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An EVE Online developer has created a native Linux launcher that will download a version of Wine built by the developer.

I've tested it, and the launcher works without issues for me.

The developer said later on in the forum topic he plans to add the ability to use your own version of Wine, rather than the one built for EVE Online.

From the forum post:
QuoteThe EVE Launcher is now available for Linux. Note that this does in no way suggest that CCP is officially supporting Linux - this is just something I've been working on as a side project, and basically comes out of the work I've done for adding Wine support to the launcher for Mac.

This launcher is a native Linux application that downloads a version of Wine built by me, from the same source as the Wine version running on the Mac.

As we don't officially support Linux the test coverage is rather poor. I have an Ubuntu machine on my desk, and CCP Maxwell one on his. We've had some brave volunteers try this out and the results have been promising - we've had positive reports from players on Arch and Debian as well as Ubuntu.

Efforts like this should be applauded, it's one step closer to official support.

The only problem with this, is that EVE Online is phasing out DirectX 9 support and Wine hasn't finished DirectX 11 support yet. The launcher does already have an option to turn off DirectX 9 mode, but it won't work of course. Looks like the game won't work at all eventually, so hopefully the Wine developers won't take too long in adding it in. Going by the API status page for Wine, it looks like they have a long way to go.

I can't imagine how expensive and time consuming porting EVE Online to OpenGL (Or Vulkan) would be, so this is a really nice way to be able to play it easily on Linux.

You may not remember, but this isn't the first time EVE Online has supported Linux. Years ago they supported Linux with the use of Cedega (an old proprietary fork of Wine), but that didn't last too long.

Find the forum post about it here. Article taken from
Tags: MMO, Simulation, Wine
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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neowiz73 3 Jun 2016
oh my, i remember when Eve had a cedega Linux build. they had to drop it in favor of newer engine designs for Windows. I was quite sad to see that. never really got into Eve that much, to much time sink for gaining skills. after you have a few million isk then all you do is set around waiting for skills to be learned, it's like watching paint dry.
I think I spent more offline time than online time with that game after a couple of weeks of playtime waiting on skills to be learned. I had joined a guild and even then the most fun I had was mining for a couple of hours. not my idea of a fun game.

Last edited by neowiz73 on 3 Jun 2016 at 7:50 pm UTC
Zelox 3 Jun 2016
It will take mutch for me to suscribe to a game again.
But I like this idea, hopefully it can be an offical port later down the road.
We need an mmo on linux badly, and a sci fi one is the best one in my opinion.
I will probably try eve when the port is done ^^.
Kuduzkehpan 3 Jun 2016
Bring EVE online to VULKAN engine. Everything will be easy and painless also on eve online forums and in-game chats CCP has a lot of Linux channels and linux users. Also mac users. so if they dont want to be get out of market of mac linux VULKAN İS A MUST

Last edited by Kuduzkehpan on 3 Jun 2016 at 10:42 pm UTC
Liam Dawe 3 Jun 2016
  • Admin
Bring EVE online to VULKAN engine. Everything will be easy and painless also on eve online forums and in-game chats CCP has a lot of Linux channels and linux users. Also mac users. so if they dont want to be get out of market of mac linux VULKAN İS A MUST
Vulkan does not run on Mac OSX.
slaapliedje 3 Jun 2016
It will take mutch for me to suscribe to a game again.
But I like this idea, hopefully it can be an offical port later down the road.
We need an mmo on linux badly, and a sci fi one is the best one in my opinion.
I will probably try eve when the port is done ^^.

Isn't Vendetta Online for Linux? Seemed to me it was. I don't pay for any MMOs anymore because they are kind of like old retro games for me. I will randomly be 'in the mood' to play them and then I get bored too quickly, and stop playing. I did that with Elder Scrolls Online and probably paid for the subscription for 6 months, 5 of which I never played it. Finally decided to cancel the sub, and by then it'd become free to play anyhow.

I'd rather just have them port Elite: Dangerous over, of course they'd need SteamVR support first, because now that I've played the game in VR, I don't think I could go back to a normal screen!

I did really enjoy Star Trek Online and Age of Conan, I get the craving to play those occasionally as well.

I'd rather have a closer knit group to play something like Neverwinter Nights, or some LAN game fun. Ha, about the only MMO I'd pay for and play a lot would be Ultima Online if they had a native client again.
Aimela 4 Jun 2016
While not optimal, it's certainly better than nothing.
Anyway, this is pretty much why Vulkan needs to take over.
Kuduzkehpan 4 Jun 2016
Bring EVE online to VULKAN engine. Everything will be easy and painless also on eve online forums and in-game chats CCP has a lot of Linux channels and linux users. Also mac users. so if they dont want to be get out of market of mac linux VULKAN İS A MUST
Vulkan does not run on Mac OSX.

mac os will support vulkan its not so different than OpenGL and METAL wont gonna be popular or Trending. And vendors are more mature to build vulkan ready graphic drivers for mac os.
grumpytoad 4 Jun 2016
Going forwards CCP seems to be gating DX11 visuals using dialog options for the moment, but they have vouched continued official support for the mac client, so it should be interesting how they satisfy this conflict of interest. It's entirely possible, considering their past, that they assign resources to bring dx11 features to wine, which would be pretty nice for linux gaming IMO. I doubt they will switch a decade+ year old gaming engine to vulkan.
Maquis196 4 Jun 2016
  • Supporter Plus
Certainly would be amazing if they switched to Vulkan. I do wonder if they would consider the Linux/Ps4/Console in general market.

Yet they run their backend on some advanced windows stuff, I always found that amusing. A job spec their for a sys admin was some hardcore windows stuff.
Zelox 4 Jun 2016
It will take mutch for me to suscribe to a game again.
But I like this idea, hopefully it can be an offical port later down the road.
We need an mmo on linux badly, and a sci fi one is the best one in my opinion.
I will probably try eve when the port is done ^^.

Isn't Vendetta Online for Linux? Seemed to me it was. I don't pay for any MMOs anymore because they are kind of like old retro games for me. I will randomly be 'in the mood' to play them and then I get bored too quickly, and stop playing. I did that with Elder Scrolls Online and probably paid for the subscription for 6 months, 5 of which I never played it. Finally decided to cancel the sub, and by then it'd become free to play anyhow.

I'd rather just have them port Elite: Dangerous over, of course they'd need SteamVR support first, because now that I've played the game in VR, I don't think I could go back to a normal screen!

I did really enjoy Star Trek Online and Age of Conan, I get the craving to play those occasionally as well.

I'd rather have a closer knit group to play something like Neverwinter Nights, or some LAN game fun. Ha, about the only MMO I'd pay for and play a lot would be Ultima Online if they had a native client again.
+ Click to view long quote

Ye Vendetta online, I never got in to that one, and we got runescape also.
Eve was my cup off tea tho, but wow was also out then, and everyone was in to wow so I ended up playing that one instead.

I think Elite will come to Linux in the future, but there are little content in the game at the moment, so I can understand they are waiting with a Linux port, and I think there was some problem with the engien they need to solve aswell.
I think the plan was to port the game to play station I can be wrong, then we can see a Linux port hopefully.

And I really dont like there modell of how they are selling the game at the moment, very high price at the start for no content at all, and now its very cheap and it got more content. Im talking about horizons there last expansion. So the longer we wait, the more we get for our money, for a cheaper price aswell.
And I can imagen some expansions down the road, you can buy Elite dangerous + horizon and the expansion after that for a cheap price.

And if they wont port it, we got star citizen.

Last edited by Zelox on 4 Jun 2016 at 9:04 am UTC
Liam Dawe 4 Jun 2016
  • Admin
Bring EVE online to VULKAN engine. Everything will be easy and painless also on eve online forums and in-game chats CCP has a lot of Linux channels and linux users. Also mac users. so if they dont want to be get out of market of mac linux VULKAN İS A MUST
Vulkan does not run on Mac OSX.

mac os will support vulkan its not so different than OpenGL and METAL wont gonna be popular or Trending. And vendors are more mature to build vulkan ready graphic drivers for mac os.
Unless you know something the rest of the industry doesn't, Mac will not support Vulkan. Apple are putting their eggs in the Metal basket. Apple make/approve the drivers, so you can't just slot Vulkan into Mac like you can do on Linux and Windows.
tuubi 4 Jun 2016
  • Supporter Plus
mac os will support vulkan its not so different than OpenGL and METAL wont gonna be popular or Trending. And vendors are more mature to build vulkan ready graphic drivers for mac os.
Unless you know something the rest of the industry doesn't, Mac will not support Vulkan. Apple are putting their eggs in the Metal basket. Apple make/approve the drivers, so you can't just slot Vulkan into Mac like you can do on Linux and Windows.
Also Vulkan is very different from OpenGL. The only thing these API's do have in common is that both are managed by the Khronos Group. In fact Vulkan and Metal are more likely to have something in common than Vulkan and OpenGL do.

As Liam said, Apple isn't likely to support Vulkan on IOS or OSX. [Molten]( could make this problem go away, we'll see.
c3224 5 Jun 2016
I stopped playing EvE when they ditched EvE linux client, which was bad in the first palace.

CCP guys are Python junkies, they cant make good software, I remember their client was bad even on Windows, especially when docking or jumping, they even introduced "Time Dilation" because their code sux.

Guys, idiots who use Python, Pearl, C#(mono), Java, Javascript (or any other scripting language except Lua) etc. cant make good software or use complex/advanced stuff like Vulkan, OGL, Posix etc., they are just too stupid and/or lazy, end of story. Programmers who only know .Net & Win32 API will never make good Unix applications/games out of the box, you need years to learn that stuff. Please stop spreading bad news as good ones and stop circle-jerking.


Last edited by Liam Dawe on 13 Sep 2016 at 9:10 pm UTC
tuubi 5 Jun 2016
  • Supporter Plus
Guys, idiots who use Python, Pearl, C#(mono), Java, Javascript (or any other scripting language except Lua) etc. cant make good software or use complex/advanced stuff like Vulkan, OGL, Posix etc., they are just too stupid and/or lazy, end of story.
Hehe, funny stuff. :D

(No, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.)
c3224 5 Jun 2016
Guys, idiots who use Python, Pearl, C#(mono), Java, Javascript (or any other scripting language except Lua) etc. cant make good software or use complex/advanced stuff like Vulkan, OGL, Posix etc., they are just too stupid and/or lazy, end of story.
Hehe, funny stuff. :D

(No, I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.)

You are laughing at reality and you are the reason gaming on Linux will fail!!! Developers need to learn good coding practices, take C/C++, SDL, Vulkan/OGL and make source that can be compiled to Windows, Mac and Linux without modifying single line of code (platform specific code is allowed) in all other cases gaming on Windows will be superior and all we will get are wraped/emulated/translated pieces s**t!

We will see who will be laughing in 2-3 years when Steam on Linux goes to hell. Just Google what did developers do to optimize games for PS3 Cell CPU (and later consoles) and what they usually do when console is at end of its life, they skip high-level API and do bit level manipulations in C++ & ASM extending development for months, but for Linux users they are not able to fix stupid bugs; if you cant see that, I feel sorry for you.

Using Wine, wraping/translating/emulating are cheap PR points and easy money from "useful idiot Linux users".

Last edited by c3224 on 5 Jun 2016 at 1:16 pm UTC
Zelox 6 Jun 2016
Please stop spreading bad news as good ones and stop circle-jerking.
Game devs just need to say Linux and they will get article on GoL, WTF, and please begin to analyse and criticize stupid s**t they are saying.

I fail to see the logic in the most of the stuff you say.
And how is this bad news ?
Eve devs are porting there game to Linux, even if its not official it should be good news.
Maybe it will be offical in the future, and if you dont like it, dont play it :P.
You already voting with your money, your not playing eve cause they dropt there Linux client,
and I guess you only buy Linux games and play them in Linux. Keep doing that and we will see better support.

And if you dont like wine version of a game, dont buy them.
Linux has grown as a gaming platform very very quick, we are still a very small group compaired to windows.

And the Devs make the most ammount of money from consols and windows at the moment, and they will support that, it has nothing to do with being lazy or stupid, Its the opposite in fact.
And be careful cause u never know who will read these comments, we have devs on GoL at times.

Im really happy with this news, and I see nothing wrong with this.

Like Liam is saying in the article:
Efforts like this should be applauded, it's one step closer to official support.
c3224 6 Jun 2016
And how is this bad news ?
Wine is bad news.

Eve devs are porting there game to Linux, even if its not official it should be good news.
It is not port, it is Wine bottle.

...and I guess you only buy Linux games and play them in Linux. Keep doing that and we will see better support.
I dont play games much latley, but when I play them it is exclusively on Windows? Why? They look better, they run better, there are bunch third-party game mods/apps/tweaking-tools etc. on Windows and 0(ZERO) on Linux. Steam runs better on Windows, Origin,, Epic, uPlay runs only on Windows, and when game devs put bunch of microtransactions, DLC & preorder exclusive stuff in game I like, it is much easier to Pirate it on Windows.

My definition of Linux support is game that runs on all distributions, uses OGL/Vulkan, runs x64 code and does not need multilib, same performance and quality as on Windows, no translators, no emulation, no wraping and other BS, and no one is doing that.

Linux has grown as a gaming platform very very quick...
It will fall even faster, in 2-3 years when game streaming becomes casual gaming standard, Linux gaming will be dead; Wine bottles and eON wrapers will be replaced by remote servers, game clients will be web pages made in HTML/JS/CSS slow and full of bugs, you will be paying 3-4 different game streaming services 100$/mo, and of course ads, ads everywhere.

Also a lot of hype is in shi*y VR, VR needs highly optimized high performing code which does not exist on Linux.

And be careful cause u never know who will read these comments, we have devs on GoL at times.
Let them read, they are bad and they should feel bad.'s one step closer to official support...
Nope, EvE is declining in player base and this is cheap and easy way to get more money and players (, short term of course, who would like to play EvE on Linux for long time when you need 4-5 .Net third-party Windows only applications to mange you character and plan traning, to save all ship builds, to trade etc., and no one can effectively multibox with slow Wine.

Look at Wine as Windows API implementation on *nix, if you support Wine you support Windows API, end of story! Im aware that playing games on Windows is bad and you should be aware that using Wine (or eON) is same sh*t.
khalismur 7 Jun 2016
And how is this bad news ?
Wine is bad news.

Eve devs are porting there game to Linux, even if its not official it should be good news.
It is not port, it is Wine bottle.

...and I guess you only buy Linux games and play them in Linux. Keep doing that and we will see better support.
I dont play games much latley, but when I play them it is exclusively on Windows? Why? They look better, they run better, there are bunch third-party game mods/apps/tweaking-tools etc. on Windows and 0(ZERO) on Linux. Steam runs better on Windows, Origin,, Epic, uPlay runs only on Windows, and when game devs put bunch of microtransactions, DLC & preorder exclusive stuff in game I like, it is much easier to Pirate it on Windows.

My definition of Linux support is game that runs on all distributions, uses OGL/Vulkan, runs x64 code and does not need multilib, same performance and quality as on Windows, no translators, no emulation, no wraping and other BS, and no one is doing that.

Linux has grown as a gaming platform very very quick...
It will fall even faster, in 2-3 years when game streaming becomes casual gaming standard, Linux gaming will be dead; Wine bottles and eON wrapers will be replaced by remote servers, game clients will be web pages made in HTML/JS/CSS slow and full of bugs, you will be paying 3-4 different game streaming services 100$/mo, and of course ads, ads everywhere.

Also a lot of hype is in shi*y VR, VR needs highly optimized high performing code which does not exist on Linux.

And be careful cause u never know who will read these comments, we have devs on GoL at times.
Let them read, they are bad and they should feel bad.'s one step closer to official support...
Nope, EvE is declining in player base and this is cheap and easy way to get more money and players (, short term of course, who would like to play EvE on Linux for long time when you need 4-5 .Net third-party Windows only applications to mange you character and plan traning, to save all ship builds, to trade etc., and no one can effectively multibox with slow Wine.

Look at Wine as Windows API implementation on *nix, if you support Wine you support Windows API, end of story! Im aware that playing games on Windows is bad and you should be aware that using Wine (or eON) is same sh*t.
+ Click to view long quote
Bullshit. If you hate Linux gaming and use Windows for it, why the hell are you even here? Why do you comment on such a thread?

So much hate. We don't need this. Brings nothing to the community. Make yourself a favor and read some self-helping books, get a partner, grab a bottle of wine with friends or anything but coming here to post this kind of thing.
c3224 8 Jun 2016
Bullshit. If you hate Linux gaming and use Windows for it, why the hell are you even here? Why do you comment on such a thread?

So much hate. We don't need this. Brings nothing to the community. Make yourself a favor and read some self-helping books, get a partner, grab a bottle of wine with friends or anything but coming here to post this kind of thing.

<snip>, game devs/publishers are playing you like a fiddle just throw more money on CCP so they can finance even more Playstation only games and stupid VR projects that will never run on Linux, just give them free PR. At a peak of EvE online success they ditched Linux support and now when they are failing all of a sudden they want to support Linux, yeah sure.

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 13 Sep 2016 at 9:07 pm UTC
tuubi 8 Jun 2016
  • Supporter Plus
Aww, someone's feeling a bit grumpy. :'(

Hey, any of my fellow traitors up for a circle-jerk?
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