Sad news folks, Alien: Isolation has been delayed for Linux. There is no set release date now, but this gives them time to polish it up.
Press release copied below:
QuoteWe're sorry to bring you bad tidings, but Alien: Isolation - The Collection for Mac and Linux has been delayed due to an issue that affects both platforms, and will not be released today.
We are committed to releasing games only once they reach our high standards for performance. A bit more time is needed to ensure that Alien: Isolation achieves this.
We will announce a new release date soon.
We would like to thank everyone for their patience while we work to bring people the best experience possible.
Delays happen, and while it's always sad when it happens it will mean we will have a better port at the end of it. I've seen Feral getting quite a lot of flack recently for their ports performance, so hopefully they can put that to rest with a good launch of Alien: Isolation.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
Alien: Desolation
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Better late than broken!
I'm fine with that (still got Soma to play ;) ).
And we've waited for such a long time, some more days won't change much... :)
Last edited by Eike on 29 September 2015 at 9:18 am UTC
I'm fine with that (still got Soma to play ;) ).
And we've waited for such a long time, some more days won't change much... :)
Last edited by Eike on 29 September 2015 at 9:18 am UTC
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At least it's delayed for both platforms, so it doesn't seem Linux specific. That's kinda a relief.
Maybe GRID will overtake.
Shame it's delayed but would much rather a polished release than a buggy mess. Linux gaming is still in its infancy and we need games to work as smoothly as possible.
Plus I have a ton of other games to finish first!
Plus I have a ton of other games to finish first!
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What exactly is being delayed? "The Collection", or the base game itself?
I'm fine with that as long as they do keep us informed, contrary to what they did with Mordor.
Quoting: gojulI'm fine with that as long as they do keep us informed, contrary to what they did with Mordor.And I think this press release is not really very good at that, mainly because it's such short notice.
This is a good thing for me; I've got some assignments due and an exam coming up :/
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I guess they are improving AMD performance. ;)
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That's a shame, but I'm too busy to play it right now anyway. I wish they'd provided a bit more information about the problem though.
Oh well, I wasn't going to buy it today anyway, too much on the plate as it. Still a shame, though.
Well, there goes my all-night session. It looks like I'll be getting some sleep afterall.
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Aw.. and here I've been updating their pages every 30 minutes since midnight; wish they'd issued that a bit earlier ;)
I much prefer getting a working release than a timely one though.
I much prefer getting a working release than a timely one though.
Personally I do not understand why they do not officially support AMD. I mean I skipped Shadow of Mordor (because I use the open source r600 drivers and the feature level is too low atm), but I wanted to support them and bought CoH and it worked just fine on my outdated card with the open source drivers.
So, just support the open source drivers (if possible) and be done with it :)
So, just support the open source drivers (if possible) and be done with it :)
It's the AMD driver!!! Oh, wait...
Quoting: MaelranePersonally I do not understand why they do not officially support AMD. I mean I skipped Shadow of Mordor (because I use the open source r600 drivers and the feature level is too low atm), but I wanted to support them and bought CoH and it worked just fine on my outdated card with the open source drivers.
So, just support the open source drivers (if possible) and be done with it :)
They don't support it means just that. They won't spend support resources dealing with problems that are likely related to problems with the AMD drivers.
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The delay is OK for me, as long as we get a good Port at the End. :)
Maaan, what a bummer :/ And they literally announced the date a week ago! I'd think the week before release would be spent putting the bow and wrapping paper on (I'm obviously not a dev, mind), I wonder what could've come up?
And before I come off too salty, I've been on a bit of a kick since playing SOMA and The Talos Principle, and some retro Alien sci-fi would really hit the spot right now. But I'll still wait patiently and purchase it the day it does come out, and I really appreciate the good work Feral does for us penguins. Though a bit of transparency wouldn't go amiss here ;)
And before I come off too salty, I've been on a bit of a kick since playing SOMA and The Talos Principle, and some retro Alien sci-fi would really hit the spot right now. But I'll still wait patiently and purchase it the day it does come out, and I really appreciate the good work Feral does for us penguins. Though a bit of transparency wouldn't go amiss here ;)
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Shame on you Feral ....
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