CD PROJEKT RED replied to me about The Witcher 3 and Linux, flat-out denying to answer any questions
With all the hoo-ha about The Witcher 3 and the replies GOG have given (first being it was never planned, second being they don't know), I finally have an answer from the actual developer of The Witcher 3.
Yeah, I know, I'm writing about this again after saying I probably wouldn't, "please make it stop" and all that.
This is the first time CDPR have ever actually communicated with me directly.
I replied right after this, and immediately got an out of the office auto-reply. Hmmm.
There you go, an official comment from the developer of The Witcher 3. It clears up nothing, it's a flat-out denial to answer my basic and easy to understand questions.
It does raise the question though: why reply at all when you're essentially saying nothing?
I don't think we will ever truly know what happened, I expect no one to talk about it as I imagine both Valve and CDPR want this snafu buried.
I will just leave this here again for posterity, to remind myself and you to never pre-order based on developer promises, not even a big banner on Steam itself:
Yeah, I know, I'm writing about this again after saying I probably wouldn't, "please make it stop" and all that.
This is the first time CDPR have ever actually communicated with me directly.
QuoteHey Liam,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I'm afraid we have nothing to communicate about this at this point in time.
I replied right after this, and immediately got an out of the office auto-reply. Hmmm.
There you go, an official comment from the developer of The Witcher 3. It clears up nothing, it's a flat-out denial to answer my basic and easy to understand questions.
It does raise the question though: why reply at all when you're essentially saying nothing?
I don't think we will ever truly know what happened, I expect no one to talk about it as I imagine both Valve and CDPR want this snafu buried.
I will just leave this here again for posterity, to remind myself and you to never pre-order based on developer promises, not even a big banner on Steam itself:

Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
Quoting: tamcculloughI think more blame needs to be leveled/aimed/heaped on Valve. Just what exactly have their intentions been with the whole Steam OS thing? If they truly wanted it to overthrow windows and consoles in the future, why put so little effort into marketing it and promoting it? It's not truly worth the effort for developers. Which honestly pisses me off.
Hold on there little man, "Steam OS ... overthrow windows" - dafuq.
"why put so little effort into marketing it and promoting it?"
A: Maybe it's not time for the big push yet?
A: Maybe they don't want to ruin the opportunity in people's minds about Steam Machines so they're charging up the game library before they do a Falcon Punch.
A: Maybe success is gradual and not instant when it comes to absorbing enemy territory?
"[SteamOS/Linux] It's not truly worth the effort for developers."
What? What kind of BS is that. Linux is developer heaven, and Vulkan is Rome, Unity 3D Linux just got mainlined in their source tree, Linux is the most prestigious development platform right now, the CLI is powerful and you can target every major platform when developing on Linux.
"Which honestly pisses me off."
Take a chill pill mate, lower your expectations in terms of how soon SteamOS will dominate, patience.
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I feel the need to point out that what "is and is not rude" is a very culturally dependent thing, so bear in mind that the companies and even we ourselves are from a diverse group of cultures, for fsck's sake we barely even acknowledge that we all have different cuss words, greetings and goodbyes.
In ancient times it was rude to not greet passers by on the road and have a ceremonial lunch, over in england if you engage someone taking away their public privacy it could be considered rude, over in china if you take too much of a first serving on dinner it's rude, in america chewing with your mouth open is rude, so many different expectations and perceptions.
Anyways, if we all can just put some gravy on our differences and appreciate the vast spectrum we all represent that would be great.
So back to the context - it may or may not be rude in our country, but what's important is if it is rude where they're from and if the intention was ill. The only person who knows for sure is the rep.
I say good on them for communicating with our crazy asses.
In ancient times it was rude to not greet passers by on the road and have a ceremonial lunch, over in england if you engage someone taking away their public privacy it could be considered rude, over in china if you take too much of a first serving on dinner it's rude, in america chewing with your mouth open is rude, so many different expectations and perceptions.
Anyways, if we all can just put some gravy on our differences and appreciate the vast spectrum we all represent that would be great.
So back to the context - it may or may not be rude in our country, but what's important is if it is rude where they're from and if the intention was ill. The only person who knows for sure is the rep.
I say good on them for communicating with our crazy asses.
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Quoting: ElectricPrismI say good on them for communicating with our crazy asses.
Yep, my point exactly. Their communication is very poor to begin with, so them acknowledging that they can't answer the question is something.
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 10:36 pm UTC
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And by the way, I tried to get information about Cyberpunk 2077 development (whether they plan Linux release or if they use Vulkan and etc.) but got nothing so far.
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 10:47 pm UTC
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 10:47 pm UTC
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First was that "mistake" made by Valve about the announcement of The Witcher 3 on SteamOS. Who creates a banner that is wrong?
The only explanation to me is that they signed some agreements for a launch, but there was some confusion.
Today if you ask the developer if there will be an Linux version, he doesn't say "no", he says "I can't tell you now". Which means that there is something.
I bet that there will be an big announcement later, with Vulkan renderer or something, and SteamOS support. It's just too early to say anything.
Just my opinion but it keeps my hopes high.
Last edited by pop2010 on 7 September 2016 at 10:48 pm UTC
The only explanation to me is that they signed some agreements for a launch, but there was some confusion.
Today if you ask the developer if there will be an Linux version, he doesn't say "no", he says "I can't tell you now". Which means that there is something.
I bet that there will be an big announcement later, with Vulkan renderer or something, and SteamOS support. It's just too early to say anything.
Just my opinion but it keeps my hopes high.
Last edited by pop2010 on 7 September 2016 at 10:48 pm UTC
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I think the delay is due to VP's Witcher 2 port.
VP's Linux version of Witcher 2 demands more power to run than Windows version. So, if they want to port Witcher 3 to Linux, they waits untill average linux configurations could run Witcher 3 with a VP port.
VP's Linux version of Witcher 2 demands more power to run than Windows version. So, if they want to port Witcher 3 to Linux, they waits untill average linux configurations could run Witcher 3 with a VP port.
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Quoting: pop2010First was that "mistake" made by Valve about the announcement of The Witcher 3 on SteamOS. Who creates a banner that is wrong?
The only explanation to me is that they signed some agreements for a launch, but there was some confusion.
You can't make such confusion twice in a row. It was clearly arranged, but later they hit some problems.
For timeline of events, see also:
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 10:50 pm UTC
Before the GOTY edition, it wasn't practical to make a Linux port, because the game development wasn't completed...
Only since there is a GOTY edition of The Witcher 3, it makes sense to have a Linux port...
Imagine the nightmare of porting separately the main game, the bunch of sucessive free DLC's and the two expansions.
Now that the development stage of the Witcher 3 has been completed, the game will need some fine tunning... After that, the porting process can begin.
Only since there is a GOTY edition of The Witcher 3, it makes sense to have a Linux port...
Imagine the nightmare of porting separately the main game, the bunch of sucessive free DLC's and the two expansions.
Now that the development stage of the Witcher 3 has been completed, the game will need some fine tunning... After that, the porting process can begin.
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Quoting: dmantioneMy impression is that you won't get any further with modern ways of communication. If you want to find out more, you need to pick up the old fashioned phone and make him talk ;)
Still not old fashioned enough. I don't think anything short of up close and personal with some feathers and a bucket of tar would get a lot of results. ;)
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The last personal communication about this was with Marcin Iwiński, and back then he said they'll release their game for Linux, if Valve would make SteamOS.
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 11:38 pm UTC
Last edited by Shmerl on 7 September 2016 at 11:38 pm UTC
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Hahahahahaha! Liam, the person you've reached - was that Robert Malinowski? :D I kinda know the guy. He has no say about Linux release, it's way above his pay grade. But reading into Polish mentality, this just probably meant there's no official decision, he doesn't know about any unofficial plans and currently the work on the subject stopped. I happen to know they're currently focusing on some card game promo so I wouldn't count on any other answer.
Quoting: cprnHahahahahaha! Liam, the person you've reached - was that Robert Malinowski? :D I kinda know the guy. He has no say about Linux release, it's way above his pay grade. But reading into Polish mentality, this just probably meant there's no official decision, he doesn't know about any unofficial plans and currently the work on the subject stopped. I happen to know they're currently focusing on some card game promo so I wouldn't count on any other answer.
Who would be a good contact to ask about whether they plan CP2077 for Linux or started any work on it already? And do you have any idea about this subject in general?
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 September 2016 at 12:10 am UTC
Quoting: ShmerlWho would be a good contact to ask about whether they plan CP2077 for Linux or started any work on it already? And do you have any idea about this subject in general?
My guess would be it's still undecided and might never be... I understand you, as a customer, are just curious and feel like you have the right to know. I do to. But then comes the bitter realisation of what rules the world, and it's money. Money rules the world. The answer to your question is just a tiny bit more complicated than this sentence.
There are old CD Project guys ( for Polish market and for the rest, informally called CD Project BLUE) who don't care about games development and are solely interested in earning money, publishing, etc., and there are actual developers (some of them split from the old CD Project as well) who formed CD Project RED. After releasing The Witcher 2 and earning all those millions, above mentioned companies grew into separate entities, each with its own third-party Public Relations, third-party Customer Service and in-house decision making staff. And, as you can imagine, it became the typical corpo-bullshit: the top level wants income fast, the lower levels want to get to the top, communication sucks. Any student can get a PR or CS position in RED. For bad money, with bad hours and with minimal benefits. Just to become a bar on some graph for the higher level executive. And the sad truth is these people are hired for you to talk to but they are interested in neither helping you nor answering your questions. They just want to look good on paper according to some silly scoring system that says they have to answer 20 e-mails a day and 10 calls or write 5 press releases regarding their newly design campaign per month.
You will rarely manage to talk with anyone higher and, of course, you would have to climb quite high on the ladder to get to someone capable of confirming a decision that had not been officially published or even the one that has been published, and when you somehow finally get high enough your question boils down to "Do you plan to postpone other probably way more profitable projects in favour of the remote possibility of earning 0.8% more income from this one?".
No, I don't think there's any good contact to ask about Linux in any AAA company unless they're already open about it. And even when they are open and you can read about it in the official press release, don't trust it unless you get a working copy because it might as well be the figment of some wannabe Director actual Senior Executive PR's imagination. ;)
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Quoting: cprnNo, I don't think there's any good contact to ask about Linux in any AAA company unless they're already open about it. And even when they are open and you can read about it in the official press release, don't trust it unless you get a working copy because it might as well be the figment of some wannabe Director actual Senior Executive PR's imagination. ;)
Well, as I mentioned above, there was an interview with Marcin Iwiński (who according to this is the second biggest shareholder in CDP), and that's what he said (here at 1:29:04:
QuoteQ: In regards to the latest announcement Steam Box, SteamOS, Steam Machines, will you be poring your games to their version of Linux, will you support SteamOS and in general, this idea of home computer console?
A: First of all we have a lot of respect for Steam and we think they are very good business guys, and good gamer friendly guys. And it's really really important. We like what they are doing, and with the Steam Box, if they will be able to deliver a cool console, definitely we are interested in having our game there. One of the reasons why we have not released the Witcher on Linux is that you most probably have to address five different versions of Linux, and this is always terrible to support the quality of the games afterwards, the patches, the updates and everything. If Steam will deliver a constant Linux environment, call it SteamOS or anything like that, we would love to have our game there, because the more people play our games, the better for us.
So, may be it's all PR nonsense, but he didn't say "we aren't interested because market is too small".
Last edited by Shmerl on 8 September 2016 at 1:41 am UTC
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Quoting: ShmerlWell, as I mentioned above, there was an interview with Marcin Iwiński […]
QuoteQ: […] will you be poring your games to […] Linux, will you support SteamOS […] console?
A: […] If Steam will deliver a constant Linux environment, […] we would love to have our game there […]
So, may be it's all PR nonsense, but he didn't say "we aren't interested because market is too small".
Well, he actually kind of did, didn't he? Loose translation: "For as long as Steam doesn't deliver a constant Linux environment, we'd hate to spend valuable resources on addressing all porting issues for such a small market." Don't worry, it'll change in few years. We're just not there yet. As soon as Linux hits over 1% on Steam charts it will grow exponentially, and when it grows above 3%, we will be getting most of those AAA titles, as well as exclusives.
Last edited by cprn on 10 February 2017 at 1:37 am UTC
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SteamOS is based on Debian stable, so it's pretty constant even to very conservative tastes. I doubt it's their main blocker, since many already release games for Linux and cope well with the fact that there are many distros.
Naah, it was what he said back then. The blocker now is market size, I'd imagine.
Everyone was expecting great things from SteamOS... Great as in "Windows Exodus". We are not there yet. We will be, though.
Everyone was expecting great things from SteamOS... Great as in "Windows Exodus". We are not there yet. We will be, though.
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Size of the market doesn't seem to bother them either, since they released Witcher 2 for Linux in the past, and since then Linux gaming market only grew in size. So I'm not really sure what's the hiccup they have with TW3 for Linux. Unless they simply changed their mind about Linux in general, which doesn't seem to be the case based on their responses until now.
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STEAM OS ISN'T A CONSUMER PRODUCT YET.sorry for caps, late night.
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Quoting: ColomboI don't understand it. If they said "There was miscommunication between our office and Valve" and "I am afraid that Witcher 3 will never arrive at Linux, we are using this and this middleware" then mystery is solved. But these kind of responses?
So I've been following this all, just like all linux gaming news. Here's my take on the situation.
Valve and CDPR probably had an informal discussion about W3 and SteamOS at some point, and CDPR was 'open' to the idea of porting W3. Somebody at valve got a big boner and did up a banner. The banner got included in (just one? Maybe two, can't remember) Steam promotions. CDPR I believe confirmed at one point that they had 'looked into porting' the title but at that time they didn't have the resources internally (aka linux/OpenGL knowledgeable programmers) to do so. This is probably where it all just stopped.
CDPR has moved on to another project. They do not intend to do the port internally, but are likely open to allowing a third party port of the title ala W2, if the conditions are agreeable to them. They may even be in negotiations to do so--hell a company like Feral may already have the rights and requested PR silence so people don't go snagging it on sale knowing a port will arrive sometime in the future (how many of us aren't actually guilty of this? I know I am.)
I think if they absolutely intended to not allow a port of the game they would say so. However, there aren't any definite plans OR they're contractually bound to not spill any beans so they're just being quiet about it. Hope isn't dead, but it's not worth dwelling over. Cay sera sera.
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