The cogs are rolling, and XCOM 2 is extremely close to release. So close in fact that we finally have the XCOM 2 system requirements for Linux players. This is confirmed by 2K directly, but Feral have yet to confirm it directly.
Correction: 2K had it wrong, here's the requirements directly from Feral Interactive.
Sadly, it's another major release on Linux that only supports Nvidia. It might work on AMD & Intel, but you're on your own for now. Probably the usual case of open source drivers have bugs/incomplete OpenGL support, and AMD Catalyst probably has the usual known performance problems.
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit or Steam OS
Processor: Intel i7 series
Graphics: 2GB NVIDIA 960
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2 64-bit or Steam OS
Processor: Intel i3-3225 3.3 GHz
Graphics: 1GB NVIDIA 650
The minimum is pretty low, so it looks like it might scale reasonably well across the lower-end.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
Quoting: nocriI just hope that by MINIMUM they mean minimum to play in 1920 ... I hope my 740M can render it at >=25 fps in resolution 1366 on lowest details, because it's already preordered :)
I think "... at full HD" is the usual understanding of these requirements nowadays.
Quoting: PangachatNo support = no support i must play this one on Windows too.
Or you could try it on Linux, giving them some money to make their support even better, find out if it works and help them with your feedback - and only play it on Windows if it really doesn't work. Many people have reported that games offically not supported on AMD ran well nevertheless.
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770 here too, good2go :-).
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It should be noted that The Cynical Brit put out a WTF Is video for XCOM2 yesterday. He loves the game but did note that there are bugs and performance issues with significant frame drops. Even he couldn't max the game out at 1080p, and TB has a beast of a machine with a Titan X. So unless the Linux port is better than the Windows version, which would be awesome, I wouldn't expect anybody to be able to max this game out at the moment.
Quoting: berillionsSo with my GtX 970m which have ~ the same performances than a 770, I Will have the possibility to play with maximal settings.I've seen the desktop GTX 960 slightly outperform the mobile 970m. So the 970m is probably not as fast as a 770. And in any case, I don't think the recommended setup is supposed to be able to max out everything.
My only concern was to buy or not to buy....
But I know at the end that I will buy it and not play it at all.... :(
I tried hard and I mean very hard to play EVERY single turn based game/Strategy and so on that has ever been released.
I haven't even finished XCOM , I think I played mission 1 or tutorial and quited because I got bored ... :O
I just find all that kind of games extremely boring. sometimes I even fall asleep while playing these kind of games... :'(
I grew up in the Golden Arcade Era so I guess that is why...
But I know at the end that I will buy it and not play it at all.... :(
I tried hard and I mean very hard to play EVERY single turn based game/Strategy and so on that has ever been released.
I haven't even finished XCOM , I think I played mission 1 or tutorial and quited because I got bored ... :O
I just find all that kind of games extremely boring. sometimes I even fall asleep while playing these kind of games... :'(
I grew up in the Golden Arcade Era so I guess that is why...
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XCOM ran perfectly fine with the open source drivers on my AMD HD6950, so there is that.
It was one of the first games I didn't even try out on Windows, because the performance on Linux was so good :)
Still no time these days, so I'll probably wait, although I do love XCOM.
It was one of the first games I didn't even try out on Windows, because the performance on Linux was so good :)
Still no time these days, so I'll probably wait, although I do love XCOM.
Quoting: chris200x9Or maybe you should buy an Nvidia card to punish AMD? Feral doesn't write AMD's drivers, so there's no point punishing Feral for something that is out of their control.Quoting: lordheavyWhy buy it on Feral store, to reward their bad decisions? They should feel the sting of their incompetence.Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
You'll can buy it on the Feral store, then play it under windows :p
Last edited by Mountain Man on 3 February 2016 at 6:31 pm UTC
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... And as the first reviews are rolling in, they can report that the game is excellent:
That's one impressive lineup of 90+ scores!
I'll get this baby the instant I see the Linux version is available.
That's one impressive lineup of 90+ scores!
I'll get this baby the instant I see the Linux version is available.
Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
Quoting: Mountain ManQuoting: chris200x9Or maybe you should buy an Nvidia card to punish AMD? Feral doesn't write AMD's drivers, so there's no point punishing Feral for something that is out of their control.Quoting: lordheavyWhy buy it on Feral store, to reward their bad decisions? They should feel the sting of their incompetence.Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
You'll can buy it on the Feral store, then play it under windows :p
Yea, because NV's oss drivers/contributions are sooooo superior

Quoting: Mountain ManQuoting: chris200x9Or maybe you should buy an Nvidia card to punish AMD? Feral doesn't write AMD's drivers, so there's no point punishing Feral for something that is out of their control.Quoting: lordheavyWhy buy it on Feral store, to reward their bad decisions? They should feel the sting of their incompetence.Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
You'll can buy it on the Feral store, then play it under windows :p
Or maybe devs should embrace standards and write to OGL spec not undocumented NvidiaGL, just a thought.
Edit: The Mac port works on AMD so there's nothing "wrong" with AMD's OGL code it's just Feral took shortcuts and can't be arsed with a decent Linux port.
Last edited by chris200x9 on 3 February 2016 at 10:06 pm UTC
Quoting: pete910Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
Because I want to play that game soon... :)
And *if* it's really that it is not playable on my AMD configuration,
then I won't hesitate to play the Windows version.
And switching to Nvidia is not an option for *me*.
I support AMD for their open specs and OSS drivers.
I'm pretty sure this will eventually lead to a great OSS driver,
capable of playing recent AAA games with good to very good performance.
IMO, supporting Nvidia harms Linux way more than the decision
to play a new AAA game on Windows because it performes poorly
on Linux/Catalyst.
It seems I get pragmatic lately...
and I feel good about it. :D
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Higher-end AMD cards with the binary drivers don't have any issues that I can tell with any of the Feral Linux ports. If you use the OSS drivers, performance is worse, and recent GL features are not available which can prevent a game from running or rendering properly ( e.g. on a R9-290, Shadow of Mordor renders the scene and character face/hands, but without the rest of the character; amusing but not quite the experience I'm after ).
I'd rather not blame Feral, AMD or Intel without knowing why they don't officially support certain hardware. It's likely that porting each game is different, depending on the original technology used ( engine, middle-ware etc ), and the renderer is just one part of the porting puzzle.
Under Windows, D3D provides a single development target; when there is no GPU support for a particular function, D3D provides a CPU software implementation. Under OSX, Apple insist on providing the only OpenGL stack so that they can implement the same sort of software fallback mechanism. Under Linux, there is no single OpenGL provider, and each GL stack has different feature coverage, strengths and weaknesses.
Perhaps asking Feral for comment on hardware support would be more helpful, but I suspect it comes down to the fact that NVidia has 2/3 of the GPU market, and Valve have worked primarily with NVidia to kick-start the Linux games market. Linux games are still marginal in terms of revenue, so porting costs have to be considered carefully, particularly in cases like this where fragmentation pushes them higher.
I'd rather not blame Feral, AMD or Intel without knowing why they don't officially support certain hardware. It's likely that porting each game is different, depending on the original technology used ( engine, middle-ware etc ), and the renderer is just one part of the porting puzzle.
Under Windows, D3D provides a single development target; when there is no GPU support for a particular function, D3D provides a CPU software implementation. Under OSX, Apple insist on providing the only OpenGL stack so that they can implement the same sort of software fallback mechanism. Under Linux, there is no single OpenGL provider, and each GL stack has different feature coverage, strengths and weaknesses.
Perhaps asking Feral for comment on hardware support would be more helpful, but I suspect it comes down to the fact that NVidia has 2/3 of the GPU market, and Valve have worked primarily with NVidia to kick-start the Linux games market. Linux games are still marginal in terms of revenue, so porting costs have to be considered carefully, particularly in cases like this where fragmentation pushes them higher.
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Quoting: etonbearsPerhaps asking Feral for comment on hardware support would be more helpful, but I suspect it comes down to the fact that NVidia has 2/3 of the GPU market, and Valve have worked primarily with NVidia to kick-start the Linux games market.
Linux games are still marginal in terms of revenue, so porting costs have to be considered carefully, particularly in cases like this where fragmentation pushes them higher.
Of course if nvidia have around 85% of market is logical supports because as your said too, port game have costs
And if this nvidia have around 85% of market practically almost money comes from them users
On amd side is more complicated because have fragmentation, them have around 15% of market and of this percentage have around 50% of this are catalyst users and another 50% are open source driver users
Without forget, in most cases catalyst is supported first than opensource driver (opengl stack incomplete, bugs, etc) this is leave around 7 to 8% of market
However amd must be define actual situation around catalyst, this fragmentation dont help
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 4 February 2016 at 5:08 pm UTC
Quoting: chris200x9Edit: The Mac port works on AMD so there's nothing "wrong" with AMD's OGL code it's just Feral took shortcuts and can't be arsed with a decent Linux port.
Who did the Mac port?
Quoting: subAs AMD user I'll most likely have to play it under Windows.
As a Linux user the OS is more important than GPU-vendor, so I go with what works.
Why do they have to put i7-series on recommended. Can't be any more specific?? Come on, there is a HUUUUGE difference in between first i7s and the ones we got nowadays.....
Quoting: 2pack2u2Why do they have to put i7-series on recommended. Can't be any more specific?? Come on, there is a HUUUUGE difference in between first i7s and the ones we got nowadays.....
It's not really that huge, which is what has kept me from upgrading my i7-2600.
Quoting: chrisqQuoting: 2pack2u2Why do they have to put i7-series on recommended. Can't be any more specific?? Come on, there is a HUUUUGE difference in between first i7s and the ones we got nowadays.....
It's not really that huge, which is what has kept me from upgrading my i7-2600.
I7-880: https://cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7+880+%40+3.07GHz&id=833
i7-6700: http://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-6700+%40+3.40GHz
Not huge difference you say?
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