Epistory - Typing Chronicles the unique atmospheric adventure typing game is now fully released. I have taken a look to see what you might expect. Disclaimer: Key provided by developer.
This is the first time I've been able to play Epistory - Typing Chronicles as I never touched it during early access, so to have the full version is quite the treat. I have to say that it's far better than what I was expecting. The graphics and voice acting are both top quality, and it's quite a different experience.
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The way the map and objects unfold as you play is really interesting, as it is all made to resemble bits of paper from a book. It's quite brilliant really, and I can't really compare it to any other game I've played before. It's really refreshing to play such a uniquely themed game.
You ride around on the back of a giant fox and listen to the story literally unfold in front of you.
Some parts are genuinely quite challenging, as you need to keep up your typing speed and accuracy to beat other animals. Doing tasks like this, along with removing obstacles will give you points to level up certain abilities as well, so it has an element of character progression too.
When I mention challenging, I mean it. At one point I had bugs coming at me from all angles. A massive one needed some pretty big words to take it down, all while I had to keep an eye on how close the little creatures were getting. It gave my fingers, brain and heart more of a workout than I thought possible.
I actually managed to fail a few of the typing tasks when facing a larger number of creatures too, so this might actually improve my speed and touching typing skills as I play.
Sadly, it's not perfect yet.
The game did quit to the desktop once when I entered a certain hole in the ground (trying not to spoil the story here). Luckily, it did save just before I entered, so I was able to continue.
The default music level was too high for some of the speech, and made me miss what the narrator was saying. It's all written down on the map so you don't miss it, but the speech needs an audio buff at times
I learnt some new words, explored a cleverly designed game world and typed quite a bit. I think it's a really charming game if you're looking for something truly different. It's just a shame about crash bugs.
You can pick up a copy of Epistory - Typing Chronicles on Humble Store and Steam.
I really liked the "Typing of the Dead" series.
But this game could be very tense if your keyboard looks like this:
Perfect game if you want to check that you can touch type in a hurry!Makes no difference if you can touch type, I'd imagine. ;)
But this game could be very tense if your keyboard looks like this:
anyway the game is beautiful and really nice to play, and it's actually a must have for all you keyboard fetishists out there (my Model M says hi!).
Time to buy a mechanical keyboard?
I have it, the problem is the Graphics card:
"ATI Radeon HD4850 -OR- GeForce GTX 295 (Does not support Intel Integrated Graphics Cards)"
Anyone knows a Linux typing game usable on Intel Integrated?
Time to buy a mechanical keyboard?
I have it, the problem is the Graphics card:
"ATI Radeon HD4850 -OR- GeForce GTX 295 (Does not support Intel Integrated Graphics Cards)"
Anyone knows a Linux typing game usable on Intel Integrated?
Well maybe not perfectly what you are searching for, but imho still fun.
Perfect game if you want to check that you can touch type in a hurry!Makes no difference if you can touch type, I'd imagine. ;)
But this game could be very tense if your keyboard looks like this:
My keyboard no longer has visible letters on the left side of the home row where I rest my hand. ASDFEXCVNML are all basically gone. It doesn't bother me but it totally throws the majority of people who try and use the keyboard.
I've been coding for 25 years - looking at the keys slows you down too much. Remembering where the {} [] braces are is only time I tend to flick my eyes down, since they can't be reached without lifting off the J key.
Time to buy a mechanical keyboard?
I have it, the problem is the Graphics card:
"ATI Radeon HD4850 -OR- GeForce GTX 295 (Does not support Intel Integrated Graphics Cards)"
Anyone knows a Linux typing game usable on Intel Integrated?
You could alway play ZType, if you're into shooters.
The new version of ZType does not work well for me. The older works better:
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