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It's always great to see when Linux/SteamOS performs really well, and this video shows Heroes of Newerth performing like a total champ for us.

Shame the community in that game is utterly terrible, like almost all MOBA games.

Thanks for the link dubigrasu.

What games perform better on Linux/SteamOS for you than they do on Windows? Article taken from
Tags: Benchmark, Video
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Saladien Apr 10, 2016
Wow great :), i thought that Arma 3 was just a one hit wonder. But this is rly glorious.
DamonLinuxPL Apr 10, 2016
My play, sorry for feed :D BTW. thanks for made benchmark and share video.
Kallestofeles Apr 10, 2016
Imo HoN has been always developed with OpenGL in mind, so no wonder. Sad to see that, though this is a great example of well developed game, most of the games that get ported to linux still suck performance-wise.
Ok, "suck" might be a bit harsh, but when you max your games out and get 30-50% performance degration on linux, it's still bad-as-balls.

Lets hope that more developers learn from this and if not optimize their ports, then at least start new projects with OpenGL/Vulkan in mind for better performance for us all. Why would someone even think about DX API when the other options are cross-platform and can out-perform the first when enough care is given? Sure, it might be a hell-of-a-more difficult, but taking on such challenge first will give the devs better life in the long run imo.

Ok, enough about this rant. Hope I didn't hit someone's nerves with it... if I did - I apologise! :P
GustyGhost Apr 10, 2016
QuoteShame the community in that game is utterly terrible

It's hard to be upset at this fact once you realize this is just human nature in a high-investment, high-risk environment. The people who play MOBA games are as "toxic" as any other but the difference is that MOBA game design fans the flames much more intensely.

Oh, and the fact that these games skew to a younger demographic certainly doesn't help either.
Zelox Apr 10, 2016
Whaatt does HoN work on linux :O?
I hade no idea! Im gonna have to try this.
Good to see Linux in the lead when it comes to perfomence aswell :).

Last edited by Zelox on 10 April 2016 at 9:24 pm UTC
dubigrasu Apr 10, 2016
Quoting: DamonLinuxPLMy play, sorry for feed :D BTW. thanks for made benchmark and share video.
So you're the "Angry Penguin" ? :)
Keyrock Apr 10, 2016
MOBAs are games that inherently lead to flaming and toxicity, it's built into the very nature of the game genre. The same things that make MOBAs so exciting and compelling to watch (I find MOBAs, more specifically DotA 2, far and away the most compelling eSports to watch), also make the games extremely stressful and make players prone to fits and outbursts. It's because it's a team game where 4 other players are depending on you to not **** up. The structure of MOBAs is such that no single player can carry a game all on their own (though a stellar individual performance can certainly help a team), but a single player making mistakes can absolutely sink their entire team.
sub Apr 10, 2016
Jonathan Blow would not believe this!
Zelox Apr 10, 2016
Quoting: KeyrockMOBAs are games that inherently lead to flaming and toxicity, it's built into the very nature of the game genre. The same things that make MOBAs so exciting and compelling to watch (I find MOBAs, more specifically DotA 2, far and away the most compelling eSports to watch), also make the games extremely stressful and make players prone to fits and outbursts. It's because it's a team game where 4 other players are depending on you to not **** up. The structure of MOBAs is such that no single player can carry a game all on their own (though a stellar individual performance can certainly help a team), but a single player making mistakes can absolutely sink their entire team.

The Leagues comunity are really great now adays. I rarly get in to a game with a flamer, and if I do just ignor it and report it.
And if u find that hard just mute it.

And sometimes there is trash talk just for the lols, you cant take its personaly or seriusly.
I think you should give it a go, mobas are really fun just be humble to other players and you are going to have alot of fun ^^.
Flamers are often kids who have been sipping on to mutch Fanta :P. Its the suger rush u know, and hormones.

Or maybe mobas just dont appeal to you.
I also think you have got the wrong first imperssion on mobas.
Kimyrielle Apr 10, 2016
Quoting: Zelox
Quoting: KeyrockMOBAs are games that inherently lead to flaming and toxicity, it's built into the very nature of the game genre. The same things that make MOBAs so exciting and compelling to watch (I find MOBAs, more specifically DotA 2, far and away the most compelling eSports to watch), also make the games extremely stressful and make players prone to fits and outbursts. It's because it's a team game where 4 other players are depending on you to not **** up. The structure of MOBAs is such that no single player can carry a game all on their own (though a stellar individual performance can certainly help a team), but a single player making mistakes can absolutely sink their entire team.

The Leagues comunity are really great now adays. I rarly get in to a game with a flamer, and if I do just ignor it and report it.
And if u find that hard just mute it.

And sometimes there is trash talk just for the lols, you cant take its personaly or seriusly.
I think you should give it a go, mobas are really fun just be humble to other players and you are going to have alot of fun ^^.
Flamers are often kids who have been sipping on to mutch Fanta :P. Its the suger rush u know, and hormones.

Or maybe mobas just dont appeal to you.
I also think you have got the wrong first imperssion on mobas.

Well, I lasted less than an hour in Leagues. I am used to the internet being a rough place but Leagues was extreme even by internet standards. I have never seen such an immature, rude and toxic "community" in my entire life and I have no desire to repeat that experience either. I am not sure what exactly causes MOBAs to attract entire armies of douchebags. The genre otherwise seems to be interesting. But I would really rip out my toe nails than spending one more minute with complete jerks like the ones I met in that game.
And make no mistake - there is no excuse for being a jerk online. "It's just a game" doesn't count and neither does "hormones". No matter what excuses are used, a person trash talking others is a moron, is a moron, is a moron. Period. Even the commonly used "It's the internet!" is just another expression for "I am actually a rude idiot and the Internet's anonymity finally gives me the opportunity to be my true self." It's laughable when these people try to indicate that they are actually nice in real life. The online world is just a part of real life, not a different reality. You can't be an asshole in one part and a nice person in the other. These people need to stop lying to themselves. If you don't want to be a jerk, then don't be a jerk.
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