvidia graphics cards as it seems the Intel and AMD graphics chips don't give enough performance, but this isn't an issue on Mac. Looks like another driver issue. Would this be a good time to gloat that I use Nvidia? Of course it is! Woo!
In all seriousness though I sincerely hope AMD & Intel put out a quick fixed up drivers to enable all Linux gamers to have a decent experience.

Where do I buy it already?!
Also GameAgent.com which is run by Aspyr Media now supports Linux, so you can support Aspyr directly without Steam taking a cut if that's your thing. Seems like a great way to support the developer directly, and you get Steam keys of course. It was something Linux users requested, so they made it happen.

If you don't want to buy Borderlands 2 from GameAgent then grab Borderlands 2 on Steam. Can't see a reason not to support Aspyr Media directly though.

For this release Aspyr will of course realise there will be a lot of cross-over from people who used Windows/Wine, so this is why it's important to pick up a few DLC packs to not only give Aspyr some income, but to show them we are a market worth continuing and I cannot stress that enough.

I've played a fair bit of it already and absolutely love it. I already loved the Borderlands series of games after playing the first game years ago, but having Borderlands 2 on Linux is pure gold gaming.

The visuals are excellent and the game-play gets really frantic. Any shooter fans will be in heaven with it.

Be sure to let us know how you find it in our comments. This is going to steal a lot of my time away, now if you'll excuse me I have some loot to find and some bandits to annihilate. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: FPS, RPG, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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flesk 30 Sep 2014
  • Contributing Editor
Alright, bought the complete bundle from GameAgent! This particular game doesn't interest me much at all but hopefully the next game they port do. (Fingers crossed for Age of Empires II (even though it's Microsoft published).)
sev 30 Sep 2014
This is great news! I'm buying right now!!
mrdeathjr 30 Sep 2014
I'll be waiting to see if it actually does work with fglrx and/or Mesa drivers. Just personally, I don't like the idea of an nvidia-only "release" (public beta is different, but a full release...no).

I also realise this won't make me popular, and I'm sure I'll cop a lot of flak for it, but something smells wrong to me as well. I know AMD's drivers can be very much improved in certain areas (particularly threading), but I'm not convinced that a native (I assume) port couldn't have worked around much of this. Seeing so much else work just fine with both Intel and AMD, or at least to a decent level (even if performance could be increased), I'm going to lay at least some of the blame on Aspyr. That's my opinion, though naturally I'm sure others disagree.

Basically, I'll be watching this closely before I pay any money.
We dont disagree with you at all. There is ALWAYS more we can do as a native developer, but in this case we are going to need some collaborative help. So we had a choice...wait for that help while we continue to bang our head on the wall or launch now with a great experience on NVIDIA. I dont regret the decision we made.

First thanks for provide AAA title for linux, make this must be complicated

Respect drivers you're completly right if nvidia offer better experience with supported linux distribution is logical give oficial support

Respect AMD/ATI dont worry with this theme main responsability stay on AMD/ATI not yours

Maybe when AMD/ATI opensource/closed comes and works good for supported linux distributions, yours dont have any problem in give official support

Thanks again

EKRboi 30 Sep 2014
Has anyone else ran into the game not grabbing the KB and mouse? When I launch it I can click the mouse to get past the intro movies, but when I get to the menu I can't click on anything and the KB is unresponsive to the game. Alt+tab doesn't let me switch apps, I have to switch tty's or ssh in with my phone and kill the game... hmm.

EDIT* I can shift+tab to access the steam overlay and it seems to work.. just no input getting to BL2

EDIT again* If I bring up the steam overlay I can then alt+tab out of the game and back in and it then grabs mouse and KB inputs. I am running it at 5760x1080, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I've also now noticed that I have about a 2 inch black bar on the right side (right monitor) where it's not rendering. It goes the distance on the left monitor. Blair, is there a good place to stick bug reports so I don't clog up GOL with it? I did send you guys an email offering to test on my "not so normal" rig when I found out the game was coming to linux, I just never heard back ;)

EDIT AGAIN!* getting there, couldn't activate vsync in BL2 options so I added "vsync_mode=0 %command% -resx=5760 -resy=1080" to launch options and the black bar is now gone from the right monitor (yay!), I can now enable vsync in the game and it works. Performance is much better now as well. I still have to do the steam overlay alt+tab trick to get mouse n KB input though.. but I can deal with that for now, hopefully that gets fixed.
0ttman 30 Sep 2014
works fine.. havent encountered any main menu crashes or anything.
to improve performance: __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 %command% into steam launch options (Nvidia users only)
Happy Gaming!

<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xPvrc8OErKI" data-youtube-id="xPvrc8OErKI"></iframe>

So all I need to do is put this "__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 %command%" in steam launch options for the game. If I am doing it wrong please let me know because mine crashes at the main menu.
GTX560 ti

Maquis196 30 Sep 2014
  • Supporter Plus

So what other games shouldn't I be buying at the moment until you guys release the Linux version? :D
EKRboi 30 Sep 2014
Ok, this warrants another post. Other than the minor things I needed to work through in order to play it (see post above), it's running FANTASTIC! Performance is SO much better than I anticipated from "day 1"! Other than the lack of advanced PhysX I can't tell any difference between your port and playing it in windows! GREAT JOB ASPYR!!!!!!

for reference my steam launch option are below.

__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 vsync_mode=0 %command% -resx=5760 -resy=1080
KDGNOR 30 Sep 2014
Borderlands2 for LinuxNow

Bought 3 Times! for linux support, thanks! :D

None of My Linux OS can Run it at all LOL!

got i for mac before and it work perfect on it but new req for linux High High....
EKRboi 30 Sep 2014
Bought the GOTY, hopefully it’ll work and be fun. From what I gather it seems to be some sort of solo MMORPG FPS…

you can play solo, but it's designed with 4 player co-op in mind. MMORPG? not so much I don't think. It's a blast though! I have 133 hours on record, and that's low for many haha.
oldrocker99 30 Sep 2014
  • Supporter Plus
Aggghhh, and I have a dead desktop, for which I'll have to wait for a new mobo and CPU, and then download this beast.

The best description I've heard for this game is "first-person Diablo."

Oh well, I'll have a much faster CPU, and a much better motherboard. I just have to wait about a week [drums fingers impatiently].
0ttman 30 Sep 2014
Ok, this warrants another post. Other than the minor things I needed to work through in order to play it (see post above), it's running FANTASTIC! Performance is SO much better than I anticipated from "day 1"! Other than the lack of advanced PhysX I can't tell any difference between your port and playing it in windows! GREAT JOB ASPYR!!!!!!

for reference my steam launch option are below.

__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 vsync_mode=0 %command% -resx=5760 -resy=1080

This one is working great for me thanks for the info

__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 vsync_mode=0 %command% -resx=1920 -resy=1080
dsngjoe 1 Oct 2014
I am still jumping with Joy. I bought Season Pack and some other Expansions to show my support. It's running awesome on my rig. Antergos Latest Nvidia driver. My specs are 4930k / 16 GB Ram / 780 Ghz Edition. I am so happy you release this and don't worry about the situation with AMD. You did your best, and AMD needs to pick up the slack on their drivers. I fully support you Aspyr!
EKRboi 1 Oct 2014
I only have one other thing to question. I've enabled the console, and entered "stat fps" into the console in order to show FPS in game. It says I am only running at 20fps MAX with vsync enabled. I KNOW the game is running faster than that, I would ABSOLUTELY recognize 20fps vs the 60fps I think I am running at. I'm not a programmer but is it possible that it's not calculating the actual FPS properly due to 3x 1080p monitors? With vsync enabled it pretty much stays locked to 20. If I disable vsync it will jump to 25-30. I am thinking 20(fps)x3(monitors)=60(fps).
Pangachat 1 Oct 2014
Running perfectly on my unsupported AMD hardware :)
jsa1983 1 Oct 2014
Running beautifully on my rig with radeonsi (AMD FX 8150, Radeon HD 7870 2GB with mesa 10.4 git drivers, Kubuntu 14.04 64 bit) with all the visual options set to the max (except FXAA) at 1920x1080 (full system specs at http://steamcommunity.com/app/49520/discussions/0/616189106749909144/#c616189106761620112)
Beamboom 1 Oct 2014
So last night I gave Borderlands 2 a hefty spin in coop with another community member here (I forgot your site nick dude, but you know who you are!) and I gotta say, this is one ROCK SOLID port.

Everything we tested worked including online coop, ingame mic audio (that's still not fixed in L4D2 ,is it?), it's a solid frame rate on my rig (gtx680 @ 2560x1440), smooth like silk.

My coop buddy did experience a couple of crashes initially, but once we got hooked up and got started all seemed to run fine on his rig too.

Liam Dawe 1 Oct 2014
  • Admin
I picked up the GOTY from GameAgent myself, gotta support Aspyr for being awesome. Will also be buying TPS from GameAgent once my money issues for the month are sorted :)
nocri 1 Oct 2014
Just bought it myself, works like a charm on Manjaro and GT 740M.
TY Aspyr :)
Guest 1 Oct 2014
Running it at the max settings with radeon 7770, no problems, performance is great!
Eike 1 Oct 2014
  • Supporter Plus
I'm not a programmer but is it possible that it's not calculating the actual FPS properly due to 3x 1080p monitors?

Very unlikely. (I'm a programmer.)
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