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Some thoughts on the Shadowrun series

By -
Last updated: 14 Mar 2021 at 8:22 am UTC

Weblinks: Official Website, Steam, GOG.com

Throughout my life I have had several dalliances with CRPGs but rarely found any that I could settle with. I admired the artistry and depth found in Spiderweb Software and Basilisk Games titles, but I was never able to get engrossed in any of them. Dungeons of Dredmor wormed its way into my heart, but I have yet to be as enchanted by another roguelike. I was able to grind through more action oriented variants such as Torchlight, but they always left me feeling burnt out and cold.

I wanted to find at least one larger role-playing series I could get down with, and it was with this in mind that I purchased Shadowrun Returns in September of 2015. It then sat in my back catalogue for over a year. First funded on Kickstarter in 2012, Shadowrun was one of the more high profile titles to be sold on GOG.com as part of their initial Linux offerings. Having some time free after my seasonal bee job and being in desperate need to unwind, I decided to give the game a try.

Shadowrun Returns is a successor of sorts to a couple of RPGs released for 16-bit consoles, which were themselves based on the original Shadowrun tabletop games that first came out in the late 1980s. As such it is set in an already well defined universe with cyberpunk that is so William Gibson that BBS remains popular right into the 2050s. The premise is built around an event known as “The Awakening” wherein magic returned to a world already deviated from our own by advanced technology.

Rather than focusing too heavily on this setting though, all of the Shadowrun games instead try to explore the very personal stories of a group of people called Shadowrunners, mercenaries doing their best to navigate the chaos by taking on the sort of odd jobs that others shy from. It is in this that Shadowrun can stand out, as by having you get involved in the intimate details of its settings and characters a deeper connection is formed than if you were simply playing as an amoral operator.


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I decided early on to make a conscious effort to be the "good guy" in any given situation, often taking the more challenging route if I thought it would give me the happier outcome. It is this kind of discipline that an effective role-playing experience thrives on, as by setting rules for myself it gave the game narrative something coherent to latch onto. By sticking to a certain path additional branches opened up, which resulted in a more satisfying ending for the main campaign.

This same strategy also saw me through the two followup games Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong, both of which were released as additional standalone titles featuring unique content. Gameplay consists of conventional skills levelling as well as turn-based tactical encounters, having you take control of a selected team of Shadowrunners against an assortment of enemy units which vary based on the mission you are performing.

Three essential archetypes exist for character creation. Street Samurai and Physical Adepts bear the brunt of combat, Mages and Shamans provide magical support, while Riggers and Deckers control drones and jack into the Matrix respectively. The Matrix is an abstract representation of computer networks, which are again navigated through tactical turn-based combat, although in Hong Kong there is an added puzzle element, even if it does mostly just consist of a game of Simon.

I played as essentially the same Street Samurai character in each game, but no matter what you choose you will still need to create a balanced team containing at least one of each archetype before starting a mission. My aversion to decking, for instance, caused me to be unable to perform certain tasks with desirable ends on certain missions, although the game will force your hand if a certain character class is needed in order to advance the game.


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Narrative is relayed to the player through the use of extensive dialogue trees and long streams of text, while the game world itself is made up of hand painted backdrops overlaid with 3D objects and characters. The result is a far more thoughtful experience than what at first might be anticipated, with your own imagination still being called upon to fill in the gaps left by this minimalist approach, something that also helps bring the games that much closer to their tabletop roots.

In “Dead Man’s Switch”, the main campaign of Shadowrun Returns, the story takes the form of a noir detective mystery, while in “Dragonfall” the struggles of a team of Shadowrunners are chronicled living in the Kreusbazar of anarchist flux state Berlin. All three of the games explore class and racial divides through the eyes of their magically segregated characters, using them as convenient analogues for real world political conflicts and prejudices.

“Hong Kong” is by far the murkiest campaign, both in terms of writing and tone, and it may be for this reason that it was my least favourite. There is very limited room for growth when you are working for a cruel crime lord, and I also could not help but notice the amount of copy editing mistakes increased sharply with this release. After playing all three games in a row though, I am sure that some of my coldness here could just be ascribed to player fatigue.

Still, the fact remains that Shadowrun was not only the first CRPG series I found compelling enough to play through all the way to the end, but one that I also found myself invested in enough to purchase additional instalments soon after playing the first. With this experience under my belt I might finally be able to dive into a genre which has always existed on the periphery for me without any real accessible point of entry. Shadowrun gave me that, and for that I am grateful.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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Hamish Paul Wilson is a free software developer, game critic, amateur writer, cattle rancher, shepherd, and beekeeper living in rural Alberta, Canada. He is an advocate of both DRM free native Linux gaming and the free software movement alongside his other causes, and further information can be found at his icculus.org homepage where he lists everything he is currently involved in: http://icculus.org/~hamish
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Colombo 24 Jan 2017
Since it includes a pretty good mission editor it seems, any recommendations for additional fan made content?
Eeeh... from some people said (and probably also devs), editor is quite finicky. And buggy as well.

Another problem is that those three games have different version of editor. Thus individual content is not exactly portable. Which divided audience and creators as well.

That is probably one of the reasons why Harebrained stopped with SR. They were annoyed with engine they created because it was already reaching the max it could do. They said that after mechwarrior (or whatever it is called), they may go back to SR, but with new engine. (I just hope it would look as good as it looks now and the system they used it quite simple and flexible as well).
buenaventura 24 Jan 2017
I've been eyeing Hong Kong for a long time since enjoying Dragonfall ALOT, but I've been put off by some negative reviews. Perhaps I should reconsider!

Edit: Hong Kong is featured in the [this Humble Bundle](https://www.humblebundle.com/best-of-2016-bundle) for something like 4 dollars, so I got it. YAY! Don't care to much about those other games (if anyone wants a steam key for Rust, Stronghold Crusaders 2, or Victor Vran (slashed are claimed), PM me!) , but this was cheap anyways.

Last edited by buenaventura on 24 Jan 2017 at 11:30 am UTC
Hamish 24 Jan 2017


(sorry, it's my pet hate)

No problem, read again, I have indulged you. ;)
tgurr 24 Jan 2017
I liked the first game because of the setting and the very good Italian translation, then bought the second episode, but the lack of translation stopped me to play it (there's a lot of text). The series has its flaws, but is anyway enjoyable if you are into sci-fi and cyberpunk.
The games are very often on sale, buy them without hesitation if you speak english very well.
I remember I emailed them back then when the Kickstarter campaign ran and asked why they don't at least consider to implement a way for the community to translate the game via some translation service they could pull from, e.g. https://www.transifex.com/ if they can't do it themselves due to a tight budget. As far as I know that's how the Shroud of the Avatar for example does it and pulls in the community to help. But all I ever got as a reply from Harebrained Schemes was

Thank you so much for your suggestion. We appreciate you taking the
time to write.
At least let us do it ourselves! :(
scaine 24 Jan 2017
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(sorry, it's my pet hate)

No problem, read again, I have indulged you. ;)

Haha, but it's still rouge, not rogue. I don't think he was annoyed by the capitalisation...!

Not a pet hate of mine, but an easy mistake to make.
nattydread 24 Jan 2017
Strange no mention of Baldur's gate?
I feel shadowrun is trying to do the same as what Baldur's gate did for AD&D.
Shadowrun is good but you can't beat the AD&D rules.
tmtvl 24 Jan 2017
Since it includes a pretty good mission editor it seems, any recommendations for additional fan made content

Like I said before: The Caldecott Caper. It's really good, and made by someone who knows their stuff.
Nanobang 24 Jan 2017
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Kudos to Hamish for a well written look into what makes Shadowrun Returns so popular to so many people. It reminds me how much I had wanted to be one of them.

I'd like to finish Shadowrun Returns, but I simply haven't been able to muster the interest to read any further. I enjoyed the combat bits quite a lot, but the endless text just didn't hold my interest and I would find myself just clicking through it.

Part of it was that all that reading didn't feel like I was actually playing a game, which is what I was there to do. I kept thinking "This is just a sort of interactive script-like thing with some fight-y bits here and there."

I enjoy reading, and I've enjoyed reading scripts too ... but I didn't enjoy my reading in Shadowrun Returns. I can't give specific examples of the sort of things that specifically turned me off because it's been too long since I last read it. But What I can remember is thinking that the writing was ponderous, overwrought, and largely thinly veiled expository.

And I wish it were otherwise, I really do. I love the look of the game, the allusions to the world and its workings. Shadowrun Returns is where I learned that I could enjoy turn-based combat, and so a whole new genre was opened up for me. But the writing, the writing became a wall of text I simply couldn't climb.

Last edited by Nanobang on 24 Jan 2017 at 2:08 pm UTC
Nanobang 24 Jan 2017
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(sorry, it's my pet hate)

No problem, read again, I have indulged you. ;)

Haha, but it's still rouge, not rogue. I don't think he was annoyed by the capitalisation...!

Not a pet hate of mine, but an easy mistake to make.

Ummmm, it looks to me that the evidence would favor drmoth's assertion that the spelling is "roguelike" not "rougelike." ["Rouge"](https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/rouge) is makeup applied to one's cheeks, whereas a [rogue](https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/rogue) was an unprincipled person and also the protagonist of the 1980 game [Rogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_(video_game)) from which the term ["Roguelike"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roguelike) draws its meaning.

But, as you say, it's an easy mistake to make. :)

Last edited by Nanobang on 24 Jan 2017 at 2:30 pm UTC
scaine 24 Jan 2017
  • Contributing Editor
  • Mega Supporter


(sorry, it's my pet hate)

No problem, read again, I have indulged you. ;)

Haha, but it's still rouge, not rogue. I don't think he was annoyed by the capitalisation...!

Not a pet hate of mine, but an easy mistake to make.

Ummmm, it looks to me that the evidence would favor drmoth's assertion that the spelling is "roguelike" not "rougelike." "Rouge" is makeup applied to one's cheeks, whereas a [rogue](https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/rogue) was an unprincipled person and also the protagonist of the 1980 game Rogue from which the term "Roguelike" draws its meaning.

But, as you say, it's an easy mistake to make. :)

I think you misunderstood me - the article is still "rouge", whereas, of course, the correct spelling is indeed "rogue". Hamish simply capitalised the word in response to someone's "pet hate", but didn't address the spelling. In fact, given the smiley face in his reply, I suspect he may have done so on purpose...!
Hamish 24 Jan 2017
Haha, but it's still rouge, not rogue. I don't think he was annoyed by the capitalisation...!
I could have sworn I also copied his spelling... no matter, fixed again.

Strange no mention of Baldur's gate?
As I say in the article, I am still a bit of an RPG neophyte, but I do have both of the Enhanced Editions of Baldur's Gate sitting in my GOG.com backlog. I really should get around to playing them at some point, seeing as how they are both local favourite sons as far as gaming is concerned around here (seriously, the developers of the new versions are located just across the river from my father's office) but for the moment I am planning on jumping into Hard West instead.

Last edited by Hamish on 24 Jan 2017 at 7:51 pm UTC
Colombo 24 Jan 2017
Strange no mention of Baldur's gate?
I feel shadowrun is trying to do the same as what Baldur's gate did for AD&D.
Shadowrun is good but you can't beat the AD&D rules.
uh, Ad&d rules suck. Seriously, we have 21. century. We know better rules than half-assed wargaming rules applied to pnp RPG.

Last edited by Colombo on 24 Jan 2017 at 8:38 pm UTC
Purple Library Guy 24 Jan 2017
uh, Ad&d rules suck. Seriously, we have 21. century. We know better rules than half-assed wargaming rules applied to pnp RPG.
I'm trying to figure out what that's referring to and I'm coming up empty.
So you know, Shadowrun was never based on D&D rules of any sort. It was, and is, its own separate game system with quite different mechanics from anything D&D. IMO Shadowrun's rules have some significant problems, but they have some great aspects when it comes to expressing the style of a mixed cyberpunk/magical world; the essence rules for instance were a great idea that helps bring a lot of flavour.
The Shadowrun video game did bring in some kind of level thing for the NPCs so you can make some quickie decisions improving them, but for your own character it's a point-based system somewhat similar to the Shadowrun RPG.
Colombo 24 Jan 2017
PLG: Your post makes no sense with or without quote.
Grimfist 24 Jan 2017
It's 2017, and developers should understand that they could at least provide subtitles or a way to let users create amateur translations. As an example: we have now a fantastic Italian translation for Baldur's Gate: Enchanced Edition that is included in the original game, at no cost for the developer, thanks to the efforts of the community!

And yes: I don't buy anymore games that at least don't offer subtitles in my native language.

Well, I am no native english speaker myself, but I started playing games as a little 8 year old kid with my good old C64, and guess what, there was no german translation for all the games. Did I finish them? Hell yeah, because I learned english that way, I never use the german versions of my games now too, because most of the times the localization is bad (some games really excel here, like all Blizzard games e.g.) and it is more fun and training for my english skills.
So maybe give it a try and improve your english here ;)

Last edited by Grimfist on 24 Jan 2017 at 10:09 pm UTC
ziabice 24 Jan 2017
It's 2017, and developers should understand that they could at least provide subtitles or a way to let users create amateur translations. As an example: we have now a fantastic Italian translation for Baldur's Gate: Enchanced Edition that is included in the original game, at no cost for the developer, thanks to the efforts of the community!

And yes: I don't buy anymore games that at least don't offer subtitles in my native language.

Well, I am no native english speaker myself, but I started playing games as a little 8 year old kid with my good old C64, and guess what, there was no german translation for all the games. Did I finish them? Hell yeah, because I learned english that way, I never use the german versions of my games now too, because most of the times the localization is bad (some games really excel here, like all Blizzard games e.g.) and it is more fun and training for my english skills.
So maybe give it a try and improve your english here ;)

Your argument is absolutely correct, and I started playing games on C64 too when I was 9, now I'm 40. Yes, over the time my english has improved: but it's not my language, it's not my culture and I spend too much time translating.
If I were living in the UK or somewhere where I could talk to english speakers every day and think in english more, that would be a lot different, but... I'm here in Italy thinking in Italian and speaking to Italians. ;)

My statement about not buying games not providing italian subtitles was referred to RPG and Adventure games: for my 40th birthday I gifted myself with the Witcher 3, but the english they speak in the game in nearly incomprehensible to me (I really can't ear where a word ends and where the new one starts), so I had to enable italian subtitles, but reading all that text for hours is tiring, so I stopped playing the game. That's how frustrating can be the language barrier. Not to talk about when you play with a vocabulary near to you.

I promise to improve my english from now on! ;)
Nanobang 25 Jan 2017
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Gotcha.
Xzyl 25 Jan 2017
I loved the shadowrun games, I tried my best to be evil-ish, indifferent to life, basically a cold merc with a taste for gold. I felt restricted in that quest but they were still very fun anyway. I liked HK the best,DMS second and dragonfalls last even though it was still a great game. Like Hamish, I tried to stick to one train of thought, "handgun?", "attitude?", "check", "check", time to roll!
Purple Library Guy 25 Jan 2017
PLG: Your post makes no sense with or without quote.
I see the problem. For some reason when I first saw your post either the quoted text wasn't there or I didn't notice it. So it was a non-sequitur from my point of view, and looking for something it might be about I concluded it must be assuming Shadowrun was some kind of D&D clone. My mistake.
Hamish 25 Jan 2017
I loved the shadowrun games, I tried my best to be evil-ish, indifferent to life, basically a cold merc with a taste for gold. I felt restricted in that quest but they were still very fun anyway. I liked HK the best,DMS second and dragonfalls last even though it was still a great game. Like Hamish, I tried to stick to one train of thought, "handgun?", "attitude?", "check", "check", time to roll!

That does not surprise me really, seeing as how Dragonfall out of all of them seems to have the most incentives for being a good Samaritan in terms of additional content and story flow, while in Hong Kong you are, as I say in the article, working for a cruel crime lord.
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