Team Meat have announced Super Meat Boy Forever [Official Site], a sequel to the original and the good news is that it will have a Linux version.

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Here's what they said in reply to a user question about a Linux version:
Linux yes, but after PC is out. No plans for Vita at this time.
— Team Meat (@SuperMeatBoy) August 30, 2017
You know what makes me really like these guys, they corrected themselves right after to say "*PC = Windows...force of habit.". Love it.
They give a little more information on the official site, which makes for a hilarious read:
Let’s start with what’s the same: Dr. Fetus is still a jerk, gameplay is super challenging but fair, there are tight controls and great levels and you will die...a lot.
Now what’s different: Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have a little baby named Nugget (awww). Dr Fetus has kidnapped Nugget, forcing Meat Boy and Bandage Girl to rescue her. Levels are dynamically constructed based on difficulty. Each time you beat a level, it reconstructs into a harder version of itself (up to a point...we aren’t gods). Meat Boy and Bandage Girl are no longer defenseless, they can punch and kick their enemies. And, the biggest difference, the controls controls are now two buttons, you have a jump, a jump attack, a dive, and a slide.
It's due sometime next year.
Thanks for the tip, Ryan!
Linux yes, but after PC is out.
*head desk*
*desk head*
Do note the text under that, before anyone goes sending them messages about it.Linux yes, but after PC is out.
*head desk*
*desk head*
Let’s start with what’s the same: Dr. Fetus is still a jerk, gameplay is super challenging but fair, there are tight controls and great levels and you will die...a lot.Sounds good ;)
But as someone commented on Youtube, this looks like a cheap mobile endless runner.
Do note the text under that, before anyone goes sending them messages about it.Linux yes, but after PC is out.
*head desk*
*desk head*
Oops. My bad.
In my defense I was out on the town and had couple beers before posting that :P
But as someone commented on Youtube, this looks like a cheap mobile endless runner.It sure doesn't play like one.
I don't mind challenging platformers, but I'm not sold on Meat Boy -- for reasons I can't quite pin down. The fast-paced gameplay makes me think the devs are Sonic fans. Too bad I never was.
Sonic? Well, I think of it as a fast paced Super Mario Bros. of the NES. The way Meat Boy jumps and the inertia of the character reminds me much more Mario than Sonic.
Looks great, needs more GOG ;)Right you are, and so does the original.
It's gonna take a lot more self-correcting before I pay money to Team Meat.
"we're gonna waste our time with a Linux version. Linux is garbage." -Tommy Refenes
"Linux can fuck off for all I care" -Tommy Refenes
Tommy Refenes hates Linux, Linux developers, and Linux users. He also makes it a point to stay ignorant about it.
The latest:
"I'd suffer a reset per hour rather than switch to Linux for development"
There's more, much more. He barley tolerates Linux users enough to take their money. Should he ever be in a position to screw us, he will.
Are those tweets ?
Can you link plz ?
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