Feral Interactive are wanting to know what games you want ported to Linux, hopefully taking your requests into real consideration.
See their Tweet below:
Denizens of Linux! Feed #THEREQUESTINATOR so our engineers can see all your requests in one place. Use the tag and you will be processed! pic.twitter.com/OHM6UWHPNN
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) August 11, 2017
They also asked on Facebook and Reddit.
It will be interesting to see if any of the user requests actually get ported. I am always sceptical of things like this, as it's essentially a hype machine for Feral and it doesn't necessarily mean anything will get ported as a result of requests there. Just keep that in mind when wildly requesting ports. Even so, it's a bit of fun and I am excited to see what Feral bring out over the rest of the year and beyond.
I've seen people constantly ask Feral about porting BioShock Remastered to Linux previous to this, but each request is met with the usual "we have nothing to share" type of reply. Considering it's a popular pick, I hope they look into that one. I would certainly appreciate BioShock Remastered on Linux!
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
What would you like to see?
Would have written this up four hours ago when I replied to their tweet, but updating some of the site code seemed to make time vanish!
Hey, and I'll be a heretic here and suggest No Man's Sky.
Agents of Mayhem
Shadow Warrior 2
Witcher 3
Endless Space
In This Order:
With great expectations (Linux Really need this games):
- The Witcher 3
- Skyrim
- Overwatch
Objectives reachable for Feral:
- Final Fantasy VII Remake
- Nier Automata
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
- Kindom Hearts III
- Dirt 4
- F1 2018
- Final Fantasy XV
- PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
Izi pizi ports (and nice to have):
- Street Fighter V
- Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
- Bayonetta
- Shenmue III
- Final Fantasy VII Remake
"I have a Dream":
- The Last Of Us 2
- Half Life 3 (!?)
- Red Dead Redemption 2
Add Skyrim and Doom to your I have a dream cat i think given Bethesda no way fuck you attitude to Linux. Dirt 4 will be VP as have the last couple of dirt games and it appears VP are working on Arma 3 for linux currently at least according to their website.
Skyrim and Doom are Really easy ports for Linux
Indeed, is more unlikely Skyrim for Switch than Skirim for Linux. but here we are.
Skyrim and Doom for Linux is matter of time. Bateshda's only problem is the old manager/CEO who does not know about tecnology, much less about the future of video games.
In a few months or years, when the Debug of Life cuts off the heads of Bathesda executives, we'll have our Skyrim and DOOM on Linux.
Witcher 3
Fallout 4
Elite: Dangerous (Seriously, the original has been unshakeable from the top of my “greatest games of all time” list since 1984. I am absolutely front and centre of their core market. But... no Linux version, no sale.)
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Dishonored 2
Assetto Corsa
GTAV and Skyrim would be nice if they helped people switch to Linux, but I've already played them to death on the Xbox 360. (Hmm. Modding, though...

DOOM 2016
Dishonored 1,2
Blizzard games
Certainly, in my case, I pick up games that appeal to me that are released on Linux. But if a particular one that I like is not available (e.g. Witcher 3), then I spend my cash on another (Linux) game instead. There is so much out on Linux to keep me entertained. It'll be years before I finish playing what is in my collection already, not to mention titles which are highly replayable.
I've dropped over 150 hours into FTL and 280 hours into 7 Days To Die for instance, heh. Mad Max ~ about 80 hours, Dying Light ~ about 130 hours, Serious Sam 3 ~ about 70 hours.
Last edited by g000h on 11 Aug 2017 at 10:13 pm UTC
Rise of the tomb raider
That's all, cheers!
- No Man's Sky
- Obduction
- The Witness
- Space Engineers
- Any Settlers game
- Any of the Star Wars Battlefront
Last edited by Aurelien on 11 Aug 2017 at 10:15 pm UTC
The most time I have probably spend on a game that is not Multiplayer would be Witcher3, it just takes quite a while to finish the base game (have not even got into DLC because low FPS at 4k, waiting on upgrade).
watch_dogs, watch_dogs 2
LA Noire
Agents of Mayhem
Things like Fallout and Elder Scrolls seem unrealistic, since that would mean having some sort of deal with Bethesda. In business terms though, It makes sense to do more deals with developers and publishers like they have going with Square. Who knows, some day Feral could strike deals with Rockstar or Bethesda to port future titles to Linux and OSX.
To be honest, I don't get why more companies don't do those kinds of deals. It means their products get onto more platforms, and Feral takes care of the work.
Tekken 7
Witcher 3
I'd like them to port other parts of the already ported games:
Life is Strange ⇒ Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Tomb Raider ⇒ Rise of the Tomb Raider
Bioshock Infinite ⇒ Bioshock 1/2
All of those games are or hopefully will be great. If not those then DOOM 2016 would do, especially because it looks like a potential low effort / high quality port without performance hits. Vulkan rules!
If I remember well, Feral didn't port Bioshock Infinite to Linux, I think it was VP... So VP must be asked port the remastered Bioshock's to Linux.
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