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Well now, it's been quite some time since I asked a direct question to my readers. Here we are once again, as I open up the floor to you.

What have you been playing on Linux lately and what do you think about it?

Personally, I've been testing out Sudden Strike 4 which releases with day-1 Linux support tomorrow. I'm going to be livestreaming a preview of it in about 10 minutes on our Twitch channel. So far, so good and I will have more thorough thoughts on it at release! Remember to keep an eye on the sidebar, as it list the next livestream and this page where you can see our schedule.

I also decided to dive in at the deep end with The Long Dark story mode, but I have to say so far it seems quite disappointing. The story feels a little boring and some of the mechanics have been annoying me quite a lot. I've lost a few campfires that I desperately needed trying to go to the pause menu quickly, but instead it just stops making my campfire — annoying. I will have more thoughts to share when I've finished the first episode, the sandbox mode is great though.

Also, a shout out to the Putt-Putt games, as my son recently completed Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo in an hour, with very little help. He loves it, so if you have kids and they might like short adventure games I highly recommend the series. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly checked on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly. You can also follow my personal adventures on Bluesky.
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Whitewolfe80 10 Aug 2017
I'm stuck on the last level of xcom. Any tips?

Depends what squad upgrades you have if you don't have the top level armour and weapons its going to be a very very hard fight
ZekThePenguin 10 Aug 2017
I have been playing DOTA 2, which works flawlessly. Not sure if I like it or not.
Also play Minetest. It runs on anything and my daughters love it.
Playing Diablo III with friends. Happy to say that it runs perfectly on Xubuntu with WINE on my Ryzen 5 and Radeon rig.
Philadelphus 10 Aug 2017
Let's see…
Team Fortress 2—hurry up with that Pyro/Jungle/whatever update Valve! But also take your time to make sure it's well-tested and bug free. Yes, I know those are mutually exclusive. :P

Stellaris—picked it up just before Utopia launched. Enjoying it, though there are definitely improvements that could be made (and which Paradox will get to, I'm sure).

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun—a fantastic real-time tactics game I discovered from here, and whose Linux demo sealed the deal (and this is my first experience with the genre, I don't have any rose-tinted childhood memories of similar games; this one sold me on its own merits). Currently replaying all the missions to go for badges, some of which drastically change the play style (like "don't shoot anyone with the character whose main feature is the ability to shoot people at long range" ).

With WINE:
Dodge That Anvil!—a very polished and humorous indie game from 2006 with a unique mechanic of dodging things falling from the sky targeted at your head, a game I played with my little brothers just before I moved away to college and have a lot of fond memories of. It's Windows-only, not on Steam (yet my CD key still works!), and is old and obscure enough not to have a single Let's Play of it on YouTube…until I started posting one earlier this year. I actually just finished the main story mode last week, and got a message a few days later from the original developer (!) saying he's a big fan of Let's Plays and always hoped someone would do one for DTA, and that he really enjoyed mine (!!). Really made my day.
goldenk 10 Aug 2017
Just finished Sundered, love this game.
Played through Cat Interstellar today, decent but super short.
Currently playing Outland... not sure if I really like it.
Still have many more games in my library to play through. Bioshock, tomb raider etc
m0nt3 10 Aug 2017
I have been playing Company of Heroes 2 and mostly War Thunder, it is my addiction at this point. I am having a lot of fun with the game. I just wish it performed better on mesa. Planes my framerates are ok, but tanks is pretty bad, including the menu.
linuxfiend 10 Aug 2017
Just finished Full Throttle Remastered - Great! Playing through again with commentary this time.

Otherwise I have been playing Verdun. I can never get enough of Verdun although the last couple of days I have been unable to play because the menu does not respond to input for some reason. I'm not sure what changed because it was working great.

I have also been attempting to play Bioshock through Crossover. It is working for the most part but it crashes when loading the the 2nd level (arrival at Rapture). Very frustrating.
Colombo 10 Aug 2017
I am currently playing Domminons 4, its great game that will last for ages. Especially due to some really crazy mods and "mods" and because it is really complex game where even after 500 hours, you are still newbie.

I am playing Skyrim through Wine, as always, trying new mods, new character builds...

I have been in some crave for ancient ages RTS recently. Unfortunately, there are not many.

I kind of like a few games from Slytherine, like Spartan, stand alone expansion Spartan: Gates of Troy and Chariots of War. I have managed to get Gates of Troy working through wine (it didn't worked before). They really need to make sequel for these games. Its similar gem like Knights of Honor. Smaller, but deceptively complex games with a lot of choice.

I have also tried to install Rome: Total War, but it crashes on start, so if anyone knows how to make it work on wine... Shame that Rome 2 was not ported to Linux. I need to look again at Attila.

If anyone have suggestion for good (so no 0AD:P) ancient/bronze game RTS/TB, especially if in Mesopotamia or so (less Rome-only please), I would welcome it.
DaiKaiser93 10 Aug 2017
Gonna start playing Pier Solar and the Great Architects and playing trough River City Rampage: Underground with the rest of the characters, just recently finished playing Broforce
cthulhusreign 10 Aug 2017
For AAA games
Civ 6 - I have spent many hours on this game and i like it i just think i liked 5 better.

Xcom 2: Very fun can't wait for the dlc

Total Warhammer: Fun game but very time consuming. I am having a hard time keeping up with all the dlc but what i have is really fun

Shadow of Mordor: About 25% done with the game but am having a blast

Indie games
Darkest Dungeon: Started this back up when the dlc came out

Salt & Sanctuary: Keep coming back to this one. I really enjoy the souls games and this is the closest we got unless anyone can tell me different i will keep playing this over and over again

FTL: Another one that i keep coming back to. Really wish that i could find something similar to this too

Stardew Valley: I love this game so much

Sunless Sea: If you can get past all the reading this is a pretty fun game and there is a sequel coming out soon

Torchlight 2: Keep making new characters but never finishing a game mostly because i can never find anyone to play with
I also play ballistic overkill some too
HyperRealisticRock 11 Aug 2017
X3 - Albion Prelude : Such a fun space out game, something you can just relax and fly around in space with the beautiful systems.

Insurgency : I haven't played the new day of infamy yet but tbh I enjoy the original just fine.

Megabyte Punch : It's a smaller game and I have come back to play it again, it's got solid game-play but can be a bit repetitive. I use it as a warm up game and it serves it's purpose as I do love my platformers.

I am looking forward to hand of fate 2 release hopefully this year.
stretch611 11 Aug 2017
Dungeon Warfare

I bought Dawn of War 2, Portal 1 & 2, and Ballistic Tanks during the Steam Summer Sale and I have yet to try them out.

I was playing Darkest Dungeons but I get a SEGFAULT error in the game that has not gone away even with a few updates. Not sure If I need to restart the game, but I really don't want to regrind the little progress I have.
AcidMonkey 11 Aug 2017
Hotline Miami
Mr Shifty
Wonderboy: The Dragon Trap
Hand of Fate
Rogue Stormers (Coop)

That is my main rotation atm, trying to finish a few others as well I got on steam sale, once I've done that going to hook into Deus Ex, Hard West and Mad Max.
Wendigo 11 Aug 2017
Great fun in multiplayer mode with a friend. But we still get roasted by the AI. It's quite a complex game one has to learn before succeeding. But we keep getting better and better.

[Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny](http://store.steampowered.com/app/237550/Realms_of_Arkania_Blade_of_Destiny/)
I completely missed this remake of the original from 1992. Both the original and the remake are part of my all time favorite games. According to the steam reviews the Remake had a rough and buggy start but the version I am playing now (4 years after release) is fantastic.
RoA is a very slow paced RPG series with a focus on the pen&paper part of role playing. Every action in the game is decided by a dice roll comparing the result to your skills. The world feels very alive even though many events are only described in a textbox. For example it was quite fun to read that while trying to sleep at an inn a bard out on the street was singing off tune to impress a lady. My dwarf left the room, shortly afterwards my party heard a bang and my dwarf came back, went to bed and kept the party from sleeping due to snoring. Such little stories make the game so charming.
The successor [Realms of Arkania: Star Trail](http://store.steampowered.com/app/288860/Realms_of_Arkania_Star_Trail/) left Early Access yesterday and the reviews are much better than those at the start of it's predecessor.
lucifertdark 11 Aug 2017
Dungeon Warfare has most of my attention at the moment, Full Throttle Remastered would but I'm stuck at the exact same spot that made me give up playing the original, I finished the main part of Hitman & I've dabbled a little in a few other games, I haven't really had the time or the energy to play much recently, dealing with some health issues, I'll pop a note in the Forum when I know for definite what it is, the doctor is pretty sure what it is but wants more tests to make absolute certain.
Duke Takeshi 11 Aug 2017
I recently played a lot of HITMAN, finishing all the levels on a standard difficulty. Then I started them all over again to get all the achievements and it's incredibly fun to play a map over and over again to check out new ways to assassinate a target. I bought the game in the steam summer sale and even managed to eliminate the last elusive target with silent assassin rating, which got me a last-minute terminus suit ;). I hope that there will be a season two and that it will be ported to linux as well. The port is just great - Feral simply rules!

After that I started playing Total War: Warhammer smashing my foes with the power of the mighty empire! It's extremely fun to play and the mods are awesome. Again thanks to Feral, another great port! I never had any problems playing it.
Pompesdesky 11 Aug 2017
Payday 2 is the game I play the most regularily, it's my go to FPS to play with my Windows mates. Still very fun game.

I'm also playing Tomb Raider from time to time, I haven't finished it yet but it's really a nice game.

I stopped playing Dirt Rally 'cause I had to give up the wheel to the kids who play ETS2 quite a lot :D

Last edited by Pompesdesky on 11 Aug 2017 at 8:42 am UTC
Corben 11 Aug 2017
On the desktop I recently played also a lot Full Throttle Remastered. What a great game, and also a great port! Though most of the fun is bringing back memories I guess ;) Nevertheless, I love adventure games, be it the Sierra Quest series or Lucas Arts adventures or anything else, since I started playing video games.

Played also some Pyre, the art style is great, and I love the soundtrack. It's a lot of reading though, and the rites are mostly pretty short. Haven't completed it yet.

From our weekly gaming evening, I recently played Little Racers STREET, where we Linux gamers had some problems. E.g. if you don't buy a car (and haven't bought one already), before joining the multiplayer lobby you have to choose a stock car. In this screen no input is recognized anymore and you have to kill the game. If you buy a car, you can select it and join the lobby. I also had some problems with the controlls, e.g. the handbreak was stuck again and again. Nevertheless, this game is a lot of fun. We were up to 8 players and it was hilarious!

We also played some FlatOut 2 (I was using gog's wine wrapped Linux version), and it works so good with the SC-Controller software and the Steam Controller. Love it! Especially SC-Controller is pretty awesome. It feels more easy to configure the Steam Controller with this software than from the Steam Client itself. Just tab out, apply new settings, done. Also switching profiles seems much easier and more direct than through Steam. Cool to have this piece of software on Linux!

As I got a HTC Vive during the summer sale I played with that a lot. Unfortunately the Linux support is still beta and I had several problems getting it up and running on Linux. Meanwhile, after some patches in the Steam beta client, Steam VR home beta and a special beta nVidia driver, it kinda works. I was surprised that The Lab isn't available on Steam VR for Linux. But Munch VR worked. Nevertheless for most games I switched to Windows.

So I played The Lab of course, Valve's showcase for VR. And it's awesome! There is a lot to discover, even easter eggs! You can visit nice places, play an archery game, or a space shooter where your ship is one of the Vive controllers, pretty cool. You can explore the solar system, play a slingshot game with those portal cores (like Wheatley is) and even see the first room where Valve was experimenting with VR (this is an easter egg). And there is still more.

I also played SuperHot VR, another so cool experience. It's like playing Matrix. A perfect game for VR! It feels so good, when you defeat an enemy, he throws his weapon towards you, you catch it, turn around and shoot the next red guy. Due to the slow time this is feeling really good in VR.

Then I also played some The Solus Project. I had to do some ini-tweaks, but now it runs pretty good, and the immersion is... you completely get sucked into this world. After a few minutes, you completely lose your orientation irl. Probably mostly due to teleporting through the VR world, and that's so cool. Haven't advanced a lot in the story yet, as I had first to figure out how this game really works. It has some survival elements, so you have to eat, drink, sleep and take care about your body temperature. Especially how to sleep took me a while to figure out, as you have a big data pad in one hand (which is one of the VR controllers), and I didn't realize I could point with the other controller on this data pad to do some actions (like selecting the sleep mode). But now I'm in a cave, and the atmosphere is so intensive... though I know this is an exploration game mostly where you probably don't die from something attacking you, it's still scary down there ^^

And I played Portal: Stories VR. Haha, another really really great VR experience. A must play if you get a VR headset. A bit short though, but it's for free and just awesome. I hope there will be more levels, maybe even as a paid version.

VR on Linux is just at the beginning, there is a lot of work to do for Valve and the developers, and I hope it works out. VR is so awesome, and I don't want to dualboot.

This all sounds like I would have played a lot, but this was all over a time period of several weeks or even months ;)
Schattenspiegel 11 Aug 2017
Chaos Reborn still going strong.
0 A.D. caught our interest lately.

Finally took the time to marathon through Life is Strange and it was quite enjoyable a Journey.
pmadzik 11 Aug 2017
Black Mesa, SteamWorld Heist, CS:GO and last but not least: Hero Academy (best game ever).
Trump 11 Aug 2017
Kingdoms and Castles, Pyre, Insurgency, Verdun, Owlboy and soon about to start Disgaea 2. Also thinking of trying out Goken since I saw it just released with Linux support.
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