Feral Interactive are wanting to know what games you want ported to Linux, hopefully taking your requests into real consideration.
See their Tweet below:
Denizens of Linux! Feed #THEREQUESTINATOR so our engineers can see all your requests in one place. Use the tag and you will be processed! pic.twitter.com/OHM6UWHPNN
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) August 11, 2017
They also asked on Facebook and Reddit.
It will be interesting to see if any of the user requests actually get ported. I am always sceptical of things like this, as it's essentially a hype machine for Feral and it doesn't necessarily mean anything will get ported as a result of requests there. Just keep that in mind when wildly requesting ports. Even so, it's a bit of fun and I am excited to see what Feral bring out over the rest of the year and beyond.
I've seen people constantly ask Feral about porting BioShock Remastered to Linux previous to this, but each request is met with the usual "we have nothing to share" type of reply. Considering it's a popular pick, I hope they look into that one. I would certainly appreciate BioShock Remastered on Linux!
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
What would you like to see?
Would have written this up four hours ago when I replied to their tweet, but updating some of the site code seemed to make time vanish!
Starcraft, DIablo 1 and 2, dungeon keeper 2. Nothing new interests me. it's all just eye candyfor Diablo look at Victor Vran & for Dungeon Keeper check out Dungeons 2 & War for the Overworld.
I wish there was more than just Victor Vran and Torchlight 2 for the Diablo-like experience. I find Victor himself way too cookie-cutter of a character to be stuck behind for a whole game, even though the mechanics can be fun.
You really want a game that took 10 years to develop & was universally panned when it did finally got released?About as serious as everyone else asking for Witcher 3 & Skyrim. ;) I know it ain't gonna happen.Duke Nukem ForeverAre you serious?
Can't see why not its owned by Gearbox, gearbox is a 2k company which have proven to be linux friendly you would need a lot of people to ask for it though so yeah unlikely from that point of view
me personally no but someone does i bought it on 360 when it a week after it came out for 6.99 new and sealed from game here in the uk. It was shite
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
The Elder Scrolls Online
Fallout 4
Then some Ubisoft junk because many people want that, throw in some EA cashgrab stuff aswell :)
but this will never happen ;)
Just port AAA titles.
For me, it's the very improbable three Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Doom.
Out of all of those Witcher 3 is way way more likely
I think it's more likely for bethesda to make a deal with feral than with cd projekt red...
Really you think the guys that said we tried linux there is no market there are more likely than CD projekt red who publish linux games and actually promised witcher 3 at one point. Now studios changing their minds on port is nothing new to linux, barring a sudden switch to vulkan from the custom engine i admit its not likely but its at least more likely than Bethesda at least with Bethesda current board.
World of Warcraft
Diablo 3
Starcraft 2
The Elder Scrolls Online
Fallout 4
Then some Ubisoft junk because many people want that, throw in some EA cashgrab stuff aswell :)
but this will never happen ;)
Just port AAA titles.
Lol love the way you don't put Blizzard in the cash crab club when they are arguably worse than EA especially there parent group Activision.
Lol love the way you don't put Blizzard in the cash crab club when they are arguably worse than EA especially there parent group Activision.
I never said they weren't ;) I only said they should also add some EA cashgrab ;)
--edited for a silly typo
Last edited by Spl-it on 12 Aug 2017 at 3:43 pm UTC
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
I would appreciate if we would not talk all the time about games that are out of the question or simply do not make sense. Doom, for example, runs under Wine better than any Feral port. Anyone who wants it has already bought it. Feral would not make money and Linux as a gaming platform would not be more attractive either.
The game that is most lacking is GTA V. Countless people do not switch to Linux because of GTA.
Personally I would like Elite: Dangerous for Linux. But actually not as a Port but directly from Frontier. So I bought a PlayStation 4 for the time being.
Here is my list of day dream games that I wish and no doubt a lot of other people do? Would like to see come to Linux. I unfortunately do not own a touch screen device, so am not a member of Twitter, so let's hope to God that Feral Interactive read our lists.
1 Metal Gear Solid (Twin Snakes) Nintendo Game Cube version.
2 All the G. T. A games
3 All the Jak & Daxter games (Probably not as never has Naughty Dog published to PC or at least I don't think so.)
4 All the Ratchet & Clank games.
5 The Getaway 1 & 2 (Yes they're old but when I played them on my Playstation 2 they were stunning. Fully mapped streets of London and a cracking plot to boot.)
6 (We Can Dream) Nintendo's versions of Resident Evil, or the Windows version remastered HD version of Nintendo Game Cube Capcom's remake of such a brilliant scary, hammed acting B movie game. Plus all the rest of the Resident Evil games, as we don't have very many Zombie games on Linux.
7 Whether or not the rumors are true about Feral bringing Rise of the Tomb Raider to Linux I wish it so much, so this is at number 7.
8 Again they are old but brilliant, as I don't care what a game looks like, it is the playability that counts and these games still hold true today, Medal Of Honor the very first one on the Play-Station one and all the others, that were released on PS2.
9 Golf games are good, but the Windows version of this next game was rubbish, compared to the PS2's version and I know it won't happen anyway but here goes it is Tiger Woods 2004, the PS2 version, as the PC version was too tricky to get to grips with.
10 In at ten, although these games are pretty old now, the game play was far superior for it's time and the animations were fantastic, did I mention the atmosphere? Well if I didn't then on the edge of your seat you'd be, God Of War series from PS2 days, has to be in this list as I still have not completed them yet. I was debating where abouts to put them in the list, but as they say leave the best till last.
Last edited by clatterfordslim on 12 Aug 2017 at 4:06 pm UTC
("Really it is.") He said in brackets
Last edited by clatterfordslim on 12 Aug 2017 at 4:26 pm UTC
The Witcher 3
LEGO Titles
Shadow of War
Also forgot the LEGO series. My sisters are no longer children, but one has child, and they both use and love linux. They recently talked to me about getting the old LSW2 to work, but had issues with DRM and wine, and so we couldn't even see if the performance was decent enough. I think some proper ports would sell well.
I'm definitely the first one who would buy ALL the LEGO titles if they ever came to Linux, those games are incredibly enjoyable.
Not everyone is willing or even able to use Wine to play games.So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
I would appreciate if we would not talk all the time about games that are out of the question or simply do not make sense. Doom, for example, runs under Wine better than any Feral port. Anyone who wants it has already bought it. Feral would not make money and Linux as a gaming platform would not be more attractive either.
The game that is most lacking is GTA V. Countless people do not switch to Linux because of GTA.
Personally I would like Elite: Dangerous for Linux. But actually not as a Port but directly from Frontier. So I bought a PlayStation 4 for the time being.
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
I would appreciate if we would not talk all the time about games that are out of the question or simply do not make sense. Doom, for example, runs under Wine better than any Feral port. Anyone who wants it has already bought it. Feral would not make money and Linux as a gaming platform would not be more attractive either.
The game that is most lacking is GTA V. Countless people do not switch to Linux because of GTA.
Personally I would like Elite: Dangerous for Linux. But actually not as a Port but directly from Frontier. So I bought a PlayStation 4 for the time being.
I dont think GTA is the reason people are not on linux its a big game but its not the biggest reason given more people play COD/BF/Madden/Fifa than GTA
I don't like using wine, i haven't bought a single windows game in about 6 years now. If you count wine compatibility as "ports" then they might as well not part any games to gnu at all...
Also i don't think referring to certain games as "impossible" therefore bad to mention is not very useful, i think Feral will know better, if they decide to look at this wishlist (or any list) at all.
I would also add Super Mario Maker to my list as well.
I get that point of view I personally do use wine but mainly for dx9 games which i know work perfectly but yeah if any of them came to linux i would purchase a copy just to make sure feral market presence increases. The more visible they are to publishers the better at the minute
For me, it's the very improbable three Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Doom.
Out of all of those Witcher 3 is way way more likely
I think it's more likely for bethesda to make a deal with feral than with cd projekt red...
Really you think the guys that said we tried linux there is no market there are more likely than CD projekt red who publish linux games and actually promised witcher 3 at one point. Now studios changing their minds on port is nothing new to linux, barring a sudden switch to vulkan from the custom engine i admit its not likely but its at least more likely than Bethesda at least with Bethesda current board.
The only linux game cd projekt red has published was witcher 2 and they lied about the witcher 3 port. Bethesda is going for vulkan and they may change their mind. Also, it's about feral porting stuff and they need to make a deal with the publisher. cd projekt red don't care about the linux community and never really cared.
No go on GOG and look again way more than one game on there and they are all published by cd project red in fact they have published 2100 linux games so far and it is gog that make sure they run on linux and they are cd projekt red they may be a different department but they are still the same group
Last edited by Whitewolfe80 on 12 Aug 2017 at 5:46 pm UTC
Bethesda is going for vulkan and they may change their mind.
Says who? Id Software did Vulkan, But that's because Id has always used OpenGL instead of DX.
Granted, I think Bethesda would sooner cease all operations rather than actually even consider seeing their stuff ported to Linux.
What game did Bethesda try before that was on Linux? As far as I know they've NEVER touched Linux.
Last edited by YaroKasear on 12 Aug 2017 at 7:11 pm UTC
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
I would appreciate if we would not talk all the time about games that are out of the question or simply do not make sense. Doom, for example, runs under Wine better than any Feral port. Anyone who wants it has already bought it. Feral would not make money and Linux as a gaming platform would not be more attractive either.
The game that is most lacking is GTA V. Countless people do not switch to Linux because of GTA.
Personally I would like Elite: Dangerous for Linux. But actually not as a Port but directly from Frontier. So I bought a PlayStation 4 for the time being.
I don't think GTA is the reason people are not on Linux it's a big game but it's not the biggest reason given more people play COD/BF/Madden/Fifa than GTA
Well for a long time, GTA:V was the only game on Steam's top 10 that hadn't been released on Linux. Right now though there are a few more, but these games look like new releases, so it's hard to tell whether they will stay there.
I agree that there are many factors when people consider switching to Linux, but I think a game like GTA:V could be an important factor. A game like this on Linux also symbolizes that it is a strong platform.
In terms of size, features, physics engine and complexity compared to hardware it's run on its still the greatest, efficiently coded and playable computer game ever made.
Witcher 3 and Witcher 1Witcher 1 Linux does kinda exist... but they didnt want to publish it. Probably because it runs fine on WINE. So it'll have to sit unloved in Git for now ;)
So... if TW1 exist maybe we can ask CDP about releasing it for Linux. Maybe this is good idea, maybe but we don't know how to ask it. Do you know who we can ask or to whom write email? I have only tech support and biz e-mails nothing more.
Maybe GOL can ask them, maybe we as community can asking about it but this time gently, without insults.
Can u help us?
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Take on Helicopters
- Elite Dangerous (they already ported it to MAC so it shouldn't be that difficult anymore to also have a linux version... hopefully....)
- Mass Effect Andromeda
- GTA 5
- Arma3 (the VP port doesn't really/fully work)
- bioshock 1/2 remastered
- Battlefield 3 or 4
- the Assassin's Creed Series
- the FarCry Series
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