Well this is confusing and aggravating, it seems the Linux version of Project Cars is officially never going to happen.
@gamingonlinux There are no plans for a Linux version right now.
— Project CARS (@projectcarsgame) August 7, 2016
I pointed out a link on their own website that is still up here:
QuoteFurthermore, Project CARS will also be coming to Valve’s Steam OS, extending an existing partnership with Steam that has already allowed tens of thousands of WMD members the ability to download and play builds of the game during its development and allow specific multiplayer and social features that are only possible using this unique platform.
No reply on that yet, but I will update this if we get anything back as it was only recently sent to them.
Sadly, it's another game to join the growing list of games that promised a Linux/SteamOS version to drop support at some point without telling anyone. I've tried to get in touch with the developer numerous times. It's pleasing to get closure, but it took a long time to get it out of them.
They did at least stop taking any funding way before announcing SteamOS support, so if you purchased it once it released when there was still no sign of their previously promised support, well, you probably know by now not to pre-order.
And the game doesnt seem to do that good at all, bugs, fps issues and all kinde of truble apperently.
So I cant image how half done the linux port would be.
This was issues back in 2015 so they might have fixed them now.

I am literally laughing and rolling on the floor right now! HAHAHA! That's awesome!
Wow, I sent this article to reddit and someone linked to this screengrab.
That's how the Project Cars studio head responded to WiiU people they upset when they cancelled it. Extremely unprofessional.
Edit: It's not even being taken out of context, it's directly from here http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/showthread.php?27584-Can-the-Wii-U-run-PCARS/page9
I dont really want to buy the game anymore anyway. Even if it comes to Linux Im not even considiering getting this.
The most scary part is that Ian seems to enjoy keep poking deafswing with trash talk.
unbelievable. what a bunch of BS.
About the Project Cars and Linux port.
You made a huge marketing campaign around Steam OS. The logo was on each video, images, blog articles, official website, FAQ, forums... and you even announced a second part of the game with a similar campaign and the same Steam OS promises.
But there are "no plans for GNU/Linux". I don't understand your logic guys, but probably you just lie more than talk?
Why do you treat Linux-gamers the way you do? We were willing to throw out money at you. Seems that you don't need it. You will just add to piracy with this kind of behaviour?"
No reply yet, unless you count the automated message, which was:
"Thank you for contacting Slightly Mad Studios. We have received your email and we will be responding to you soon.
Please note, Project CARS support requests are handled exclusively via the Project CARS support forum, that can be found at this address (you need to register to post): http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/
Thank you."
Wow, I sent this article to reddit and someone linked to this screengrab.Haha, now that makes me want to pirate their game and run it on Windows. :D
That's how the Project Cars studio head responded to WiiU people they upset when they cancelled it. Extremely unprofessional.
Edit: It's not even being taken out of context, it's directly from here http://forum.projectcarsgame.com/showthread.php?27584-Can-the-Wii-U-run-PCARS/page9
I would say they fully deserved it.
Haha, now that makes me want to pirate their game and run it on Windows. :D
Joke or not, that is a weird attitude. As if that will help them sympathize with Linux users. Only thing it does, is reaffirm their stereotypical views on Linux users, that we don't want to pay for anything, and that we all use Windows anyways (I haven't used or owned Windows for 18 years, and don't intent to change that for any game). For my sake and people like me, please don't post or mail threats like this, no matter how large asshats the developers are. It hurts us more than it hurts them. Simply don't fund them, and spend your money on developers who actually care about us.
No seriously - this is really unprofessional. I am not a geek, freak or whatever, just some guy who wants to work+play easily without all those problems people suffer from while using pre-installed operating systems they pay for. Valve helped there a lot, and honestly: if I was valve and if I really cared, then I (valve) would be the one who feels betrayed, because in some way I also lied to my customers whom I promised support for games.
In fact Valve should sue them and ban their shit from the valve store. See who cares then, I am sure they would turn out very small and start to appologize.
I don't see the humour in it, really. Not that I think you or most of us will actually do it, but Perkeleen_Vittupää did email this to the developers:
Why do you treat Linux-gamers the way you do? We were willing to throw out money at you. Seems that you don't need it. You will just add to piracy with this kind of behaviour?Do you really think that will help them change their mind? You don't have to answer, and since you're not a robot, stay happy! ;)
I am not talking months, years, and about ongoing promises with notgonnahappen as final answer after months of waiting and pre-ordering. They would probably burn the dev's studio.
I don't see the humour in it, really. Not that I think you or most of us will actually do it, but Perkeleen_Vittupää did email this to the developers:
Why do you treat Linux-gamers the way you do? We were willing to throw out money at you. Seems that you don't need it. You will just add to piracy with this kind of behaviour?Do you really think that will help them change their mind? You don't have to answer, and since you're not a robot, stay happy! ;)
I feel and think we shouldn't just "peace out" about these things.
I feel and think we shouldn't just "peace out" about these things.Sure, and I think many feel the same, but what does it have to do with piracy? Why mention it as a consequence? You could have said: "I would have paid you money, but it turns out you are dishonest, conduct false advertisement and I will never trust or support your company again." They already think Wii-U users are noise (2% causing 98% trouble), so no need to fuel their preconception of Linux users as freeloaders.
We should be disappointed with a studio like this, but luckily there are others that deserve our attention more (in a good way). So fuck Project CARS and peace out.
Simply as that: SteamOS is NOT GNU/Linux and that is made clear by this. Who in fact can prevent Valve from changing this derivate so it is more incompatible with the general Linux-stack? Exactly: Nobody. Just using the kernel and some firmware and what about the rest? Just more proprietary software and addons doesn't bring Open-Source more clear in the foreground, but I like those discussions here ... when some people are crying out because they don't get the game to make Linux more shiny one day and in fact it is nothing more than a copy of Windows on their local system. :DThere's no reason whatsoever to think Valve will someday make SteamOS incompatible with Linux. That's just Microsoft-style FUD, and Valve knows better than to piss off millions of loyal customers as well as hundreds of developers who have already taken the risk of supporting Linux/SteamOS in the first place.
It will be relativized repeatedly, I know. But using proprietary software with DRM is just an option and possibility, nothing more. It doesn't help Linux in any way.
Like Gabe Newall once said when asked if Steam would ever suddenly become a subscription service after gaining a large customer base: "Sure, we could screw over our customers. We could also cover ourselves with gasoline and light ourselves on fire. Neither one sounds like a good idea."
Last edited by Mountain Man on 8 Aug 2016 at 11:18 pm UTC
GoL should stop hyping "ports" and criticize more, ass licking and circlejerking will not get us anywhere.
Did anyone seriously think that Project Cars would ever see the light of day on SteamOS? The announcement was more than vague. There are a far more "outspoken" candidates out there which still have to deliver - Rocket League comes to my mind. And to spare you some future disappointment: If Star Citizen ever will be finished, we still won't see a Linux version. As with Kingdom Come: Deliverance (which reminds me, that I should finally get my refund from those bastards).
Star citizen is coming to Linux, and its been confirmed mutliple times.
Also the game is expected to be released by the end of the year.
The reason we dont have a port is because OpenGL are missing stuff along with cryengien.
But they will work on it.
Ofcourse they could probably back out, but I doubt it.
You can just ask the support what the exact problem are at the moment and Im sure they give u a strait answer.
About as confirmed as HL3.
There has never been an explicit confirmation of a Linux version ("looking into it", "some time after release", etc). If I'm wrong: Send pix to prove it. For a start: Why did they pick Cryengine which Linux support is spotty at best, and was de-facto non-existent when RSI decided upon it.
I feel and think we shouldn't just "peace out" about these things.Sure, and I think many feel the same, but what does it have to do with piracy? Why mention it as a consequence? So fuck Project CARS and peace out.
I don't know how you see "piracy" as, but i'm sure you might get a glimpse of what i mean?
"Fuck Project CARS and peace out?" -Hmm.
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 Aug 2016 at 11:40 pm UTC
Haha, now that makes me want to pirate their game and run it on Windows. :D
Joke or not, that is a weird attitude. As if that will help them sympathize with Linux users. Only thing it does, is reaffirm their stereotypical views on Linux users, that we don't want to pay for anything, and that we all use Windows anyways (I haven't used or owned Windows for 18 years, and don't intent to change that for any game). For my sake and people like me, please don't post or mail threats like this, no matter how large asshats the developers are. It hurts us more than it hurts them. Simply don't fund them, and spend your money on developers who actually care about us.
Numasan, you produce some seemingly "intelligent" text all the while, yet working against Linux.
Numasan, you produce some seemingly "intelligent" text all the while, yet working against Linux.How so?
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