Aspyr Media have been extremely busy it seems, as they have just sent off code to bring Civilization Beyond Earth up to the same patch level as Windows. The bigger news is they have been teasing a new port.
I know what it is (I’m allowed to say that, trust me I checked first!), and no amount of drowning me in rum or fattening me up with cake is going to make me break. You will love it though, and Aspyr’s commitment to our platform is something truly awesome.
There’s this particular post on reddit that will get a lot of Linux gamers wondering, and it’s where this teaser comes from:
Aspyr_BlairAgreed...been a little quiet lately. Mostly because its all hands on deck for one game...and I mean ALL HANDS.
Of course I will not be giving it away (wild speculation is too much fun), but lets just say its a game that has been asked for literally thousands of times. It's also personally one of my favorite games of all time.
I can promise there will be many penguin smiles out there.
I’ve requested Samsai to do a special live stream when it is released, so we can bask in his glory. Or watch his failure, either’s good.
Begin the guessing game, and join me in riding the hype train.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
Quoting: zimplex1Dream Choice: GTA V
Next Best Choice: Skyrim
Runner-Up Choice: Deus Ex (HE and/or MD)
Even if it's none of these it's probably going to be good, and I'll probably buy it.
Sounds fine to me, although I just saw that I have spent 283 hours with Skyrim & DLC, so I think I'd prefer Fallout3 / New Vegas, as "Next Best" choice. As for the "Runner-Up", I'd also be happy to have the original Deus Ex with the Revision-mod in Linux-native.
Sleeping dogs... but i've said too much.
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Quoting: metcardSleeping dogs... but i've said too much.
That would be great! Even though I've spent lots of time with that game and played through every bit of it, I wouldn't mind spending a dozen more hours in Hong Kong. Also, I never bought the "Definitive Edition", so I could buy that if it came to Linux.
Quoting: kibblesQuoting: wolfyrionGames that we already know that are coming to SteamOS/Linux are:
Wait wait, pls give the source for this one!
http://store.steampowered.com/universe/games !
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Most requested game here? I guess it was GTA, like many said before.
world of warcraft? XD
I think it's KOTOR. I HOPE it's KOTOR!
I would instantly buy that one. Without any hesitation.
I would instantly buy that one. Without any hesitation.
Falcon 4.0 BMS :P
Sorry, had this edit to my dream choice, Star craft 2
Sorry, had this edit to my dream choice, Star craft 2
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Quoting: loggeFalcon 4.0 BMS :P
Sorry, had this edit to my dream choice, Star craft 2
lotv would be sweet, but wont happen im afraid :(
No one mentioned Fallout NV. Haven't played Skyrim so far, therefore i would be a good choice. I think GTA 5 is to much DRM for me.
But I hope it's Skyrim too
But I hope it's Skyrim too
Skyrim would be great, but I think Aspyr wouldn't make much money with it. The game is from 2011 (Legendary Edition from 2013) and it runs pretty much flawless with good performance on wine, so most Linux gamers might already have it. That is just a guess though.
GTA V sounds great, would be awesome, but I don't think Rockstar Games cares much about Linux. They are like Blizzard, to many fans and earning more than enough money with the main platforms.
But who knows, there were a lot of surprises since the humble bundles started and steam was released on Linux :)
GTA V sounds great, would be awesome, but I don't think Rockstar Games cares much about Linux. They are like Blizzard, to many fans and earning more than enough money with the main platforms.
But who knows, there were a lot of surprises since the humble bundles started and steam was released on Linux :)
I don't care what game it is.
As long as they're not fixing that bloody BL2 port to run on a Phenom II + HD 7950 (and similar configs),
I won't buy any other game from them. At least give feedback on the matter. What's stopping you from fixing it? Maybe there is a good reason. But just assuming it's AMD's fault would be cheap.
I'm playing the original windows version which runs fantastic on the same system!
These companies make it difficult to completely switch to Linux.
As long as they're not fixing that bloody BL2 port to run on a Phenom II + HD 7950 (and similar configs),
I won't buy any other game from them. At least give feedback on the matter. What's stopping you from fixing it? Maybe there is a good reason. But just assuming it's AMD's fault would be cheap.
I'm playing the original windows version which runs fantastic on the same system!
These companies make it difficult to completely switch to Linux.
Quoting: subI don't care what game it is.
As long as they're not fixing that bloody BL2 port to run on a Phenom II + HD 7950 (and similar configs),
I won't buy any other game from them. At least give feedback on the matter. What's stopping you from fixing it? Maybe there is a good reason. But just assuming it's AMD's fault would be cheap.
I'm playing the original windows version which runs fantastic on the same system!
These companies make it difficult to completely switch to Linux.
The system requirements state clearly:
Quoting: http://store.steampowered.com/app/49520/NOTICE: Intel Integrated video chipsets and ATI chipsets are currently unsupported for Borderlands 2 Linux.
So I don't see your point. I can imagine that Aspyr also don't have full source code access to the game and they are also not responsible to fix drivers.
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Quoting: GuestQuoteIt's also personally one of my favorite games of all timeThis bit to me says it isn't a recent/new game.
Really hoping for C&C generals ZH, but I asked them earlier this year if they are porting it to Linux and they said it will never happen through aspyr.
You watch it be an old COD game or some thing.
Yeah, I asked them about Generals too. It's not my favourite of the C&C games, but still a very good game, and it would be great to have it available for Linux.
Quoting: autonomouseMagicka?
If anyone's porting Magicka, my money would be on flibitjibibo – not all hands at Aspyr.
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Quoting: coesetaThe system requirements state clearly:
Quoting: http://store.steampowered.com/app/49520/NOTICE: Intel Integrated video chipsets and ATI chipsets are currently unsupported for Borderlands 2 Linux.
So I don't see your point. I can imagine that Aspyr also don't have full source code access to the game and they are also not responsible to fix drivers.
Just imagine a company releases a game for windows stating: "BTW, intel and AMD not supported!"
Do you realize we're still some kind of second-class customers?
Quoting: subDo you realize we're still some kind of second-class customers?
And we shall remain second-class customers for the next 2-5 years imho. Nothing is going to change until Vulkan and SpirV are released, accepted, worked upon, implemented, optimized and then... IF there is a bigger bump in Linux market share due to more and more good games coming out on the platform, we shall be receiving some more polished attention.
Maybe 2-5 years is even too lightly put, given how MS has grasped the PC gaming market, but we just have to hope that they do some mistakes and we get more attention that way.
Currently what we have is Feral, Aspyre and a whole bunch of Indie devs. They are the only awesome people bringing us candy if I'm not mistaken.
And it has been proven over and over again that AMD HW is crap when it comes to Linux gaming. It hurts to say that cause I used to be a complete AMD fanatic with its dragon platforms and all... but when Linux hit me, AMD just didn't cut the cake. Intel/nVidia is just the way to go... for now at least. Though I'm hugely grateful for AMD for releasing their Mantle for Vulkan API dev.
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GTA5 would be INSANE if true, but I can't believe that. That'd already been official if true.
On top of my list is really any AAA of recent years that I don't already have in my library - unfortunately that's not many.
On top of my list is really any AAA of recent years that I don't already have in my library - unfortunately that's not many.
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Maybe we should consider the Linux friendly (OpenGL) game engines and companies. Therefore, we can cross out the games from Zenimax/Bethesda, Blizzard and Rockstar. Then we are mainly left with Unreal Engine games. Regards.
Quoting: rea987Maybe we should consider the Linux friendly (OpenGL) game engines and companies. Therefore, we can cross out the games from Zenimax/Bethesda, Blizzard and Rockstar. Then we are mainly left with Unreal Engine games. Regards.
Dishonored or Mortal Kombat X ? :)
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