Feral Interactive are wanting to know what games you want ported to Linux, hopefully taking your requests into real consideration.
See their Tweet below:
Denizens of Linux! Feed #THEREQUESTINATOR so our engineers can see all your requests in one place. Use the tag and you will be processed! pic.twitter.com/OHM6UWHPNN
— Feral Interactive (@feralgames) August 11, 2017
They also asked on Facebook and Reddit.
It will be interesting to see if any of the user requests actually get ported. I am always sceptical of things like this, as it's essentially a hype machine for Feral and it doesn't necessarily mean anything will get ported as a result of requests there. Just keep that in mind when wildly requesting ports. Even so, it's a bit of fun and I am excited to see what Feral bring out over the rest of the year and beyond.
I've seen people constantly ask Feral about porting BioShock Remastered to Linux previous to this, but each request is met with the usual "we have nothing to share" type of reply. Considering it's a popular pick, I hope they look into that one. I would certainly appreciate BioShock Remastered on Linux!
So far it seems Doom, Bioshock and The Witcher 3 are popular choices.
What would you like to see?
Would have written this up four hours ago when I replied to their tweet, but updating some of the site code seemed to make time vanish!
Perhaps if Feral went to Bethesda and said, 'hey we will make the Skyrim/Fallout ports happen with no cost to you, and you'd still make %% profit from sales you would otherwise not have got', THEN maybe Bethesda would listen, but if Feral go asking for money to make a port then they will get a literal sword in the gut from certain developers.
I think it's very difficult to port "old" games and still make money when users get the game for free if they already own it on another platform (which is very likely for most of the potential customers).. that's why porters need to ask for money as long as there's no way to get money by number of (new) installations instead of new sales which hopefully are correctly assigned to the later used platform...
so for that to work, they'd need to i.e. drop steamplay support and charge for the platform specific executables while the general parts of a game (3d models, audio, etc.) would be cross-platform.... which would be absolutely fine with me, as long as the quality of the port is OK....
The game is "Inspired by the Rollcage games..."
Last edited by solar_dome on 12 Aug 2017 at 10:04 pm UTC
Any of those would be awesome. Of course I would love DOOM, Wolfenstein, Fallout 4 and GTA V but everybody was already going to mention those.
- Arma3 (the VP port doesn't really/fully work)
In what way ? Or is this another "it's not native/wrapper" BS argument?
Hmmmm Let me see:
1. No Launcher (so not realy easy Modsupport)
2. No Advanced Flight Model - helicopter simulation via RotorLib is not available.
3: Limited User-Generated Content compatibility - custom scenarios and mods technically can work in the ports, but it is likely their authors will pursue compatibility with the primary Windows version instead.
4. Restricted update cycle - the beta ports have been updated to version 1.64, but we are not yet sure when they will be updated in the future.
Point 4 is the master point. On which Version is the Windows Version?
Thats the point what he did mean with the VP port doesn't really/fully work.
- Arma3 (the VP port doesn't really/fully work)
In what way ? Or is this another "it's not native/wrapper" BS argument?
And how do you think Feral will fix any of that ?
Did I say that?
I have only answered your question.
Last edited by LinuxGamesTV on 12 Aug 2017 at 11:19 pm UTC
- Arma3 (the VP port doesn't really/fully work)
In what way ? Or is this another "it's not native/wrapper" BS argument?
Hmmmm Let me see:
1. No Launcher (so not realy easy Modsupport)
2. No Advanced Flight Model - helicopter simulation via RotorLib is not available.
3: Limited User-Generated Content compatibility - custom scenarios and mods technically can work in the ports, but it is likely their authors will pursue compatibility with the primary Windows version instead.
4. Restricted update cycle - the beta ports have been updated to version 1.64, but we are not yet sure when they will be updated in the future.
Point 4 is the master point. On which Version is the Windows Version?
Thats the point what he did mean with the VP port doesn't really/fully work.
All of the above and there's one important additional point to add here:
The game isn't able to utilize the graphics hardware at its full abilities. On my windows pc with a gtx 970 i'm able to play with max. texture size on a 4k display, on my linux box with a gtx980ti (CPU faster and more RAM too) there's still (after more than a year!) only the possibility to select the lowest resolution textures which make the game look at least ten years older than it actually is... that makes me think the port is broken / unfinished.
So... ...... ..
And how do you think Feral will fix any of that ?it's just an assumption based on the experience with the last feral ports which were on par with the windows versions and also were improved in the course of time. VP didn't manage to get that done for a couple of games dispite their anouncements.
In what way ? Or is this another "it's not native/wrapper" BS argument?In the end I don't care if it's a wrapper or native port, as long as it performs the same across all supported platforms with equal hardware. Everything else will only give a bad reputation for the platform it doesn't work 100% on which will keep people away from it (and that's a thing that users keep in memory for a very long time). So there's no reason to applaud an incomplete port just for the game being available.
All of the above and there's one important additional point to add here:The current version the port is only 32 bit which means more RAM won't do you any good. VP is currently working on the 64 bit update (could be the reason why it takes a little longer, but that's just a personal guess). Arma 3 isn't really optimized and was hitting it's limited on the windows version too. AFAIK there's a problem with OpenGL saving stuff in RAM which DirectX saves in the VRAM so the port needs more RAM than the windows version which limits performance. Hopefully that will be a thing of the past for the next version(s) :)
The game isn't able to utilize the graphics hardware at its full abilities. On my windows pc with a gtx 970 i'm able to play with max. texture size on a 4k display, on my linux box with a gtx980ti (CPU faster and more RAM too) there's still (after more than a year!) only the possibility to select the lowest resolution textures which make the game look at least ten years older than it actually is... that makes me think the port is broken / unfinished.
Restricted update cycle - the beta ports have been updated to version 1.64, but we are not yet sure when they will be updated in the future.
Last time I checked windows where on 1.68 and that was about 6 month ago.
And the Linux port hade probably been out and on 1.64 for 6 month already.
This beta, I only think it's a test bohemien are doing. See if they can and how well it runs on linux/mac.
I also believe I read somewhere to not buy the Linux port. Cause they aren't sure they will officially support it in the future.
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
- Both games were developed by Codemasters, which are keen to let Feral Interactive make Linux ports of their games.
- Both games run on EGO engine, just like rest of Codemasters newer games. Feral already have experience with porting games from this engine.
- OFP: Dragon Rising does have custom map support. I think it could be problematic to port Mission Editor also, but many Steam games do not have editor ports (for example Half Life 2 and Serious Sam 3), so not having native editor is not a problem (I believe it could work through Wine, of course without official Feral support). But there are lots of custom missions made for this game already, if we would get the Dragon Rising port then we would get also access to hundreds of user made missions. Win-win!
- games are from 2009 and 2011 so I believe more people will be able to run these ports as system requierments shouldn't be as big issue as with newer titles from last 1-2-3 years. Graphics still looks good enough.
- Both games were underrated, too many people did compare these to Arma series because of OFP title simulation legacy. In fact, both games are fun as is, but certainly are not simulators. After all these years I believe people already see this fact and would treat both games more gently, at least we Linux community could. :) I think Linux does lack these kind of games because Arma 3 beta is military simulator, these two OFP games look more like Battlefield series but are concentrated on coop and playing against enemy AI, max to 4 players coop (and I think we don't need more).
- MP PvP also exists, looks similar to the one from Battlefield series, but is much slower
The only issue I see about porting these games is that master servers are down, but OFP community were for last couple of years using Hamachi (which free version is enough for 4 players coop) to play online and Hamachi does work great on Linux too, see this: https://www.haguichi.net/
Just check out this trailer, this is how some night mission really work in this game (in coop!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYAdRQZduqA
Feral, please make it happen! :)
looks like they didnt got the message, people are replying here instead of on twitter...I don't have a Twitter account & my Facebag account is all but dead, I just can't be bothered with the Antisocial Media these days.
i made an account just to vote on the games i want, its that or not have the games at alllooks like they didnt got the message, people are replying here instead of on twitter...I don't have a Twitter account & my Facebag account is all but dead, I just can't be bothered with the Antisocial Media these days.
The Witcher 3
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga(and other lego games)
Injustice: Gods among us
Trackmania 2 Stadium(and other trackmania games)
Batman: Arkham knight(and other Batman Arkham games)
Supreme Commander 2(and forged alliance)
The Dishonored series
Theif series
looks like they didnt got the message, people are replying here instead of on twitter...
I know FAR more people who refuse to use twitter than people who do. Also more and more people I know are dropping their facebook accounts. All ages, all relations.
I won't touch either. I suspect the feral folks understand such things better than most.
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