Innerspace [Steam, Official Site], a trippy looking exploration flying game from PolyKnight Games & Aspyr Media has a new teaser trailer.
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I absolutely love the simple style of it, but I'm very interested in seeing a bit longer of the gameplay before I'm sold on it.
About the game
InnerSpace is an exploration flying game, and the first title from PolyKnight Games. Inspired by the character-driven narratives of Journey, Proteus, and Grow Home, InnerSpace began as a project among college friends and evolved into a successful Kickstarter campaign. This fall, PolyKnight is proud to welcome you and all its backers inside the Inverse. Your greatest journey is within.
- Discover The Inverse - InnerSpace is a game about exploration, about player-driven moments both small and grandiose. Take your time, soar through the skies and dive through the oceans, and the secrets of Inverse will reveal themselves.
- Relics of the Ancients - Scattered among the ruins are priceless relics that reveal key information about the civilizations that once were, as well as provide technological upgrades to your glider.
- Colossal Mystery - You are not alone. Discover the giant demigods who now rule this realm. Only by uncovering their secrets will you learn the truth of the Inverse.
- The Art of Flight - Featuring an ephemeral art style and soothing electronic musical score, InnerSpace delivers a thoughtful, provocative flying experience unlike any other.
What do you think, look like something you might pick up? It's due sometime this year and should release with day-1 Linux support, although no firm date has been set it seems.
I absolutely love the simple style of it, but I'm very interested in seeing a bit longer of the gameplay before I'm sold on it.Ditto.
Inspired by the character-driven narratives of Journey, Proteus, and Grow Home...Sounds good to me. I like the low-poly style when done with creativity. Lets hope that it all comes together.
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