The game originally released in 1999 and here we are nearly two decades later with a Linux version, good things come to those who wait I guess? It's not the first older title they've given to Linux, as they also put out an updated version of Imperium Galactica II which had Linux support added recently as well.
- Intuitive Swordplay: Silver's unique control method allows quick and intuitive handling of action, which is especially helpful in the heat of battle. In effect, the mouse becomes the player's "sword arm". Sweep the mouse to your left and your hero will slash to the left, sweep the mouse forward and your hero will lunge. Magical effects, throwing knives, arrow, and even catapults are also controlled through the mouse system.
- Interact with more than 50 characters. Be wary, not all are friendly
- Recruit allies, all with special abilities-Sekune is a master of archery, Cagen is a skilled martial artist, Jug's strength makes him a force to be reckoned with, and more
- Travel through hundreds of beautiful locations, rich in detail…and packed with danger
- Immerse yourself in battle with real-time combat
- Marvel at vivid special effects, powerful magical spells, and mighty weaponry that you'll acquire on your journey
- Use your mouse as your sword-vanquish your foes, including demons, dragons, and other insidious creatures
Find Silver on Steam. It's 20% off right now too and the price seems pretty reasonable anyway.
GOG has had it for a while, but they don't have the Linux version.
Some you may have missed, popular articles from the last month:
I love this game! This made my day.
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This game was great! Instabuy! Looking forward to it!
Last edited by Suppen on 2 June 2017 at 10:17 pm UTC
Last edited by Suppen on 2 June 2017 at 10:17 pm UTC
Holy moly! I remember this game! But from my Windows days.
I could never progress past the second disc as there were read errors :( lol. I should snap this up.
I could never progress past the second disc as there were read errors :( lol. I should snap this up.
I have found that this game does not run out of the box on Kubuntu 17.04 and I would assume the same applies for Ubuntu.
The game is 32-bit and requires libSDL2.0 and libGLEW1.13.
Zesty(17.04) doesn't provide libGLEW1.13 so had to download it from the Xenial(16.04) repo.
Zesty does provide libSDL2.0 which can be installed with:
The game is 32-bit and requires libSDL2.0 and libGLEW1.13.
Zesty(17.04) doesn't provide libGLEW1.13 so had to download it from the Xenial(16.04) repo.
Zesty does provide libSDL2.0 which can be installed with:
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386
5 Likes, Who?
Wow. I forgot about this game. I was playing and ending this game back when I was still on Windows 98 SE and I was duo-booting with Linspire, I believe. This was the last SINGLE PLAYER Windows game I felt I had to end before considering going full in on Linux.
I had completely forgotten about this game... but if I remember well, it was actually pretty good. Might buy it if its on sale real cheap one day.
Dreamcast is the one I dreamed of back in that day. Or actually way beyond that day, as it seemed to have a very decent assortment of games.
Too bad I was young and had no money.. But now I do, so I might as well buy this one.
Too bad I was young and had no money.. But now I do, so I might as well buy this one.
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Arch Linux has libGLEW2.0 as opposed to libGLEW1.13, so I too encountered that problem (of libGLEW1.13 being missing).
I'm sure someone will say this isn't quite the proper way to do things, but I got the game running by symlinking libGLEW.2.0 to libGLEW1.13
I'm sure someone will say this isn't quite the proper way to do things, but I got the game running by symlinking libGLEW.2.0 to libGLEW1.13
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libGLEW.so.2.0 /usr/lib32/libGLEW.so.1.13
3 Likes, Who?
Quoting: GuestWoah! I loved Silver. Can't imagine that the gameplay have aged very well though...
Nor the graphics, considering it defaults to fullscreen at my native res of 1080p haha. Haven't found the setting for setting res or windowed mode yet either...
EDIT: Okay, pressing Alt+Enter puts into windowed mode, where at least it can be dynamically resized with the window manager.
Last edited by eldersnake on 3 June 2017 at 10:05 am UTC
Quoting: eldersnakeArch Linux has libGLEW2.0 as opposed to libGLEW1.13, so I too encountered that problem (of libGLEW1.13 being missing).
I'm sure someone will say this isn't quite the proper way to do things, but I got the game running by symlinking libGLEW.2.0 to libGLEW1.13
sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libGLEW.so.2.0 /usr/lib32/libGLEW.so.1.13
write these kind of solutions on Archwiki! :)
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Ooooooooh yeeeeah! Richard Ridings has the voice of Fuge! Eargsasm!
Snatched this one up, I miss the dream cast days, oh I would kill for my grandia 2 disks to work.
On Fedora, no problem getting it to work with libGLEW, but I've got the following error:
Any idea?
/home/omer666/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Silver/silver32: relocation error: /home/omer666/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Silver/silver32: symbol _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE10_M_replaceEjjPKcj, version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference
Game removed: AppID 606680 "Silver", ProcID 8227
Any idea?
Quoting: omer666[...] GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference [...]
Any idea?
You probably solved but in case you didn't... Are you using some non-standard glibc libs? 3rd party maybe? Try installing the stable one from Fedora repositories. The libstdc++6 would be the right package for Ubuntu so maybe it's named something similar in your distribution. If you don't want to change your OS libraries just LD_PRELOAD it in app properties.
It made me think about Die By The Sword. I think it's the first game that did this sword-mouse mechanics... I wish it was on Linux, used to be awesome - especially the multiplayer arena. Well, one can dream, I guess.
Quoting: cprnQuoting: omer666[...] GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file libstdc++.so.6 with link time reference [...]
Any idea?
You probably solved but in case you didn't... Are you using some non-standard glibc libs? 3rd party maybe? Try installing the stable one from Fedora repositories. The libstdc++6 would be the right package for Ubuntu so maybe it's named something similar in your distribution. If you don't want to change your OS libraries just LD_PRELOAD it in app properties.
Yes I sorted it out by completely disabling the Steam runtime, but the game has some big graphical bugs in combat, too bad...
Doesn't start on Fedora 25 for me. From the command line I get "restart failed" and exit.
I wonder if the Linux version will make its way to GOG? I've already got Silver there.
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Found the original CD in a Box on my Attic.
I installed it with wine and it runs very well.
But i have to keep the cd in drive when i wanna play.
Hmm maybe i buy that perl again ... :-))
I installed it with wine and it runs very well.
But i have to keep the cd in drive when i wanna play.
Hmm maybe i buy that perl again ... :-))
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