Descent returns in Descent: Underground! With a big goal to hit, and tons of time left this could easily be funded.
It will use Unreal Engine 4, and specifically mentions Linux/SteamOS in the platforms part of the FAQ:
QuoteTECHNOLOGY: What platforms will you support?
From the Unreal support page:
Unreal Engine 4 enables all developers to deploy projects to Windows PC, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, VR (supporting Oculus Rift and Gear VR now, as well as others coming soon), Linux, SteamOS, and HTML5.
Now we won't be supporting tablets or other mobile devices, at least not initially with the full game, but we do plan to support the rest of the platforms that Unreal Engine 4 supports.
I just hope they actually test it on Linux and don't just assume it will work perfectly. Far too many developers in recent months have been promising Linux, and not actually doing their research, so let's hope for the best.
About the Kickstarter (Official)
Descent’s fast-paced, six-degrees-of-freedom combat made addicts of us all! Descent’s frenetic and pulse-pounding action were light-years ahead of its 1995 release date. Like us, many of you still share war stories of your epic network battles. You remember your heroic shots, your death-defying maneuvers, and matches ending with a narrow escape as the tunnel collapsed behind you.
Sadly, as consoles took over and PC games were pushed aside by publishers, great games like Descent were left to languish in obscurity. A whole generation of gamers grew up without Descent’s heart-pounding, non-stop action, robbed of the true 6DoF space adventure that is their birthright!
The Drought Ends TODAY!
We’re bringing back 6DoF by blasting Descent into the 21st Century with current-generation gaming technology. Descent: Underground is more than a graphics upgrade. Get ready for multiple types of customizable ships! Prepare for upgradable weapons and sensors with richly-detailed tech trees. Brace yourself for destructible voxel maps with new power-ups and mod tools to make your own maps and more!
You can find the Kickstarter here.
their FAQ is not really clear tbh... its a we plan to support... not we support...
sorry to vague
It would really be awful if they decide to change their minds about licensing it halfway through the project.
Well, presumably, there's now a contract that would prohibit this.
[I tweeted at them]( a few days ago about GNU/Linux support and middleware, but have been ignored so far.
Well, middleware is very convenient to use. Back in the 90's, it was more convenient to have your own engine and tools. Maybe if somebody offered them use of an engine that's easy to use as Unreal and had all of the features they needed and allowed them to open source it if they wanted to, things would of turned out differently. Descent 1+2 were set free because the devs felt like it. They can't really do that if they wanted to with Unreal :/
Any mention on whether they use middleware, and if that middleware currently supports Linux?Yes, Unreal Engine. It's shown on the video.
I get the feeling that this new Descent is happening for a reason and you'll never guess what that reason is.... Money.
Back when Descent 1, 2 and 3 came out all PC gaming was still considered Indie because PC gaming was a undesirable platform, this caused the Golden Age where people made games as a passion instead of for "Box office returns".
I sincerely hope I'm wrong about these people, but my guts tell me I'm not.
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