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Note: Changelog at bottom.

I have done some more work on the user statistics page tonight. I have now included an option to pick your resolution.

Please update your profile (scroll to the bottom) to pick your resolution. If you didn't see the comments on the previous article, you can now hide your details so it won't appear on your profiles at all (so your details will be properly anonymous).

I am continuing to developing it even if I don't talk about it on GOL much (Levi will back me up with git logs!). You can also follow my coding failures on Twitter if you desire.

Today I have refactored the stats generation and the actual page that displays it to make it much easier for me to add in new graphs. This took a while to get right, but it means I can add new graphs if I want to/if the community want them a lot faster than before.

I have also done some back-end changes to make managing the graphs easier. Not quite where I want it yet, but getting closer.

It may seem slow, but it's getting there. It may be in a state soon where I can set it up to regenerate the graphs automatically. The code is there, but I am doing it manually until it's at a point where I'm happy for it to be done automatically. Once that is done I will enable people to pick previous graphs to display and we can talk about them more!

I have as suggested changed the order on the RAM graph to go from lowest to highest RAM, instead of being sorted by total users. I think it makes more sense after thinking on it as it looks more naturally structured for reading it.

Once I am happy for it to automatically generate, I will work on the actual survey page to allow more specific gaming questions and for people who don't have accounts here on GOL to participate in it too.

I will do a regeneration soon when more people have added their resolutions, I did a quick one just now so the stats page is up to date right now.

I have to say though, I do love the stats page. I am really surprised at just how many Arch users we have visiting us, wow!

If you have more suggestions for it then fire away in the comments, would love to know what features you would find useful on it.

If you like what I do with GOL, please consider supporting me on Patreon. If not, no worries I love what I do!

Ps. Sorry for the downtime tonight, totally my fault, big thanks to Levi our awesome server admin for fixing up my misshap.

Update: 19/06/16 18:00PM UTC
- Distribution moved to pc info section on profile, so it's now hidden if you hide your pc info.
- Dual boot answers now show up on profiles and graphs
- Fixed more back-end stuffs
- Regenerated graphs again!

Update: 19/06/16 12:50PM UTC
- Added total users who answered the question below each graph

Update: 19/06/16 11:11AM UTC
- More resolutions added
- Nicer error handling if the graph has not been generated yet
- Added distro architecture graph back in
- Adjusted screen resolution question, it's main gaming resolution, not resolution of all monitors together
- Added dual-booting question
- Fresh graphs generated
- Yes I am working on a Sunday, send help Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
See more from me
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boltronics Jun 19, 2016
Nice. Added.
Julius Jun 19, 2016
How about adding an option if the user has a VR headset and also which type (incl. non-linux like Occulus or Daydream to show general interest). Just for future reference regarding VR support on Linux.

Last edited by Julius on 19 June 2016 at 4:22 am UTC
Psycic101 Jun 19, 2016
Quoting: ElectricPrism
Quoting: PublicNuisanceUpdated. Wow I am surprised about the number of Arch users. I was led to believe by various users on different forums that it wasn't a very popular Distro due to it being harder to get the hang of. Maybe the news was wrong.

My mom uses arch, my brother uses arch, my wife uses arch, my moms office uses arch, I use arch, our laptops are arch and our Sofa Samsung TV uses arch too.

Make a install guide to expedite future arch installs, rolling release is the shiznit.

This? Arch FTW
Philadelphus Jun 19, 2016
Heh, does resolution get multiplied by the number of monitors you have? 'cause I've got two…though, I guess it would be difficult to account for people with multiple monitors with different resolutions.

(Tongue in cheek, in case it wasn't clear. :)
Hamish Jun 19, 2016
Does not have my primary resolution of 1400x1050.
etam Jun 19, 2016
My situation with resolution is a bit complicated: I use a laptop, which has screen 1366x768. But when at home I attach an external monitor, which has 1920x1080. But when playing games on this external monitor I sometimes set the resolution to 1280x720 to get more FPS. (on my profile I selected 1920x1080 as my main gaming resolution)
hidekin Jun 19, 2016
I have 2 monitors with different resolutions , one in 2160p and a second one in 1200p. So maybe have a choice for a different resolution for each monitor ?
blendi-93 Jun 19, 2016
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i'am missing the resolutions 2560x1080 and 3440x1440 :P
tuubi Jun 19, 2016
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I think it should be "resolution of primary screen". Or even better the resolution you usually play games in. The resolution of all your monitors combined or a list of multiple resolutions isn't very useful. Most games don't even support multi-monitor stuff, and those that do already have to take this into account. And I'm assuming here that the purpose of these stats isn't bragging rights but the collection of useful information about the systems we use for gaming? So ultra-wide 21:9 resolutions are okay, but anything spanning multiple monitors is irrelevant.
ElectricPrism Jun 19, 2016
Quoting: Psycic101
Quoting: ElectricPrism
Quoting: PublicNuisanceUpdated. Wow I am surprised about the number of Arch users. I was led to believe by various users on different forums that it wasn't a very popular Distro due to it being harder to get the hang of. Maybe the news was wrong.

My mom uses arch, my brother uses arch, my wife uses arch, my moms office uses arch, I use arch, our laptops are arch and our Sofa Samsung TV uses arch too.

Make a install guide to expedite future arch installs, rolling release is the shiznit.

This? Arch FTW

I started with Arch Wiki, now I have a 60 page arch install guide including all optional configurations to optimize my deployments. I've since created Arch LAMP guides, and a Arch Clone guide which is neat.

Arch Wiki is the place where Linux Admins are born imo ;)
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