Feral Interactive are up to their usual teasing once again. They've announced F1 2017 is coming to Mac, but they're also directly requesting to see demand for it on Linux.
See their Tweet:
Should Linux re-join our FORMULA ONE team with F1 2017? It won’t be this month if they do, but show us there's demand! #THEREQUESTINATOR pic.twitter.com/MLuN2IJAyv
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) August 18, 2017
I believe this is the first time they've ever asked the Linux community about demand for a specific game. The interesting thing really is their wording "It won’t be this month if they do" meaning there's a real chance.
Considering they previously ported F1 2015 to Linux and said F1 2016 won't be ported as sales of F1 2015 weren't strong enough, maybe they're going to test the waters once again? I imagine if F1 2017 is actually reviewed better, it would sell better.
I already own these Linux racing games: Grid Autosport, Dirt Rally, BlazeRush, Little Racers Street, Dirt Showdown
Also these ones for Windows: GT Legends, GRID, Dirt 3 (bundles and giveaways)
The type of racing game that appeals to me:
Burnout Paradise (PS3), WipeOut Pure (PSP), Burnout Legends (PSP)
If Feral ported F1 2017, I might buy it, but then I probably wouldn't due to lack of time to play a game which isn't high on my list.
I will buy F1 2017 only to show support. Maybe it's better then 2015.
Me personally not a great fan of this type of games, and as others already said some Tomb Raider or RPG would be more interesting...maybe it's time to finally bring Dark Souls to linux :D
In next future I would so much play Project Cars 2. This would be THE PORT OF THE YEAR
I'm all for more Linux games, but personally I'm not a big racer and there are a lot of racing games already. I'd rather have them focus on another game, the F1 games have disappointed quite a bit too.
Last edited by faceless on 20 August 2017 at 12:41 am UTC
Last edited by leillo1975 on 19 August 2017 at 9:23 pm UTC
please port it to linux.
(I don't have twitter or FB, so I will only post here)
I think it's reasonable to give a 2nd chance to F1 franchise because F1 2015 was the worst of the series (imo F1 2013 is still the best).
I would definitely buy it.
Feral, port it, please.
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