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Open source game engine 'Godot' is working on a new 3D renderer

By - | Views: 17,206
Godot [Official Site, Github], the open source game engine for 2D and 3D games is going to get a brand new 3D rendering system and the developers have given some updates on it.

They said they will be sticking with GLES 3.0 instead of Vulkan (for now) due to driver support.


They have already implemented:
- ShadowMapping.
- Environment Probes (research cubemap, dual paraboloid).
- Environment Probe and/or Skybox dynamic blending.
- More PBR parameters: Sheen, Clearcoat, Anisotropy.
- More Material parameters: Displacement, Refraction, Subsurface Scattering.
- Screen Space Reflections
- More types of geometry: Instancing (MultiMesh), Skeletons, and Immediates.

They were also awarded 20,000USD back in June from Mozilla, to get them to better support Web Sockets, WebAssembly and WebGL 2.0.

Sounds like Godot 3.0 (they are skipping 2.2) is going to be a massive feature release.

Find out more on what they have done so far here. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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madmachinations Dec 15, 2016
Nice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*
Julius Dec 15, 2016
Pretty cool, although no Vulkan support yet is a bit of a letdown.

I hope they will also add native support for Daydream VR and WebVR soon.
chimpy Dec 15, 2016
Wow 20 grand from Mozilla! I didn't hear that news, I guess I gotta pay more attention to Godot's progress.
natewardawg Dec 15, 2016
Here's a link to a YouTube video that Juan posted on his Twitter yesterday.

Also worth noting that Rémi Verschelde pointed this out: "@reduzio For the sake of transparency, let's mention that it's an asset from the #Unity3D store - but the rendering is done by Godot gles3!"


Anyone who does game development knows that it's not really important where the asset came from, it doesn't tell you anything about the quality of the renderer.

All I have to say is... Wow! Very nice rendering :)
SketchStick Dec 15, 2016
WebSocket support is an odd choice, WebRTC is better suited to real-time updates.
Luke_Nukem Dec 15, 2016
Quoting: madmachinationsNice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*

I don't get it...
Purple Library Guy Dec 15, 2016
Quoting: LukeNukem
Quoting: madmachinationsNice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*

I don't get it...
For real, or are you being sarcastic?
Waiting for Godot
Presumably was the point of them calling it that. Actually, by co-incidence the university library I work at has a piece of in-house software also called Godot; it does search-y stuff and I presume early versions were s-l-o-w to make with results.
StraToN Dec 16, 2016
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: LukeNukem
Quoting: madmachinationsNice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*

I don't get it...
For real, or are you being sarcastic?
Waiting for Godot
Presumably was the point of them calling it that.

Last edited by StraToN on 16 December 2016 at 1:24 pm UTC
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