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Kingdom Come: Deliverance may not come to Linux at all, more bad news

By - | Views: 44,212
Previously, Kingdom Come: Deliverance [Official Site, Kickstarter] had an update where the developers said they weren't aiming for a same-day release for Linux. Now, they said to me directly the Linux version may not happen at all.

I was sent an email by a GOL supporter, who shared the response he got from Warhorse Studios:

I then contacted them myself, and I spoke to a completely different person who gave a very similar answer:

I can confirm that there won't be a Linux version on release date. I can confirm that we keep the Linux version in mind and would like to realize it in future, however we can't promise that this ever will happen.


Tobias Stolz-Zwilling
PR Manager
Warhorse Studios

I asked if they thought that made their Kickstarter update note poorly worded and they don't agree:
QuoteNo I don't think that. It means exactly what I said.


Tobias Stolz-Zwilling
PR Manager
Warhorse Studios

I will have to completely disagree there.

Essentially, the Linux version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance that was promised during the Kickstarter may not come to Linux at all.

This makes their wording in their Kickstarter update pretty poor. There's a big difference between no launch support and not being sure if you're even doing a Linux version any more.

If you funded it for a Linux version, go get a refund right now. Article taken from
Tags: Crowdfunding
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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edo Dec 12, 2016
makes sense, they have to focus first on the quality
STiAT Dec 12, 2016
Quoting: edomakes sense, they have to focus first on the quality

First of all they shouldn't have sold the IPs for very good games as FarCry which they could have made a sequel of. Don't even want to know what FarCry by now has played into the cash boxes of Ubisoft.

Secondly, the full bet on free-to-play titles was a unnecessary high risk they took in combination with the fast expansion of the company. If they don't shut down, they'll have to resize considerably and sell some studios.

700 people with the last "okay" title released being Ryse in 2013 which was paid by Microsoft and Crysis 3 paid by EA is nothing a company can take on the long run.

Last edited by STiAT on 12 December 2016 at 12:43 pm UTC
libgradev Dec 12, 2016
Quoting: ShmerlNow this:

Crumbs Shmerl - got myself a stiff drink to read that one...

Guess we know now why Homefront hasn't made an appearance!
razing32 Dec 13, 2016
Quoting: ShmerlNow this:

Kinda agree with a comment on the article , wish it was EA.
adolson Dec 13, 2016
Got a refund a few months back, the last time this came up. I'll buy it IF they release it for Linux, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm done with Kickstarting games, too. Too much of this has ruined it for me. I'm done.
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