GOG & Steam have both hit new milestones when it comes to Linux games. This is really fantastic to see, and we hope it keeps up.
Steam has hit over 800 Linux games recently, so if you head over to the SteamOS + Linux section and filter to "Games" the current count at time of writing is 820, that's a whopper of a number!
If you check the awesome SteamDB Linux page it lists 785 confirmed by a human to be working, but with 219 that have hints of Linux support that number is sure to grow. You can help by confirming games in the hints section actually work like so:
QuoteGames are marked as working by humans on GitHub by creating a pull request.
Don't want to use git? Come to #steamdb or #steamlug channel on freenode IRC, and tell us about it.
Meanwhile, GOG deserve an honourable mention for now having ~150 Linux games. While some are Wine, and DOSBox, as supported games they still count.
What have you been playing recently?
Ps. I will be a bit quiet over the next few days as I start my new job tonight.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
When this first started, I remember eagerly waiting for news on any new Linux release. Now I am actually losing track of things. Just a few months ago it was 600, and now it is 800. I have to admit that I have a very faint idea of what these 200 are... I guess this is a good thing, right?
I am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.
I have also picked up Witcher 2 during the last sale, because I wanted to experience eON myself. And holy zombie cow, it is actually as bad as people say. Framerate is sort of barely acceptable on my NVIDIA Quadro K1100M, but I get a massive input lag.
Then there is Everlasting Summer. A naughty game for an exemplary communist in you. :) I guess you have to have experienced Soviet Union to appreciate it though.
I am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.
I have also picked up Witcher 2 during the last sale, because I wanted to experience eON myself. And holy zombie cow, it is actually as bad as people say. Framerate is sort of barely acceptable on my NVIDIA Quadro K1100M, but I get a massive input lag.
Then there is Everlasting Summer. A naughty game for an exemplary communist in you. :) I guess you have to have experienced Soviet Union to appreciate it though.
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Well, Steam has DOSBox too.... you know what I'm talking about if you played Shadow Warrior Classic Redux on Classic mode :D
Congratulations to both Steam and GOG! I really really really hope CDRP brings The Witcher 1 and 3 for us, so I hope Linux sales are doing well for them too....
Well, good luck on your new job, Liam :)
Congratulations to both Steam and GOG! I really really really hope CDRP brings The Witcher 1 and 3 for us, so I hope Linux sales are doing well for them too....
Well, good luck on your new job, Liam :)
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Quoting: LinasWhen this first started, I remember eagerly waiting for news on any new Linux release. Now I am actually losing track of things. Just a few months ago it was 600, and now it is 800. I have to admit that I have a very faint idea of what these 200 are... I guess this is a good thing, right?
I keep hearing from Windows ... - let's call 'em users - in Linux threads that I would restrict myself artificially using Linux. Yeah, I do. Restricting myself to only 800 games which I cannot keep track of either, and more games on my stack that I actually have time to play. Makes my cry all night...!
I'm playing Wasteland 2 at the moment, over 40 hours already and many more to come, with Borderland 2 and The Witcher 2 (get the beta, it runs much better!) and Risk of Rain and Penumbra and The Fall and Nihilumbra and others waiting...
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I am playing Crusader Kings 2 at the moment, I just can't have enough of it! Paradox are really great for what concerns GNU/Linux support, all of their recent games are available.
Congratulations for your new job Liam.
Congratulations for your new job Liam.
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Quoting: LinasWhen this first started, I remember eagerly waiting for news on any new Linux release. Now I am actually losing track of things. Just a few months ago it was 600, and now it is 800. I have to admit that I have a very faint idea of what these 200 are... I guess this is a good thing, right?
I am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.
I have also picked up Witcher 2 during the last sale, because I wanted to experience eON myself. And holy zombie cow, it is actually as bad as people say. Framerate is sort of barely acceptable on my NVIDIA Quadro K1100M, but I get a massive input lag.
Then there is Everlasting Summer. A naughty game for an exemplary communist in you. :) I guess you have to have experienced Soviet Union to appreciate it though.
To come back to The Witcher 2 and eON, I think results may vary from machine to machine. I am playing the Witcher 2 across Windows and Linux, and I can't see the difference in framerate or even in graphics: I am playing this using the Ultimate settings, on a machine with a i5 Haswell processor, coupled with a GTX760 graphic card. If you try this at home, disable Uber, that is the only setting I had to disable.
Why do I also have it on my windows partition? Well, I played the game on Linux for 95% of the game, I am on chapter 3, but at the end of chapter one, I had to install the game on Windows and using the cloud save managed to get past a section which would make my computer crash because of a memory leak on Linux. Once that hurdle had been passed, I fired up the Linux game, synched the cloud saves, and have not had another issue yet...
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Quoting: OZSeafordTo come back to The Witcher 2 and eON, I think results may vary from machine to machine.
+1 - I played through the entire game on Linux, ~40 hours, on a macbook pro 10,1 with an nvidia gt650m. Performance, while not flawless, was certainly acceptable, and in line with other AAAish titles that have come to Linux.
FNAF 2? lol
Quoting: LinasI am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.
It's running OK? I'd avoided it because I was hearing terrible things about the linux port.
I recently finished Borderlands 2 (first play-through), still got a couple of the GoTY DLCs to complete (Tiny Tina, Hammerlock) but I'm taking a break from that to look at the X3 series. X3: Reunion isn't exactly what I was hoping for (An X-Wing type game). So far it's proving a bit frustrating with key objectives not marked on any map so you're blundering around for an hour in three dimensions looking for things like gates, only to get murdered by pirates sending you right back to where you started (Save points are an issue). My Saitek joystick isn't supported (no option for in-game calibration) which is another negative.
I've a large backlog of games to work through, should be able to make a dent this Christmas considering there will be lots of free time and nothing at all to watch on TV but repeats.
It's amazing how fast the catalogs are growing.
For the last week I've been playing a few Hidden Object games that I picked up in the sale. It's been a good a break from Borderlands and Dead Island as I've always been an Adventure game lover ever since Myst, but I will probably get back to playing Dead Island this week.
Congrats on the new job Liam!
Happy Gaming,
For the last week I've been playing a few Hidden Object games that I picked up in the sale. It's been a good a break from Borderlands and Dead Island as I've always been an Adventure game lover ever since Myst, but I will probably get back to playing Dead Island this week.
Congrats on the new job Liam!
Happy Gaming,
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QuoteGames are marked as working by humans on GitHub by creating a pull request.
Don't want to use git? Come to #steamdb or #steamlug channel on freenode IRC, and tell us about it.
*beware* Don't goto #steamdb on freenode and tell them about working games they will just give you crap for not doing a pull request. I stopped by to tell them that Deadcore was working and all I got was crap about how it "would have been faster to just do a pull request than to come to the channel and tell them". First and last time I will ever go there, nor will I probably ever help them with their database either after that.
Considering I was already on freenode it took 2 seconds to join the channel and say "Deadcore works on Linux".. it definitely would have taken more than 2 seconds to clone the repo, search for the listing, edit it, upload it to my github and then submit a pull request. But I didn't get into it with them I just left. Now I play games with the #SteamLUG peeps from time to time and they have always been really nice so maybe that would be the way to go instead of #steamdb.
Now onto the topic at hand, it is nice to see the number of games going up.. now we just need to see the number of games that a majority of people want to play go up and the quality of the big games and graphics drivers to go way up. Many big name titles have released over the past couple of months and the only one to come to Linux was Borderlands: TPS. Gamers who may be interested in switching are not going to switch when they can't play the titles they want to. Granted a bunch of the recent games are so broken on windows they are virtually as playable on Linux as they are in Windows lol. AC:U, FarCry4 I am looking at you.. but I guess that is just "par for the course" for Ubisoft.
So many games!
A dream and a nightmare all in one.
I'm playing the Witcher 2 also without much trouble and I just got started on Shadowrun: Dragonfall, after finishing the base game and a very good user created adventure.
I'm slowly going through the classics Portal 2 and Half-life 2 but I'm a slow player without so much time for it.
What I'm really missing are the Telltale titles.
Was there any hint that they would be bringing them to Linux? They have a couple released for Android...
A dream and a nightmare all in one.
I'm playing the Witcher 2 also without much trouble and I just got started on Shadowrun: Dragonfall, after finishing the base game and a very good user created adventure.
I'm slowly going through the classics Portal 2 and Half-life 2 but I'm a slow player without so much time for it.
What I'm really missing are the Telltale titles.
Was there any hint that they would be bringing them to Linux? They have a couple released for Android...
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I used to have >50% of Linux games on Steam...
now I only have ~25% =/
It's a good thing =P =D
Also, I've played <25% of the ones I have and completed <10% of the ones I have...
now I only have ~25% =/
It's a good thing =P =D
Also, I've played <25% of the ones I have and completed <10% of the ones I have...
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Quoting: GBeeQuoting: LinasI am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.It's running OK? I'd avoided it because I was hearing terrible things about the linux port.
Not sure what you heard, but it does run fine. The gamma slider does not work, but I experience that in many games. Probably because of Bumblebee.
As for Witcher 2, no the beta is not better. The input lag is ridiculous. You can move the pointer halfway across the screen before it starts reacting. Running at 1360x768 with lowest settings mitigates the problem, but it is still there. So for now sign me up for the official eON haters club.
Quoting: LinasQuoting: GBeeNot sure what you heard, but it does run fine. The gamma slider does not work, but I experience that in many games. Probably because of Bumblebee.Quoting: LinasI am about 60% finished with Dead Island. Great fun, and runs great, even if it is flawed in many ways. But that is not Linux specific.It's running OK? I'd avoided it because I was hearing terrible things about the linux port.
As for Witcher 2, no the beta is not better. The input lag is ridiculous. You can move the pointer halfway across the screen before it starts reacting. Running at 1360x768 with lowest settings mitigates the problem, but it is still there. So for now sign me up for the official eON haters club.
I had the input lag too, UNTIL I disabled Uber. Then the only other thing I did apart from putting all the settings on Ultimate is go to the mouse sensivity panel in the options, and slid that bugbear right down.... Now honestly, no lag or jerking or anything.
I have an actual desktop, and I think that does play a role in how games perform, because you can have a real graphics cards on it. I used to have laptops because I had to move all the time, and was always appalled at the quality of gaming on these machines. I was a windows user in those days. I am not critisizing people with laptops of course. Life is about choices and options.
Growth is growth. I'll take it. I think the one thing lacking is AAA linux games but to be fair that doesn't bother me. Few AAA games have been interesting me lately.
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I'm just starting Baldur's Gate EE from GoG on my new gaming machine :D
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