It's Sunday and a rare occasion of it not raining where I am so I am away for most of the day (I also really should make Sunday mostly a day off so I don't burn-out). So, what have you been playing this week?
I am still hooked on Stellaris myself and my time played is reaching silly levels already. On my second play through now as my first ended in my destruction.
I declared war on someone who was being a nuisance, but it turned out their fleet was far bigger than mine. We decided to call a truce, but then my closest neighbour decided I was too aggressive so they declared war on me and made short work of my tiny ships.
Anyone else already excited for expansions to it? I sure am. I would like to see more random events and more neutral aliens floating around to discover.
After last night I am keen to play some more OpenRA, as the tournament we did was great fun. Open source game engines always surprise me and it has been years since I tried it. Everything went smoothly and I lost of course.
I will leave you with a bit of wisdom from Linux & Mac game porter Ethan Lee:
If you're on Linux/OSX and a program seems buggy, run it through Valgrind. Be reminded that you allowed that program to run on your computer
— Ethan Lee (@flibitijibibo) May 14, 2016
Also got "Hook", a little puzzle game on Steam and played that for a while.
Of course my own game also kept me busy, but not from playing it :P
Is there a tutorial on how to use Valgrind to debug games or applications for newbies, or is Valgrind used only when you have the source code?
I haven't used valgrind in a while but all I think you need is the binary:
valgrind --log-file=valgrind.output --leak-check=yes --tool=memcheck <Your Binary Here>
You can name the log file whatever you want as well.
To get myself on the topic: I've been achievement hunting, but I've been playing Kopantino All-Stars Soccer the most. This game actually got me interested in continuing my sports related project. It will probably never get done, but at least I can say I keep trying, eh?
Last edited by Storminator16 on 15 May 2016 at 12:14 pm UTC
I always enjoy mrdeathjr videos, no reason to remove them from my point of view.Links should suffice. And even those should be limited to native Linux games unless the thread is about wine or emulation. Just my opinion of course.
Also a few tries at No thing level 7.
I always enjoy mrdeathjr videos, no reason to remove them from my point of view.
Links should enough.
Just my opinion of course.
Relax point cleared with liamdawe and put 2 videos as limit for users bandwith reason
Respect for other videos i leave links, good idea
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 15 May 2016 at 1:48 pm UTC
Vampire®: The Masquerade - Bloodlines™ with Crossover and Tomb Raider, Really want to build/buy a windows computer so i can play Doom 4 as this is the first time i've never played a doom game on release :'(
@TheReaperUK : be strong, live penguin and wait (& wait & wait & wait & wait & wait ) for releases *
I have been playing Darkest Dungeon this week
@everyone : Stellaris worth it ?
* remember: the wait is the goal
Last edited by sigz on 15 May 2016 at 2:39 pm UTC
@mrdeathjr : Why testing neverwinter nights on wine ?
Good question
Because native alternative is complex* (steam version or gog could be acceptable), especially for new users
*same case occur with castle wolfenstein but in this can use nglide 1.05
However if installation process become more frendly for new users maybe can try native
Last edited by mrdeathjr on 15 May 2016 at 2:52 pm UTC
DOOM on the PS4! Considering the mountain of expectations of this game, they really did well. The gameplay is really refreshing, it's downright furious. Constant homage to the originals with state of the art graphics and a metal soundtrack. Hell yeah.
Now I'm busy with:
1 - Shadow Warrior
2 - Victor Vran
3 - Saints Row the third and IV ( 2 crashes often)
Stellaris @ 17 hours. Picked fight I couldn't win, surrendering terms were the emancipation of all my systems except home base. Tried re-conquering my lost systems only to get b****-slapped. Crawled back like a beat dog claiming systems none of the other empires would touch. Game is way too addictive for me : )Sounds similar to my first game, strangely similar :D
Last edited by ronnoc on 17 May 2016 at 12:04 am UTC
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