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A Different Idea For The SteamOS UI

By bobby -
A user on the Steam forum has come up with a concept for a new UI for SteamOS, and it looks slick!

It's worth noting this is a month old now, but I've only just discovered it and felt the need to share it. First impressions are everything, and SteamOS needs to look the part.

This was created by designer Cale Lares and you can find more of his work here.

Source, found at boilingsteam.

What do you think about it? I seriously love it and think it looks much more interesting than the current SteamOS design. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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ElectricPrism Oct 23, 2014
Nice mockup from a technical perspective, but it feels luke-warm.

Kindof makes Steam feel "Generic" and like it doesn't stand out from the crowd.

The login screen was hawt though.
dubigrasu Oct 23, 2014
While I like the looks it feels too much like a clone of some other interfaces I've seen before.

I very much like the current original SteamOS design and if anything I would like to see it still used for future improvements.
lave Oct 23, 2014
to be honest i prefer the horizontal coverflow view of current bigpicture mode over this. somehow it looks both more elegant & natural on a widescreen. the design of cale lares on the other hand doesnt tell me in what direction i can scroll in the coverscreen to browse games and it also kinda puzzles me how to jump between menus and options with a controller in mind.
sleort Oct 23, 2014
Well, they could add a page for SteamOS themes in Steam and not just some color change like PS or whatever is on Xbox.
GoCorinthians Oct 23, 2014
Nope. Too PSn on it. Didnt like it in PS4, and I will not like it in a PC! Though I only BigPic here!
masteredu Oct 23, 2014
No, not a fan of it. he also did a normal steam window redesign, and I dont like it either.

Just removing options, and making it look this way easier on the eyes is simple, but steam was always more about features than design.
joshmnz Oct 24, 2014
That first opening screen and the login screen looks so amazing. However not a fan of the audio
Kallestofeles Oct 24, 2014
Since Valve has gone for more open source these days with SteamOS, I think that an excellent addition to it (including BigPicture mode) would be to add custom theme support just like XBMC has done it.
I'm not saying that it would be essential, far from it, however it would be a nice touch in the long run to see some great user-created styles. :)
Beamboom Oct 24, 2014
I think Big Picture Mode looks great! Distinct style while still being intuitive and strangely familiar.
Nyamiou Oct 24, 2014
This interface is totally crap, I can't understand why you like it.
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