Feral Interactive are wanting to know what games you want ported to Linux, hopefully taking your requests into real consideration.
See their Tweet below:
Denizens of Linux! Feed #THEREQUESTINATOR so our engineers can see all your requests in one place. Use the tag and you will be processed! pic.twitter.com/OHM6UWHPNN
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) August 11, 2017
They also asked on Facebook and Reddit.
It will be interesting to see if any of the user requests actually get ported. I am always sceptical of things like this, as it's essentially a hype machine for Feral and it doesn't necessarily mean anything will get ported as a result of requests there. Just keep that in mind when wildly requesting ports. Even so, it's a bit of fun and I am excited to see what Feral bring out over the rest of the year and beyond.
I've seen people constantly ask Feral about porting BioShock Remastered to Linux previous to this, but each request is met with the usual "we have nothing to share" type of reply. Considering it's a popular pick, I hope they look into that one. I would certainly appreciate BioShock Remastered on Linux!
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
What would you like to see?
Would have written this up four hours ago when I replied to their tweet, but updating some of the site code seemed to make time vanish!
Witcher 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Street Fighter 5
Mass Effect Trilogy + Andromeda
Dragon Age trilogy
Dark Souls trilogy
Elite Dangerous
No Man's Sky
Fallout 3-4 or New Vegas
Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance
Metal Gear Solid 5
+1 Red Dead Redemption :D
Elite Dangerous
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
DOOM 2016
Dragon Age (any of them)
Neverwinter Nights 2
Elite Dangerous
Path of Exile
Witcher 3
Cyberpunk 2077 (get in touch with CDPR early on in the development cycle, so porting would be easier)
Life is Strange: Before the Storm (releasing on August 31st, that is two weeks away. I imagine they'll be using Unreal Engine 3, so you can use your porting experience from Life is Strange for a quick and easy port)
Spintires (works flawlessly under wine, but due to its wealth of mods and user-made maps, it has a limitless replayability value)
South Park: Fractured but Whole
I just finished Life is Strange and I fell in love with the story and character-driven narrative. The sad truth is that I would have panned this incredible gem of a game if Feral had not ported it. So I believe that Feral is capable of picking good, indi, lesser known games.
Thanks for asking for our input.
Last edited by chepati on 12 Aug 2017 at 9:49 am UTC
I'd like them to port some of the professional software that's popular in my industry and costing me jobs because I can't use it on Linux

Fallout 4
Elder Scrolls Online
Rise of the Tomb Raider
But I will say what I think would be the best for bringing more people to Linux:
League of Legends or the Blizzard Titles, that would be HUUUUGE FOR THE LINUX GAMING WORLD.
Sleeping Dogs
Any of the Batman games
Any of the Final Fantasy games
2. F1 2016, 2017, 2018
3. GTA SA, GTA 4 + 5
4. Rise of the Tomb Raider
BioShock 1-2
Batman Arkham series
Tomb Raider series
Resident Evil 4 / 7 / HD Remaster
Shadow of War
Wolfenstein 2
Mortal Kombat KE or XL
STALKER series
Dark Souls series
A popular online FPS like Battlefield 1 or PUBG
I wonder if we ever get any of these games on Linux (besides Ride of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of War which are likely).
BioShock 1-2
Batman Arkham series
Tomb Raider series
Resident Evil 4 / 7 / HD Remaster
Shadow of War
Wolfenstein 2
Mortal Kombat KE or XL
STALKER series
Dark Souls series
A popular online FPS like Battlefield 1 or PUBG
I wonder if we ever get any of these games on Linux (besides Ride of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of War which are likely).
The Dev's from PUBG give a Shit on a Linux Port and they use UE4.
You will never see an EA game on Linux because Origin will never come to Linux. So there is also no Battlefield 3, 4 or 1. Never ever.
The chance that Battlefield comes to Linux is, EA port Origin to Linux.
Last edited by LinuxGamesTV on 12 Aug 2017 at 4:36 am UTC
1. Rising Storm / Red Orchestra 2
2. Depth (great multiplayer action, I'm addicted and this would be a dream come true)
3. Doom 2016 (i'm so pissed that it wasn't on linux, and i refuse to buy it until it is)
4. Any of the Final Fantasy series, but especially the ones when Squaresoft existed and had a soul, like 7, 8 and 9
5. Age of Empires 2 HD
6. Sonic Generations
7. Sonic & All-stars Racing: Transformed (hands down best kart racer I've ever played)
8. Any and all of the SEGA Dreamcast ports to PC, for that matter.
9. Killing Floor 2 whose linux dev apparently died or something, but they still wanted to port it.
And there's no good reason Doom 3 should be windows-only on steam when the game even has an official linux client from back in the day. There are open source implementations, I realize, but it makes installing a hassle. I heard something on phoronix about a vulkan renderer from an id employee, but the engine is open source and has been messed with like that a million times. A proper port ought to just be an official option on the steemz.
Last edited by doomiebaby on 12 Aug 2017 at 6:17 am UTC
Last edited by dorron on 12 Aug 2017 at 6:13 am UTC
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