An indie tribute to J-RPG classics. Explore a universe blending fantasy with science-fiction, intense ATB battles and branching story. The Kickstarter has reached 21% of the goal already, and it's trending to hit waaaay over the goal if you trust Kicktraq.

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The best bit about it is they offer a Linux demo download (it doesn't work for me), so it certainly seems like Linux will be a first-class citizen for them, and "Linux" is in the title and video thumbnail. I still won't suggest backing it due to failed promises from so many developers, but I certainly won't stop anyone!
The trailer certainly makes it look pretty, but it is a Unity game, so we can't expect it to have super performance on Linux. We certainly do need more great looking RPG games like this though, so I really do hope they make it, and I would be shocked if they didn't.
I spoke to the developer over email about their Linux demo not working, and they stated this:
Linux demo is actually functionnal but it seem there is some "mysterious tricks" that make it work, actually we don't have done enough test to stabilize the linux demo on every systems but it work on many of them (we tested it on linux debian x64 with x and nvidia drivers)
We'll try during the campain to do more fixes to the linux demo
Best Regards
They also asked for a debug log in a later email, which I have sent them. Hope it helps them fix it up.
Features (From the Kickstarter)
Active Time Battle combat system
Defeat your enemies in strategic fights powered by an ATB inspired by the best J-RPG, mixing real-time and turn-based gameplay.
Evolving Weapons
Unique weapon progression system based on item leveling and a special crystal enhancement skilltree with mutiple branches. Make crucial choices and get customized weapons for your style.
A Fantasy Open World
Begin your journey in the surprising lands of planet Heryon. From hidden caverns to grassy plains, from ancient cities to dark spaceships, explore freely a vast gaming playground.
Choose Your Destiny in an Exciting Story
Live a rich and stirring adventure driven by the choices you make along the branching storyline and many sub-quests.
Check out the Kickstarter here for Edge Of Eternity.
So far seems quite nice and reminds me a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles.
Will think about backing this one.
Had to put graphics down on low to reach a solid 30+ FPS with the following specs:
CPU: i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz
GPU: NVidia GeForce GTX 780
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600MHz CL6
SSD: Intel 910 800 GB
Also, the camera could not be adjusted using the mouse, it just kept jerking back again, probably another Unity bug?
Made the game very hard to play at least.
I tried the Grandia style battle system and liked it very much.
The game could have potential, but the rough demo kinda put me off this one a bit.
Active Time Battle combat system
Defeat your enemies in strategic fights powered by an ATB inspired by the best J-RPG, mixing real-time and turn-based gameplay.
This is breaks it for me, it is pretty much the reason why I don't play modern JRPG's anymore. I really miss the good old turn based battle system :(
At first I was pretty hyped about the game, then I saw this:This was my fear too when reading about it, but did you try it in action?
Active Time Battle combat system
Defeat your enemies in strategic fights powered by an ATB inspired by the best J-RPG, mixing real-time and turn-based gameplay.
This is breaks it for me, it is pretty much the reason why I don't play modern JRPG's anymore. I really miss the good old turn based battle system :(
There's nothing "real-time" about it as far as I could tell.
Just like in Grandia, there is a timeline where you see when you and your enemies will attack, and using skills like "accelerate", "delay" etc you can push allies forward or enemies backwards in this timeline.
The actual combat is otherwise very much turn based.
At first I was pretty hyped about the game, then I saw this:
Active Time Battle combat system
Defeat your enemies in strategic fights powered by an ATB inspired by the best J-RPG, mixing real-time and turn-based gameplay.
This is breaks it for me, it is pretty much the reason why I don't play modern JRPG's anymore. I really miss the good old turn based battle system :(
you're probably being mislead with FF evolution from gem to crap and associating this with Square Enix
same wording was used to describe many if not most JRPGS. some of them crap like FFXIII and some of the gems like FFX, FFX-2, White Knight Chronicles, Resonance of fate, Valkyria Chronicles
at first it just meant you couldn't take forever to think about next action, while still retaining control. like chess with clock. FFX or WKC were damn good turn based games. but, Square completely dumbed it down with FFXII and then some more with FFXIII
best 2 JRPGS for me would be WKC and VC, they both had awesome approach to "...ATB... real time". one had extremely user friendly action bars, while other one mixed 3rd person like game with strategy
The "real-time" aspect is visible in the video and they write it on their KS page.
Correct. Last time I wanted to play a JRPG I bought FFXIII because I thought with FF you can do nothing wrong cause FFVII and FFVIII were great. Turned out FFXIII was total crap.
Sadly the best "JRPG" combat wise I played lately was South Park and the Stick of Truth >.>
A combat system like in Lost Odyssey would be nice too.
EDIT: I just read some more about the game on the KS page and it seems to be possible to decide which combat mode (ATB or pure turn based) you want to use, which is great. This should be advertised as MAIN feature :) Seriously I spent hours to find a pure turn based JRPG for PS3 but there seems to be none.
Now I will definitely try the demo when I get home.
Correct. Last time I wanted to play a JRPG I bought FFXIII because I thought with FF you can do nothing wrong cause FFVII and FFVIII were great. Turned out FFXIII was total crap.
Sadly the best "JRPG" combat wise I played lately was South Park and the Stick of Truth >.>
A combat system like in Lost Odyssey would be nice too.
bit of history here, so you'll understand where your grief with FFXIII comes out
FFX was probably the first game in FF series to employ ATB. in that game that was nothing but time limiter for your choice (which you could completely disable). but, ATB was too popular since almost no one played old school. time factor put another pressure to add on already fun and hard gameplay
FFXII took completely different approach and it is not really considered turn based by many. they employed something like macro system, which was pretty awesome. problem with it was that many people complained it was too confusing.
in FFXII you could have party doing job just as you would, but at the same time you could take control of any character and play just as any FF game. you could as well ignore macros and do it old school, but game was tweaked a bit harder than usual FF games since it was based on realtime coop of well defined members. it also required making macros for certain enemies which could be tedious
so, Square got this bright (stupid) idea and dumbed down macros into Libra. execute Libra on enemy and the FFXII like macro from is auto built for each enemy (unless you execute Libra, party member just randomly execute attacks until you kill certain amount of that enemy). and that more or less dumbs fights down to just pressing auto battle and combat mode changes. well, the only thing i really liked from FFXIII was stagger where they actually succeeded in making it interesting. certain classes can knock stagger timer and certain can knock stagger gauge. still, FFXIII is terrible game
if i had to choose which gameplay i liked the most in any RPG, i would say WKC. you set up bars with commands and combos which made really good setups
the second JRPG game type you seem to not like is Star Ocean and likes. these are not something new. they were always action related, but those never were turn based
I'll keep my eye on it and pick it up if it looks like the story will be good.
Also, can the developer be legally called Midgar Studio? I always figured Square would copyright names like those.
Correct. Last time I wanted to play a JRPG I bought FFXIII because I thought with FF you can do nothing wrong cause FFVII and FFVIII were great. Turned out FFXIII was total crap.
Sadly the best "JRPG" combat wise I played lately was South Park and the Stick of Truth >.>
A combat system like in Lost Odyssey would be nice too.
bit of history here, so you'll understand where your grief with FFXIII comes out
FFX was probably the first game in FF series to employ ATB. in that game that was nothing but time limiter for your choice (which you could completely disable). but, ATB was too popular since almost no one played old school. time factor put another pressure to add on already fun and hard gameplay
FFXII took completely different approach and it is not really considered turn based by many. they employed something like macro system, which was pretty awesome. problem with it was that many people complained it was too confusing.
in FFXII you could have party doing job just as you would, but at the same time you could take control of any character and play just as any FF game. you could as well ignore macros and do it old school, but game was tweaked a bit harder than usual FF games since it was based on realtime coop of well defined members. it also required making macros for certain enemies which could be tedious
so, Square got this bright (stupid) idea and dumbed down macros into Libra. execute Libra on enemy and the FFXII like macro from is auto built for each enemy (unless you execute Libra, party member just randomly execute attacks until you kill certain amount of that enemy). and that more or less dumbs fights down to just pressing auto battle and combat mode changes. well, the only thing i really liked from FFXIII was stagger where they actually succeeded in making it interesting. certain classes can knock stagger timer and certain can knock stagger gauge. still, FFXIII is terrible game
if i had to choose which gameplay i liked the most in any RPG, i would say WKC. you set up bars with commands and combos which made really good setups
the second JRPG game type you seem to not like is Star Ocean and likes. these are not something new. they were always action related, but those never were turn based
Wasn't FFX-2 the first FF that introduced the ATB? Also yes I don't like action RPG's like Star Ocean ^^
I also checked on WKC and I don't think I would like the combat that much.
My favorite JRPG is still "Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals" for SNES :)
Correct. Last time I wanted to play a JRPG I bought FFXIII because I thought with FF you can do nothing wrong cause FFVII and FFVIII were great. Turned out FFXIII was total crap.
Sadly the best "JRPG" combat wise I played lately was South Park and the Stick of Truth >.>
A combat system like in Lost Odyssey would be nice too.
bit of history here, so you'll understand where your grief with FFXIII comes out
FFX was probably the first game in FF series to employ ATB. in that game that was nothing but time limiter for your choice (which you could completely disable). but, ATB was too popular since almost no one played old school. time factor put another pressure to add on already fun and hard gameplay
FFXII took completely different approach and it is not really considered turn based by many. they employed something like macro system, which was pretty awesome. problem with it was that many people complained it was too confusing.
in FFXII you could have party doing job just as you would, but at the same time you could take control of any character and play just as any FF game. you could as well ignore macros and do it old school, but game was tweaked a bit harder than usual FF games since it was based on realtime coop of well defined members. it also required making macros for certain enemies which could be tedious
so, Square got this bright (stupid) idea and dumbed down macros into Libra. execute Libra on enemy and the FFXII like macro from is auto built for each enemy (unless you execute Libra, party member just randomly execute attacks until you kill certain amount of that enemy). and that more or less dumbs fights down to just pressing auto battle and combat mode changes. well, the only thing i really liked from FFXIII was stagger where they actually succeeded in making it interesting. certain classes can knock stagger timer and certain can knock stagger gauge. still, FFXIII is terrible game
if i had to choose which gameplay i liked the most in any RPG, i would say WKC. you set up bars with commands and combos which made really good setups
the second JRPG game type you seem to not like is Star Ocean and likes. these are not something new. they were always action related, but those never were turn based
Wasn't FFX-2 the first FF that introduced the ATB? Also yes I don't like action RPG's like Star Ocean ^^
I also checked on WKC and I don't think I would like the combat that much.
My favorite JRPG is still "Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals" for SNES :)
FFX already had as option it as far as i can remember (might be wrong, though... long time since i played it), but FFX-2 was the first one that enabled it by default.
as far as WKC combat, it is probably more like unfamiliar. once you got it setup it was not any different from any old school FF. just faster since you didn't need to go into submenu and relevant commands for your gameplay were just one click away in your own playing order, which is much better than menu system
but, from all FF combat systems i probably liked FFX-2 most
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