Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty is a revamp of one of the platformers I used to love, so how is it on Linux?

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About the game (Official)
Explore ancient ruins, dodge carnivorous beasts and avoid trigger-happy guards as Abe, the original Oddworld hero in this lovingly recrafted take on the classic adventure "Abe's Oddysee".
Once a happy floor waxer in Oddworld's biggest meat processing plant, Abe stumbles across his boss's secret plan to turn the factory's slave labor force into the latest in the RuptureFarms Tasty Treats line of novelty meat snacks. Abe now has to save his own skin from the grinders, but simply escaping the flesh farm is only the start of his Oddysee - for many dangers await Abe on his journey to discover his destiny.
Built from scratch from the ground up, enjoy new breathtaking visuals, enhanced audio and improved, deeper gameplay as New 'n' Tasty reignites the original Oddworld game using the latest next-generation technology.
My thoughts
Sadly, my Dualshock 4 doesn’t work in the game itself, and my 360 controller makes the game freeze at the touch of a button. It seems the issue has been noticed and reported by others, and it’s showing how poor Unity’s gamepad support is. That has somewhat soured the experience for me, as I don’t care what anyone says, platformers like this feel so much better with a pad.
I did, however, continue on like the good reviewer would and it actually seems okay with a keyboard, enough to keep me interested.
The performance even on highest graphical settings seems fantastic on an Nvidia 970, so I’m pretty damn pleased with that. I'm really happy that at least one of our higher profile releases this year isn't junk performance wise (I’m still looking at you Dying Light, stop breaking my heart, Techland plz).
For those that never played it, I consider it one of the few truly great adventure platformers. It has comedy, a very interesting world to explore, and you can fart, so that’s cool.
The original was released in 1997, and this is a complete re-build from the ground up. The left the story exactly the same as far as I can tell, so don’t miss out on a good bit of gaming history revamped here!
It’s just as amazing as I remember, and I do my usual thing of pulling random levers and sending my friends down a ditch to their doom, sorry pal, but it’s too fun.
Final Verdict: Why are you not buying it already. We may cover it a bit further in depth in a future GOL Cast, or we may give it a full review after sinking many hours into it, I am hopeful the sort the gamepad issues out for me to enjoy it to the fullest.
Grab Oddworld on Steam & GOG.
But I guess those of us who dont buy them are the 1% here
EDIT: i mean the dlc... I already bought the game and is pretty cool ;)
Outland (a platformer with Ubisoft logo!!!) is also out for linux/steamOS.
Outland looks very interesting. Sadly for me it seem to require a powerful GPU. They recommend Radeon HD 6850, which is on the level of XB1, too much for a laptop.
View video on youtube.com
about the port.. framerate most of the time fine with some drops.
for nvidia users __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATION=1 %command% and it never drops below 60 anymore (or at least i didnt see in my ~1 hour of gameplay). didn't have threading enabled when recorded this video though.
solid port for classic.. sound quality isnt the best.. have turn down music slider to hear voices better etc..some volume balancing issues still there. but overall quality seems fine.
can the __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATION=1 %command% start option be used with every game?
pretty much yes.. some game do it by default also and some games use more cores so if you are limited with core number than that wont help in those cases.. unity 4.x engine games all benefit from this since they use only 1 core.. unity5.x is done a bit better
They just released a patch which adds a new option called Xinput for MS controllers. With an Xbox360 controller, all buttons are correctly mapped now except the Trigger buttons. Unfortunately the Chant is done by pressing both TL and TR, and this is not working for me.
Unfortunately the triggers and the d-pad don't work for me as well with a xbox 360 controller with the new patch. Hope they fix this soon as I don't want to play this game with the keyboard.
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