Another Linux-based gaming system is coming, this time from Atari. The Ataribox [Official Site] will run on an AMD processor and it sounds quite interesting.
It will use an AMD customized processor, with Radeon Graphics technology. This likely means a proper CPU for a desktop and not an ARM chip like found in other devices. It runs Linux, but they will be customizing the interface as it's mainly aimed at using it like a console on a TV. Even so, they say it will give a "full PC experience for the TV". You will also apparently get full access to the underlying Linux system, so there might possibly be a proper Linux desktop included to achieve this.
It sounds like it's going to remain quite open too, as they say you will be able to access games purchased from other "content platforms" as long as it's Linux-compatible. So, it sounds like installing Steam will be possible for example.
It will come pre-loaded with classic Atari games too and even some current titles from a range of different studios. It will be interesting to see if these current titles are games already on Linux, or games they will get ported. If they are new ports, I hope they continue to be open with them and not do some kind of exclusive "Ataribox store" deal. They say we will learn more about the titles soon, so I will keep you updated.
It will launch on Indiegogo soon, they say "this fall". It might seem strange for a bigger company to go to crowdfunding, but they say this is because they want the community to be part of the launch. Honestly though, it's mainly so there's less risk involved for them, but it's also a good way for them to gauge real interest in it.
As for the proper launch, that will be in "late Spring 2018" with a price between $249-$299. That depends on what edition and configuration is purchased.
The wood edition, pictured above, is made with real wood. Now that I would love to sit next to my TV! That's a real unit, not a render.
This is something that could help push Linux gaming further. Especially if it really will be as open as they claim, it could help Linux gain even more support from developers. I don't want to overstate how well it will help though, since it's not going to be massively powerful. Even so, it's hard not to get excited about the possibilities here. Another big name pushing Linux gaming can only be a good thing for us.
While Valve's Steam Machines didn't do as much as some people hoped, it did open up Linux a lot more to game developers and we've now got thousands of games on Linux as a result of Steam coming to Linux and later the SteamOS announcement. Perhaps this small kick from Atari will help continue progress, but who knows.
What do you think to this? Exciting or not? I will likely grab one, the price seems good and it sounds like a fun platform. It also looks pretty awesome!
Update: For those curious if it's really real (there's been a few comments about it across our various social groups). Here's the press email, also the official Atari Twitter account even linked to it, as did the official Atari Facebook. On top of that, it seems the AMD CEO is excited by it.
If it is Zen AMD APU based, chances are that it will be more powerfull than the actual Nintendo Switch and will probably play in the same league. If Atari gets back into the publishing game again for futur titles, this is the Linux box I've been waiting for. Mine! Mine! Mine! :)I hate to nitpick, but we have the exact same info in the article, especially since we are the source of OMG's news for this ;)
More informations:
"While there are no firm specs revealed (as of writing) beyond the use of a ‘customised’ AMD CPU and Radeon graphics, we do know that the machine will be sold in a range of 'memory configurations'."
Looking forward to these 'memory configurations'.
Oups! Sorry! Lol!
Nice to know! Already knew you are the best, Liam! ;)
Last edited by Mohandevir on 26 Sep 2017 at 12:46 pm UTC
It would be awesome if Atari create a new store on Linux too.
If it is Zen AMD APU based, chances are that it will be more powerfull than the actual Nintendo Switch and will probably play in the same league. If Atari gets back into the publishing game again for futur titles, this is the Linux box I've been waiting for. Mine! Mine! Mine! :)Well, I guess there are possible eMMC (SSD) config 16 or 32GB, just like nVidia shield only for retro games and indies, then, I think, there are will be 500 GB model, and for hardcore gamers there are will be 1TB or more.
More informations:
"While there are no firm specs revealed (as of writing) beyond the use of a ‘customised’ AMD CPU and Radeon graphics, we do know that the machine will be sold in a range of 'memory configurations'."
Looking forward to these 'memory configurations'.
Here's hoping they stick to keeping it fairly open and nail the interface.
Last edited by Shmerl on 26 Sep 2017 at 2:26 pm UTC
JimSterling made a good video (~2 years ago) about their (new) games quality: View video on
also it seems this "modern Atari" is way more interestered about ["political correct games"]( instead of making good games (like Ubisoft, EA and Activision) least that's how I interpreted this.
Last edited by ahjolinna on 26 Sep 2017 at 2:47 pm UTC
But if you have no choice but to buy the Ataribox to play your Atari games and then had the Steam client to play AA games available on Linux... Will it start to attract the attention of known developpers who offer games on modest computer configurations (Blizzard I'm looking at you)? :)
Isn't Doom running on the Nintendo Switch afterall (and it's a AAA title)?
Edit: Ataribox + Steam... Valve will have to create a "recommended for Ataribox" in it's search criterias. :)
Last edited by Mohandevir on 26 Sep 2017 at 4:36 pm UTC
I hope to see a 2018 APU with top notch integrated graphics when it comes.
This could be a big deal. I would be willing to buy in if the specs are right and can do the majority of our games.
Atari is a name that could sell SteamBoxes or Linux Gaming like no one else.
Just yesterday, I found that my steamlink was bricked. That's a shame, as it would be quite helpful in my new flat. If steam can be installed with it, this would really be a better replacement for a steamlink, i guess.
Is anything known regarding dedicated controllers?
Last edited by const on 26 Sep 2017 at 5:15 pm UTC
And these classics running on the box will probably be Atari Vault, no? But the machine will need to have some big titles, maybe even exclusives, to take off.
Well they have some games they could port...
And these classics running on the box will probably be Atari Vault, no? But the machine will need to have some big titles, maybe even exclusives, to take off.
Atari Vault??? Wow!!! how did I ever miss this one before. (adds to wishlist)
As a child in the time of the 2600, this brings back memories, ahh sweet nostalgia...
Of course looking at the list of 100 games it includes... Many of them are full fledged stinkers that even the euphoria of nostalgia can't get over the stench.
As one comment on steam mentions... no Frogger, Dig Dug, Space Invaders, Qbert, Pac Man... Bummer. But it does have Centipede and Millipede, Asteroids, Missile Command and Tempest. And as normal with most of the old arcade cabinet and 2600 games... the Arcade version is better.
Sadly, my favorite, Gauntlet, is MIA from the list. Time to look for my old MAME rom backups :)
@const -- how does a steamlink get bricked? Was the wrong DC brick used on it? That's a first I've heard, I wonder what the warranty is on them.
Don't know how it happend. It was in my box-with-unused-electric-stuff for years. Used it some weeks after released, but then connected a hdmi cable instead, because it didn't work that great in a multi-monitor scenario (always had to run an arandr script, because it would always mirror all monitors at once). Now in my new flat, it's not that easy to lay a cable between my pc and the projector, so I fetched it out, connected it and it went into the update screen to never fully boot. Google led me to other people with the same problem and some hints how to reset it, but nothing worked for me and some others, too. Sad.
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